#650 Requesting sponsorship for wombelix as co-maintainer of aws-c-common and ec2-hibinit-agent
Closed: accepted a month ago by kevin. Opened a month ago by davdunc.

I'm the package owner of aws-c-common and ec2-hibinit-agent.
Please sponsor Dominik Wombacher (FAS: wombelix), a member of the Cloud WG, to the packager group.
I want to add him as co-maintainer of aws-c-common and ec2-hibinit-agent and make it possible for him to participate in maintenance of other cloud-sig owned packages.
He will also help to add AWS C lib packages to Fedora and he is also opening a review of the orphaned package aws-php-sdk3.

Examples of his recent work:



I've added him into the packagers group. Please let me know if you/he need anything.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a month ago

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