Please use this ticket to add new software to the NeuroFedora packaging queue.
Short description: GRAPE is a Rust/Python Graph Representation Learning library for Predictions and Evaluation
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License: MIT
Domain: Computational modelling/Data analysis/Utilities
Says it'll probably be faster than networkx, but I didn't see a mention of graphtool.
Python, but also rust from the looks of it.
“The library is composed of two main modules, Ensmallen, which is the Rust/Python high-performance graph processing submodule, and Embiggen, which is the Python Graph Representation learning, Prediction and Evaluation submodule.”
So all the Rustiness is tucked away in Ensmallen. Unfortunately, it looks like so is a CUDA dependency; see also these CUDA kernels. I suspect that these can’t be removed.
This is a very attractive package. It would be nice to have this included.
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