#286 Describe the ODCS compose JSON in API docs.
Merged 4 years ago by jkaluza. Opened 4 years ago by jkaluza.
jkaluza/odcs api-docs  into  master

file modified
+204 -1
@@ -2,14 +2,217 @@ 




- .. automodule:: odcs

+ ODCS Compose JSON representation

+ ================================


+ The ODCS compose is always represented in the API request as JSON, for example:


+ .. sourcecode:: none


+     {

+         "arches": "x86_64",

+         "builds": null,

+         "flags": [],

+         "id": 470,

+         "koji_event": null,

+         "lookaside_repos": "",

+         "modular_koji_tags": null,

+         "module_defaults_url": null,

+         "multilib_arches": "",

+         "multilib_method": 0,

+         "owner": "osbs@service",

+         "packages": null,

+         "removed_by": null,

+         "result_repo": "https://localhost/latest-odcs-470-1/...",

+         "result_repofile": "https://localhost/.../odcs-470.repo",

+         "sigkeys": "",

+         "source": "flatpak-common:f30:3020190718103837:548d4c8d",

+         "source_type": 2,

+         "state": 2,

+         "state_name": "done",

+         "state_reason": "Compose is generated successfully",

+         "time_done": "2019-07-23T11:26:26Z",

+         "time_removed": null,

+         "time_submitted": "2019-07-23T11:24:54Z",

+         "time_to_expire": "2019-07-24T11:24:54Z"

+     }


+ The fields used in the ODCS compose JSON have following meaning:


+ .. _arches:


+ *arches* - ``(white-space separated list of strings)``

+     List of architectures the compose is generated for. The strings to express particular architecture are the same as the ones used by Koji build systemd.


+ .. _builds:


+ *builds* - ``(white-space separated list of strings or null)``

+     List of NVRs of Koji builds defining the set of package which can be included in a resulting compose. If ``null``, all Koji builds tagged to requested Koji tags can appear in the compose.


+ .. _id:


+ *id* - ``(number)``

+     The ID of ODCS compose.


+ .. _flags:


+ *flags* - ``(list of strings)``

+     Flags influencing the way how compose is generated:


+     - *no_deps* - Compose will contain only the requested packages/modules without pulling-in their RPM-level or Module-level dependencies.

+     - *no_inheritance* - Only packages/modules directly tagged in the requested Koji tag will be added to the module. Inherited tags will be ignored.

+     - *include_unpublished_pulp_repos* - Even unpublished Pulp repositories will be included in the resulting compose.

+     - *check_deps* - Compose will fail if the RPM-level dependencies between packages in the compose are not satisfied.


+ .. _koji_event:


+ *koji_event* - ``(number or null)``

+     The Koji event defining the point in Koji history when the compose was generated. It can be ``null`` if source type does not relate to Koji tag.


+ .. _lookaside_repos:


+ *lookaside_repos* - ``(white-space separated list of strings or null)``

+     List of URLs pointing to RPM repositories with packages which will be used by internal dependency resolver to resolve dependencies. Packages from these repositories **will not** appear in the resulting ODCS compose, but they are considered while checking whether the RPM dependencies are satisfied in the resulting compose when  ``check_deps`` ODCS flag.


+     This is useful for example when creating compose from small Koji tag which is for example based on Fedora RPM repository and verifying that the dependencies of RPMs in the small tag are satisfied when used together with the Fedora repository.


+ .. _modular_koji_tags:


+ *modular_koji_tags* - ``(white-space separated list of strings or null)``

+     List of Koji tags with modules which should appear in the resulting compose.


+ .. _multilib_arches:


+ *multilib_arches* - ``(white-space separated list of strings)``

+     List of architectures for which the multilib should be enabled. This must be subset of ``arches``. When architecture is listed in the ``multilib_arches``, even the packages from binary compatible archictures will end up in a resulting compose for this architecture. For example, if ``x86_64`` is in ``multilib_arches``, then even the ``i686`` packages will appear in the resulting compose for ``x86_64`` architecture.


+ .. _multilib_method:


+ *multilib_method* - ``(number)``

+     Number defining the way how are the multilib packages identified:


+     - 0 (``none``) - Multilib is disabled.

+     - 1 (``runtime``) - Packages whose name ends with "-devel" or "-static" suffix will be considered as multilib.

+     - 2 (``devel``) - Packages that install some shared object file "*.so.*" will be considered as multilib.

+     - 4 (``all``) - All packages will be considered as multilib packages.


+ .. _owner:


+ *owner* - ``(string)``

+     The name of owner (requester) of the compose.


+ .. _packages:


+ *packages* - ``(white-space separated list of strings or null)``

+     List of names of RPMs (packages) which should appear in the compose. The list of packages to choose from is defined by the content of Koji builds defined in ``builds``. If ``null``, all packages from ``builds`` will be included in a compose.


