#316 Drop fedmsg for publishing events
Merged 4 years ago by lsedlar. Opened 4 years ago by lsedlar.
lsedlar/odcs drop-fedmsg-sender  into  master

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  ### Waiting until the compose is generated


- There are two ways how to wait for the compose generation. The preferred one is listening on fedmsg bus for `odcs.state.change` message with `done` or `failed` state and another one is using HTTP polling implemented in `wait_for_compose(...)` method.

+ There are two ways how to wait for the compose generation. The preferred one is listening on Fedora messaging bus for `odcs.state.change` message with `done` or `failed` state and another one is using HTTP polling implemented in `wait_for_compose(...)` method.


- If your application does not allow listening on fedmsg bus for some reason, you can use `wait_for_compose(...)` method like this:

+ If your application does not allow listening on the bus for some reason, you can use `wait_for_compose(...)` method like this:



  compose = odcs.new_compose(sources, source_type)

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          in given time limit, raises RuntimeError.


          NOTE: It is advised to use this method only in situations where the

-         caller is not able to listen on fedmsg bus or UMB bus for the

+         caller is not able to listen on Fedora messaging bus or UMB bus for the

          odcs.state.change messages which can inform the caller about the

          compose state change without the polling.


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      # Select backend where message will be sent to. Currently, umb is supported

      # which means the Unified Message Bus.

-     MESSAGING_BACKEND = ''  # fedmsg or umb

+     MESSAGING_BACKEND = ''  # fedora-messaging or umb


      # List of broker URLs. Each of them is a string consisting of domain and

      # optiona port.

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          'messaging_backend': {

              'type': str,

              'default': '',

-             'desc': 'Messaging backend, fedmsg, rhmsg or fedora-messaging.'},

+             'desc': 'Messaging backend, rhmsg or fedora-messaging.'},

          'messaging_broker_urls': {

              'type': list,

              'default': [],

@@ -59,18 +59,6 @@ 




- def _fedmsg_send_msg(msgs):

-     """Send message to fedmsg!  Yay!"""


-     import fedmsg


-     for msg in msgs:

-         # "event" is typically just "state-changed"

-         event = msg.get('event', 'event')

-         topic = "compose.%s" % event

-         fedmsg.publish(topic=topic, msg=msg)



  def _fedora_messaging_send_msg(msgs):

      """Send message to fedora-messaging."""

      from fedora_messaging import api, config
@@ -87,8 +75,6 @@ 

  def _get_messaging_backend():

      if conf.messaging_backend == 'rhmsg':

          return _umb_send_msg

-     elif conf.messaging_backend == 'fedmsg':

-         return _fedmsg_send_msg

      elif conf.messaging_backend == 'fedora-messaging':

          return _fedora_messaging_send_msg

      elif conf.messaging_backend:

@@ -40,11 +40,6 @@ 

      rhmsg = None



-     import fedmsg

- except ImportError:

-     fedmsg = None


- try:

      import fedora_messaging

  except ImportError:

      fedora_messaging = None
@@ -107,58 +102,6 @@ 




- @unittest.skipUnless(fedmsg, 'fedmsg is required to run this test case.')

- class TestFedMsgSendMessageWhenComposeIsCreated(ModelsBaseTest):

-     """Test send message when compose is created"""


-     disable_event_handlers = False


-     def setUp(self):

-         super(TestFedMsgSendMessageWhenComposeIsCreated, self).setUp()


-         # Real lock is not required for running tests

-         self.mock_lock = patch('threading.Lock')

-         self.mock_lock.start()


-     def tearDown(self):

-         self.mock_lock.stop()


-     def setup_composes(self):

-         self.compose = Compose.create(db.session,

-                                       "mine",

-                                       PungiSourceType.KOJI_TAG,

-                                       "f25",

-                                       COMPOSE_RESULTS["repository"],

-                                       3600)

-         db.session.commit()


-     @patch.object(conf, 'messaging_backend', new='fedmsg')

-     @patch('fedmsg.publish')

-     def assert_messaging(self, compose, publish):

-         db.session.commit()

-         publish.assert_called_once_with(

-             topic='compose.state-changed',

-             msg={'event': 'state-changed', 'compose': compose.json()}

-         )


-     def test_send_message(self):

-         compose = Compose.create(db.session,

-                                  "me",

-                                  PungiSourceType.MODULE,

-                                  "testmodule-master",

-                                  COMPOSE_RESULTS["repository"],

-                                  3600)


-         self.assert_messaging(compose)


-     def test_message_on_state_change(self):

-         compose = db.session.query(Compose).filter(

-             Compose.id == self.compose.id).all()[0]

-         compose.state = COMPOSE_STATES['generating']


-         self.assert_messaging(compose)



  @unittest.skipUnless(fedora_messaging, 'fedora_messaging is required to run this test case.')

  class TestFedoraMessagingSendMessageWhenComposeIsCreated(ModelsBaseTest):

      """Test send message when compose is created"""