Write API docs following OpenAPI spec
- Write docs in docstring following OpenAPI spec https://www.openapis.org/
- Generate API specification using https://pypi.org/project/apispec/
- Render API specification using https://github.com/Redocly/redoc
ODCSAPI view is splitted to two views (ComposesListAPI and
ComposeDetailAPI) due to issue
Run following command to generate openapispec.json
odcs-manager openapispec > server/odcs/server/static/openapispec.json
When running odcs in dev mode via `./start_odcs_from_here`, the api doc is
available at
When running odcs in production such as via httpd, make sure serving
`openapispec.json` at `/static/openapispec.json` via httpd.
Signed-off-by: Haibo Lin <hlin@redhat.com>