+ .. _removed_by:


+ *removed_by* - ``(string)``

+     The name of user who removed (or cancelled) the compose manually.


+ .. _result_repo:


+ *result_repo* - ``(string)``

+     The URL to top directory where per-architecture repositories are stored. Only set for composes which generate such repositories on ODCS server.


+ .. _result_repofile:


+ *result_repofile* - ``(string)``

+     The URL to .repo file which points to resulting compose. Only set for composes which generate such single repository.


+ .. _sigkeys:


+ *sigkeys* - ``(white-space separated list of strings)``

+     List of signing keys. The packages in a resulting compose must be signed by one of those keys. If not set, unsigned packages can appear in a compose.


+ .. _source:


+ *source* - ``(white-space separated list of strings)``

+     Based on the ``source_type``, defines the sources of RPMs for resulting compose. See ``source_type`` for more info.


+ .. _source_type:


+ *source_type* - ``(number)``

+     Number defining the type of ``source`` giving it particular meaning:


+     - 1 (``tag``) - The ``source`` is name of Koji tag to take the builds from. Additional Koji builds can be added by when the ``builds`` option is set.

+     - 2 (``module``) - The ``source`` is the list of modules in ``N:S``, ``N:S:V`` or ``N:S:V:C`` format. When using ``N:S`` format, the latest version found in MBS is used.

+     - 3 (``repo``) - The ``source`` is full path to repository from which the packages are taken. This is often disabled source type by deployed ODCS servers.

+     - 4 (``pulp``) - The ``source`` is the list of Pulp content-sets. Repositories defined by these content-sets will be included in the compose.

+     - 5 (``raw_config``) - The ``source`` is string in the ``name#commit`` hash format. The ``name`` must match one of the raw config locations defined in ODCS server config as ``raw_config_urls``. The ``commit`` is commit hash defining the version of raw config to use. This config is then used as input config for Pungi.

+     - 6 (``build``) - The ``source`` is set to empty string. The list of Koji builds included in a compose is defined by the ``builds`` attribute.

+     - 7 (``pungi_compose``) - The ``source`` is URL to variant repository of external compose generated by the Pungi. For example https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/rawhide/latest-Fedora-Rawhide/compose/Server/. The generated compose will contain the same set of RPMs as the given external compose variant. The packages will be taken from the configured Koji instance.


+ .. _state:


+ *state* - ``(number)``

+     Number defining the state the compose is currently in:


+     - 0 (``wait``) - Compose is waiting in a queue to be generated.

+     - 1 (``generating``) - Compose is being generated by one of the backends.

+     - 2 (``done``) - Compose is generated.

+     - 3 (``removed``) - Compose has been removed.

+     - 4 (``failed``) - Compose generation has failed.


+ .. _state_name:


+ *state_name* - ``(string)``

+     Name of the state the compose is currently in. See ``state`` for more info.


+ .. _time_done:


+ *time_done* - ``(datetime)``

+     The date and time on which the compose has been done - either moved to ``failed`` or ``done`` state.


+ .. _time_removed:


+ *time_removed* - ``(datetime)``

+     The date and time on which the compose has been removed from ODCS storage (either cancelled or expired).


+ .. _time_submitted:


+ *time_submitted* - ``(datetime)``

+     The date and time on which the compose request has been submitted by ``owner``.


+ .. _time_to_expire:


+ *time_to_expire* - ``(datetime)``

+     The date and time on which the compose is planned to expire. After this time, the compose is removed from ODCS storage.


+ REST API pagination

+ ===================


+ When multiple objects (currently just ODCS composes) are returned by the ODCS REST API, they are wrapped in the following JSON which allows pagination:


+ .. sourcecode:: none


+     {

+         "items": [

+             {odcs_compose_json},

+             ...

+         ],

+         "meta": {

+             "first": "http://odcs.localhost/api/1/composes/?per_page=10&page=1",

+             "last": "http://odcs.localhost/api/1/composes/?per_page=10&page=14890",

+             "next": "http://odcs.localhost/api/1/composes/?per_page=10&page=2",

+             "page": 1,

+             "pages": 14890,

+             "per_page": 10,

+             "prev": null,

+             "total": 148898

+         }

+     }


+ The ``items`` list contains the ODCS compose JSONs. The ``meta`` dict contains metadata about pagination. It is possible to use ``per_page`` argument to set the number of composes showed per single page and ``page`` to choose the page to show.


  .. _http-api:





+ .. automodule:: odcs


  .. autoflask:: odcs.server:app


      :modules: odcs.server.views

@@ -114,6 +114,30 @@ 

              return conf.seconds_to_live


      def get(self, id):

+         """ Returns ODCS composes.


