#232 Copy 'sigkeys' in Compose.create_copy() method and inlude test to catch these issues in the future.
Merged 5 years ago by jkaluza. Opened 5 years ago by jkaluza.
jkaluza/odcs create-copy-sigkeys  into  master

@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ 




+             sigkeys=compose.sigkeys,



          return compose

file modified
+42 -1
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ 



  # Written by Jan Kaluza <jkaluza@redhat.com>

- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


  from datetime import datetime

  from datetime import timedelta
@@ -71,6 +70,48 @@ 

                           'multilib_method': 0}

          self.assertEqual(c.json(), expected_json)


+     def test_create_copy(self):

+         """

+         Tests that the Compose atttributes stored in database are copied

+         by Compose.create_copy() method.

+         """

+         compose = Compose.create(

+             db.session, "me", PungiSourceType.MODULE, "testmodule-master",

+             COMPOSE_RESULTS["repository"], 3600)

+         db.session.commit()


+         # Generate non-default data for every attribute in compose, so we can

+         # later verify they have been copied to new compose.

+         for c in Compose.__table__.columns:

+             t = str(c.type)

+             if t == "INTEGER":

+                 new_value = 4

+             elif t == "VARCHAR":

+                 new_value = "non default value"

+             elif t == "DATETIME":

+                 new_value = datetime.utcnow()

+             else:

+                 raise ValueError("New column type %r added, please handle it "

+                                  "in this test" % t)

+             setattr(compose, c.name, new_value)


+         db.session.commit()

+         db.session.expire_all()


+         copy = Compose.create_copy(db.session, compose)

+         for c in Compose.__table__.columns:

+             # Following are list of fields which should not be copied

+             # in create_copy() method.

+             if c.name in ["id", "state", "state_reason", "time_to_expire",

+                           "time_done", "time_submitted", "time_removed",

+                           "removed_by", "reused_id", "koji_task_id"]:

+                 assertMethod = self.assertNotEqual

+             else:

+                 assertMethod = self.assertEqual

+             assertMethod(

+                 [c.name, getattr(compose, c.name)],

+                 [c.name, getattr(copy, c.name)])



  class TestUserModel(ModelsBaseTest):


Somehow we missed the sigkeys attribute in Compose.create_copy(). This means that renewed composes will always be unsigned :(. This PR fixes that and also includes test which should prevent this mistake in the future if we add more attributes to DB.

Pull-Request has been merged by jkaluza

5 years ago