#154 Add mpi spec template
Merged 5 years ago by ankursinha. Opened 5 years ago by ankursinha.
neuro-sig/ ankursinha/NeuroFedora mpi-spec  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ 

+ # Switch them off if you want

+ # Best to start with the serial version

+ %bcond_without mpich

+ %bcond_without openmpi


+ Name:           <name>

+ Version:        <version>


+ Release:        1%{?dist}

+ Summary:        <summary>


+ License:        <license>

+ URL:            <URL>

+ Source0:        <Source>


+ %global _description %{expand:

+ Common description here.

+ }


+ %description

+ %{_description}


+ %if %{with openmpi}

+ %package openmpi

+ Summary:        %{name} built with openmpi

+ BuildRequires:  openmpi-devel

+ BuildRequires:  rpm-mpi-hooks

+ Requires:       openmpi


+ %description openmpi

+ %{_description}

+ %endif


+ %if %{with mpich}

+ %package mpich

+ Summary:        %{name} built with mpich

+ BuildRequires:  mpich-devel

+ BuildRequires:  rpm-mpi-hooks

+ Requires:       mpich


+ %description mpich

+ %{_description}


+ %endif


+ %prep

+ # We must create a separate top level directory and then triplicate it so that

+ # we have two more copies for mpich and openmpi

+ %autosetup -c -n %{name}%{version}


+ # Copy it here for convenience

+ cp %{name}%{version}/LICENSE . -v


+ # Tweaks in the original version before we copy it over

+ pushd %{name}%{version}

+ # Tweaks

+ popd


+ %if %{with mpich}

+     cp -a %{name}%{version} %{name}%{version}-mpich

+ %endif


+ %if %{with openmpi}

+     cp -a %{name}%{version} %{name}%{version}-openmpi

+ %endif


+ %build

+ # Best to use && so that if anything in the chain fails, the build also fails

+ # straight away

+ %global do_cmake_config %{expand: \

+ echo

+ echo "*** BUILDING %{name}%{version}$MPI_COMPILE_TYPE ***"

+ echo

+ %set_build_flags

+ pushd %{name}%{version}$MPI_COMPILE_TYPE  &&

+     cmake \\\





+         -DINCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_includedir} \\\

+         -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_libdir} \\\

+         -DSYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_sysconfdir} \\\

+         -DSHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=%{_datadir} \\\


+         -Dwith-mpi:BOOL=$MPI_YES \\\

+         -Dwith-gsl:BOOL=ON \\\



+ %if "%{_lib}" == "lib64"

+         -DLIB_SUFFIX=64 &&

+ %else

+         -DLIB_SUFFIX=""  &&

+ %endif

+ popd || exit -1;


+ %global do_make_build

+     make %{?_smp_mflags} -C %{name}%{version}$MPI_COMPILE_TYPE || exit -1


+ # Build serial version, dummy arguments

+ export MPI_COMPILER=serial

+ export MPI_SUFFIX=""

+ export MPI_HOME=%{_prefix}

+ export MPI_BIN=%{_bindir}

+ export MPI_YES=OFF

+ %{do_cmake_config}

+ %{do_make_build}



+ # Build mpich version

+ %if %{with mpich}

+ %{_mpich_load}

+ export CC=mpicc

+ export CXX=mpicxx

+ export FC=mpif90

+ export F77=mpif77

+ export MPI_YES=ON

+ export MPI_COMPILE_TYPE="-mpich"

+ %{do_cmake_config}

+ %{do_make_build}


+ %{_mpich_unload}

+ %endif


+ # Build OpenMPI version

+ %if %{with openmpi}

+ %{_openmpi_load}

+ export CC=mpicc

+ export CXX=mpicxx

+ export FC=mpif90

+ export F77=mpif77

+ export MPI_YES=ON

+ # Python 3

+ export MPI_COMPILE_TYPE="-openmpi"

+ %{do_cmake_config}

+ %{do_make_build}


+ %{_openmpi_unload}

+ %endif


+ %install

+ # Install everything

+ %global do_install %{expand:

+ echo

+ echo "*** INSTALLING %{name}%{version}$MPI_COMPILE_TYPE ***"

+ echo

+     make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT INSTALL="install -p" CPPROG="cp -p" -C %{name}%{version}$MPI_COMPILE_TYPE || exit -1

+ }


+ # install serial version

+ export MPI_SUFFIX=""

+ export MPI_HOME=%{_prefix}

+ export MPI_BIN=%{_bindir}

+ export MPI_YES=OFF

+ export MPI_COMPILE_TYPE=""

+ %{do_install}


+ # Install MPICH version

+ %if %{with mpich}

+ %{_mpich_load}

+ export MPI_COMPILE_TYPE="-mpich"

+ %{do_install}


+ # Place in correct mpi libdir

+ # Tweaks like this may be needed

+ %if %{_lib} == lib64

+     mv -v $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/mpich/lib64 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$MPI_LIB/

+ %endif

+ %{_mpich_unload}

+ %endif


+ # Install OpenMPI version

+ %if %{with openmpi}

+ %{_openmpi_load}

+ export MPI_COMPILE_TYPE="-openmpi"

+ %{do_install}

+ %endif


+ # Correct location

+ # May be needed sometimes

+ %if %{_lib} == lib64

+     mv -v $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/openmpi/lib64 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$MPI_LIB/

+ %endif

+ %{_openmpi_unload}

+ %endif



+ %files

+ %license LICENSE

+ %{_bindir}/%{name}

+ %{_libdir}/...


+ %if %{with mpich}

+ %files mpich

+ %license LICENSE

+ # Correct file locations

+ %{_libdir}/mpich/bin/%{name}

+ %{_libdir}/mpich/lib/...

+ %endif


+ %if %{with openmpi}

+ %files openmpi

+ %license LICENSE

+ # Correct file locations

+ %{_libdir}/openmpi/bin/%{name}

+ %{_libdir}/openmpi/lib/..

+ %endif


+ %changelog


Initial spec template for MPI packages

@zbyszek could you have a quick look at this? It's based on the nest spec. it's a skeleton template.

Merging this. We'll improve it as we go along.

Pull-Request has been merged by ankursinha

5 years ago