#657 Requesting sponsorship for slegendr
Closed: accepted a month ago by limb. Opened a month ago by frostyx.

A Fedora Review ticket was approved and requires a sponsor.

RHBZ: 2273535
Package: vdo - Virtual Data Optimizer user tools package
Contributor: Susan LeGendre-McGhee (FAS @slegendr)
Reviewer: Bryan Gurney

This ticket was created by the fedora-review-service

Hello @slegendr,
please let us know if you already found a sponsor somewhere else. In
such case we can assign the correct person to this ticket and not
interfere with their process.

Feel free take this opportunity to also say a few words about
yourself. It is not mandatory so you don't have to, but it will help
us form a human connection.


I have not found a sponsor elsewhere yet.

About me - I have been developing software for around 14 years. Mostly for embedded applications like storage devices and device drivers, but some in the realms of NLP and image processing/analysis with statistical models. I have been a co-maintainer for the VDO kernel and user space packages in CentOS/RHEL for nearly two years. Our kernel module was accepted and included in the upstream 6.9 kernel that was pulled in for F41, thus leading to the review submission for our user tools in Fedora. I look forward to contributing more in the future and continuing to grow.

Susan, to be clear, this is about the package called 'vdo' in RHEL?

No, this is about the Fedora package "vdo". Since the VDO kernel module will be in the 6.9 Linux kernel, the vdo tools need to be available in Fedora.

Yes. Historically there were two packages - the kernel module (kmod-kvdo) and the user tools package (vdo). With kmod-kvdo now being included upstream as dm-vdo, I maintain it for older/current RHEL releases, along with the vdo user tools. I'd like to also maintain the vdo user tools for Fedora.

I can sponsor you if you've not found someone so far.

I am willing to sponsor you if you'd like.

So hence my confusion, because there is no Fedora package called 'vdo': https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/vdo

Anyway I think we have crossed wires. I mean, is this about the RHEL package called 'vdo' being added to Fedora?

@rjones Yes. This is about the RHEL 'vdo' package for user tools being added to Fedora.

@limb Thank you for the offer, I'd be honored to have you sponsor me.

@slegendr Brilliant! I've added you to the packager group. I'm available on Matrix @limb:fedora.im, or via email when you're ready to move forward with your package import, etc.

Welcome aboard!

Metadata Update from @limb:
- Issue close_status updated to: accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a month ago

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