#541 Package python-meshparty: A package to work with meshes, designed around use cases for analyzing neuronal morphology.
Opened 2 years ago by ankursinha. Modified 2 years ago

Please use this ticket to add new software to the NeuroFedora packaging queue.

New software: python-meshparty

Short description: A package to work with meshes, designed around use cases for analyzing neuronal morphology.

Upstream URL: https://github.com/sdorkenw/MeshParty

License: ASL 2.0

Domain: Data analysis/Utilities

Additional information

Unpackaged direct dependencies:

Nothing here seems impossible at first glance, but there’s quite a lot of dependency work that would be needed first.

Metadata Update from @music:
- Issue marked as depending on: #371

2 years ago

Now python-orjson is packaged, but python-numba might never be packaged because it take so long for them to adapt to a new Python interpreter version.

The dependencies for python-cloud-volume are still pretty intense:

  • the extras metapackage python-urllib3+brotli is missing from python-urllib3


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