#398 Skip composeinfo-base.json creation if CTS is configured.
Merged 3 years ago by lsedlar. Opened 3 years ago by jkaluza.
jkaluza/odcs cts  into  master

file modified
+53 -4
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ 

  import tempfile

  import jinja2

  import time

+ import threading

  from productmd.composeinfo import ComposeInfo

  from kobo.conf import PyConfigParser

@@ -298,6 +299,37 @@ 

          self._write(os.path.join(topdir, "comps.xml"), comps_cfg)



+ class ReadComposeIdThread(threading.Thread):

+     def __init__(self, compose):

+         threading.Thread.__init__(self)

+         self._stop_event = threading.Event()

+         self.compose = compose


+     def stop(self):

+         self._stop_event.set()


+     def run(self):

+         p = os.path.join(self.compose.toplevel_dir, "work", "global", "composeinfo-base.json")

+         while not self._stop_event.is_set():

+             time.sleep(1)


+             # File does not exist yet.

+             if not os.path.exists(p):

+                 continue


+             ci = ComposeInfo()

+             try:

+                 ci.load(p)

+             except Exception:

+                 # This should happen only if file exists, but the data is not

+                 # written yet.

+                 continue


+             self.compose.pungi_compose_id = ci.compose.id

+             db.session.commit()

+             break



  class Pungi(object):

      def __init__(self, compose_id, pungi_cfg, koji_event=None, old_compose=None):

          self.compose_id = compose_id
@@ -364,15 +396,18 @@ 

              pungi_cmd += ["--old-composes", self.old_compose]

          return pungi_cmd


-     def _prepare_compose_dir(self, compose, conf_topdir):

+     def _prepare_compose_dir(self, compose, conf):


          Creates the compose directory and returns the full path to it.


          compose_date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime())



-         conf = PyConfigParser()

-         conf.load_from_file(os.path.join(conf_topdir, "pungi.conf"))

+         # If Compose Tracking Service is configured in the config file,

+         # we skip the ComposeInfo creation completely and instead let

+         # the Pungi to ask CTS to generate unique ComposeInfo.

+         if "cts_url" in conf and "cts_keytab" in conf:

+             return compose.toplevel_dir


          ci = ComposeInfo()

          ci.release.name = conf["release_name"]
@@ -414,10 +449,16 @@ 

          Runs local Pungi compose.


          td = None

+         compose_id_thread = None


              td = tempfile.mkdtemp()


-             compose_dir = self._prepare_compose_dir(compose, td)


+             # Load pungi configuration file.

+             conf = PyConfigParser()

+             conf.load_from_file(os.path.join(td, "pungi.conf"))


+             compose_dir = self._prepare_compose_dir(compose, conf)

              self.pungi_cfg.validate(td, compose_dir)

              pungi_cmd = self.get_pungi_cmd(td, compose, compose_dir)

@@ -426,6 +467,12 @@ 

              # cached locally in the SQLAlchemy.



+             # If Compose Tracking Service is configured in the config file,

+             # we need to get the Compose ID from Pungi in separate thread.

+             if "cts_url" in conf and "cts_keytab" in conf:

+                 compose_id_thread = ReadComposeIdThread(compose)

+                 compose_id_thread.start()


              log_out_path = os.path.join(compose_dir, "pungi-stdout.log")

              log_err_path = os.path.join(compose_dir, "pungi-stderr.log")

@@ -435,6 +482,8 @@ 

                          pungi_cmd, cwd=td, timeout=self.pungi_cfg.pungi_timeout,

                          stdout=log_out, stderr=log_err)


+             if compose_id_thread:

+                 compose_id_thread.stop()


                  if td is not None:


@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ 

  import tempfile

  import unittest

  import time

+ from productmd import ComposeInfo


  from mock import patch, MagicMock, mock_open, call

  from kobo.conf import PyConfigParser
@@ -337,6 +338,12 @@ 




+ class FakePyConfigParser(dict):


+     def load_from_file(self, *args, **kwargs):

+         pass



  class TestPungi(ModelsBaseTest):


      def setUp(self):
@@ -376,6 +383,8 @@ 

          self.compose.compose_type = "test"

          self.compose.label = None


+         makedirs(self.compose.toplevel_dir)


      def tearDown(self):

          super(TestPungi, self).tearDown()

@@ -383,6 +392,8 @@ 




+         shutil.rmtree(self.compose.toplevel_dir)



      def test_pungi_run(self, execute_cmd):

          pungi_cfg = PungiConfig("MBS-512", "1", PungiSourceType.MODULE,
@@ -405,6 +416,54 @@ 




+     @patch("odcs.server.pungi.PyConfigParser")

+     def test_pungi_run_cts(self, py_config_parser, execute_cmd):

+         self.patch_ci_dump.stop()

+         py_config_parser.return_value = FakePyConfigParser({

+             "cts_url": "https://cts.localhost.tld/",

+             "cts_keytab": "/tmp/some.keytab",

+         })


+         def fake_execute_cmd(*args, **kwargs):

+             # Fake `execute_cmd` method which creates composeinfo-base.json file

+             # and waits for three seconds to test that ODCS picks up the compose

+             # ID from this file.

+             p = os.path.join(self.compose.toplevel_dir, "work", "global", "composeinfo-base.json")

+             makedirs(os.path.dirname(p))

+             ci = ComposeInfo()

+             ci.compose.id = "Fedora-Rawhide-20200517.n.1"

+             ci.compose.type = "nightly"

+             ci.compose.date = "20200517"

+             ci.compose.respin = 1

+             ci.release.name = "Fedora"

+             ci.release.short = "Fedora"

+             ci.release.version = "Rawhide"

+             ci.release.is_layered = False

+             ci.release.type = "ga"

+             ci.release.internal = False

+             ci.dump(p)

+             time.sleep(3)


+         execute_cmd.side_effect = fake_execute_cmd


+         pungi_cfg = PungiConfig("MBS-512", "1", PungiSourceType.MODULE,

+                                 "testmodule:master:1:1")

+         pungi = Pungi(1, pungi_cfg)

+         pungi.run(self.compose)


+         self.makedirs.assert_called_with(

+             AnyStringWith("test_composes/odcs-1"))


+         execute_cmd.assert_called_once_with(

+             ['pungi-koji', AnyStringWith('pungi.conf'),

+              AnyStringWith('--compose-dir='), '--test'],

+             cwd=AnyStringWith('/tmp/'), timeout=3600,

+             stderr=AnyStringWith("pungi-stderr.log"),

+             stdout=AnyStringWith("pungi-stdout.log"))


+         self.assertEqual(self.compose.pungi_compose_id, "Fedora-Rawhide-20200517.n.1")


+     @patch("odcs.server.utils.execute_cmd")

      def test_pungi_run_compose_type(self, execute_cmd):

          for compose_type in [None, "test", "ci", "nightly", "production"]:


If cts_url and cts_keytab is defined in the Pungi configuration,
the composeinfo-base.json is not created and instead, the Pungi
is used to generate this file and ODCS reads it in separate thread
to get the Compose.pungi_compose_id.

Signed-off-by: Jan Kaluza jkaluza@redhat.com

rebased onto fc57e88de111490be19d1ac36100c49109525e4b

3 years ago

rebased onto 0bc8992

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by lsedlar

3 years ago