+         If ``id`` is set, only the ODCS compose defined by that ID is

+         returned.


+         :query string owner: Return only composes owned by this:ref:`owner<owner>`.

+         :query number source_type: Return only composes of this :ref:`source type<source_type>`.

+         :query string source: Return only composes built from this :ref:`source<source>`.

+         :query number state: Return only composes built from this :ref:`state<state>`.

+         :query string order_by: Order the composes by the given field. If ``-`` prefix is used,

+             the order will be descending. The default value is ``-id``. Available fields are:


+             - :ref:`id<id>`

+             - :ref:`owner<owner>`

+             - :ref:`source_type<source_type>`

+             - :ref:`koji_event<koji_event>`

+             - :ref:`state<state>`

+             - :ref:`time_to_expire<time_to_expire>`

+             - :ref:`time_done<time_done>`

+             - :ref:`time_removed<time_removed>`


+         :statuscode 200: Composes are returned.

+         :statuscode 404: Compose not found.

+         """

          if id is None:

              p_query = filter_composes(request)

@@ -135,6 +159,15 @@ 



      def patch(self, id):

+         """ Extends the compose expiration time or regenerates expired compose.


+         :query number id: :ref:`ID<id>` of the compose to update/regenerate.

+         :jsonparam number seconds-to-live: Number of seconds before the compoose expires.


+         :statuscode 200: Compose updated and returned.

+         :statuscode 401: User is unathorized.

+         :statuscode 404: Compose not found.

+         """

          if request.data:

              data = request.get_json(force=True)

@@ -203,6 +236,27 @@ 



      def post(self):

+         """ Creates new ODCS compose request.


+         :jsonparam number seconds-to-live: Number of seconds before the compoose expires.

+         :jsonparam list flags: List of :ref:`compose flags<flags>` defined as strings.

+         :jsonparam list arches: List of :ref:`arches<arches>` the compose should be generated for.

+         :jsonparam list multilib_arches: List of :ref:`multilib arches<multilib_arches>`.

+         :jsonparam string multilib_method: List defining the :ref:`multilib method<multilib_method>`.

+         :jsonparam list lookaside_repos: List of :ref:`lookaside_repos<lookaside_repos>`.

+         :jsonparam object source: The JSON object defining the source of compose.

+         :jsonparam string source["type"]: String defining the :ref:`source type<source_type>`.

+         :jsonparam string source["source"]: String defining the :ref:`source<source>`.

+         :jsonparam list source["packages"]: List defining the :ref:`packages<packages>`.

+         :jsonparam list source["builds"]: List defining the :ref:`builds<builds>`.

+         :jsonparam list source["sigkeys"]: List defining the :ref:`sigkeys<sigkeys>`.

+         :jsonparam list source["koji_event"]: List defining the :ref:`sigkeys<sigkeys>`.

+         :jsonparam list source["modular_koji_tags"]: List defining the :ref:`modular_koji_tags<modular_koji_tags>`.


+         :statuscode 200: Compose request created and returned.

+         :statuscode 401: Request not in valid format.

+         :statuscode 401: User is unathorized.

+         """

          data = request.get_json(force=True)

          if not data:

              raise ValueError('No JSON POST data submitted')
@@ -380,6 +434,17 @@ 



      def delete(self, id):

+         """ Marks compose as expired to be removed later from ODCS storage.

+         The compose metadata are still stored in the ODCS database, only the

+         composed files stored in ODCS storage are removed.


+         :query number id: :ref:`ID<id>` of the compose to delete.


+         :statuscode 200: Compose updated and returned.

+         :statuscode 400: Compose is not in done or failed :ref:`state<state>`.

+         :statuscode 401: User is unathorized.

+         :statuscode 404: Compose not found.

+         """

          compose = Compose.query.filter_by(id=id).first()

          if compose:

              # can remove compose that is in state of 'done' or 'failed'
@@ -406,6 +471,19 @@ 


  class AboutAPI(MethodView):

      def get(self):

+         """ Returns information about this ODCS instance in JSON format.


+         :resjson string version: The ODCS server version.

+         :resjson string auth_backend: The name of authorization backend this

+             server is configured with. Can be one of following:


+             - ``noauth`` - No authorization is required.

+             - ``kerberos`` - Kerberos authorization is required.

+             - ``openidc`` - OpenIDC authorization is required.

+             - ``kerberos_or_ssl`` - Kerberos or SSL authorization is required.

+             - ``ssl`` - SSL authorization is required.

+         :statuscode 200: Compose updated and returned.

+         """

          json = {'version': version}

          config_items = ['auth_backend']

          for item in config_items:

no initial comment

rebased onto 79f4c44

4 years ago

+:100: This is really wonderful!

Pull-Request has been merged by jkaluza

4 years ago