From c6f8be7a4e681a17ba76c2a6516ed0fc91f45a51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ankur Sinha (Ankur Sinha Gmail) Date: Jul 23 2019 19:11:11 +0000 Subject: Lead up to neurofedora is done --- diff --git a/20190723_neurofedora.tex b/20190723_neurofedora.tex index 3fe0b74..7599261 100644 --- a/20190723_neurofedora.tex +++ b/20190723_neurofedora.tex @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ \usepackage[scale=2]{ccicons} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{tikz} -\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, arrows} +\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, arrows, positioning} \usepackage{jneurosci} \usepackage{subfig} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ %% title %% \title[NeuroFedora]{\includegraphics[keepaspectratio,width=.25\textwidth]{images/NeuroFedoraLogo01.png}\\NeuroFedora} -\subtitle{FOSS and open (neuro) science} +\subtitle{FOSS and Free/Open (neuro) Science} \author{NeuroFedora contributors} \date[]{} %% document begins %% @@ -65,245 +65,161 @@ \end{frame} %% Three slides for 5 minutes, so 25--30 for 50 minutes. -\section{FOSS and Free/Open Science} -\begin{frame}[c]{Free/Open Source Software} - Ideal: users should have the freedom to \alert{share, study, and modify} software\footnotemark. - \pause{} - - The \alert{user} is \href{}{free}. - - \footnotetext[1]{\href{}{Free software foundation}} - \note[item]{FOSS, even though focussed on software is really a social movement. Software is our way of spreading this freedom.} - \note[item]{Fedora similarly, is first a community that spreads freedom. The OS and products that we create are tools to achieve this.} - \note[item]{Fedora is NOT about creating an OS\@. Remember what the end goal is, and do not confuse the means with it.} -\end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{Free/Open Source Science?} - Ideal: \alert{Everyone} should have the freedom to \alert{share, study, and modify} scientific material\footnotemark. - \pause{} - So, scientists, hobbyists, students \ldots\ should all have access to scientific material---irrespective of social status, location, age, nationality \ldots. - - \pause{} - Especially given that \alert{social policy must be evidence based.} - \footnotetext[2]{\href{}{Open source for neuroscience}} - \note[item]{Science, similarly, is closely linked to society.} - \note[item]{Sure, a lot of Science is theoretical and cannot be applied in the short term future, but the goal is to improve OUR (society's) knowledge, not an individuals.} - \note[item]{Nowadays, this is becoming more important---we want our elected members to make decisions that are best for us, and this must be based on evidence so that there's a social consensus.} -\end{frame} -\section{A platform?} -\begin{frame}[c]{The developer---user relationship: proprietary software} +%% First we define the problem statement. What is it that neuroscience is trying to achieve? +%% Added advantage is that this bit has lots of nice pictures, so it helps to gain the audience's attention. +\section{Problem statement: the brain} +\begin{frame}[c]{The brain: neurons} \begin{figure}[h] - \begin{center} - \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, transform shape] - \fill[fill=blue, text=white, rounded corners] (0, 0) rectangle ++(8, 1) node[pos=0.5] (A){Developer (upstream) = Vendor}; - \fill[fill=green, text=white, rounded corners] (0, -2) rectangle ++(8, 1) node[pos=0.5] (B){End users}; - \draw [red, ultra thick, ->] (6, -1) -- ++(0, 1) node [midway, left] {\$\$} node [midway, right] {\$\$}; - \draw [magenta, very thick, ->] (2, 0) -- node [midway, right, text centered] {binaries} node [midway, left, text centered] {support} ++(0, -1) ; - \end{tikzpicture} - \end{center} - \end{figure} -\end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{The developer---user relationship: free software} - \begin{figure}[h] - \begin{center} - \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, transform shape] - \fill[fill=blue, text=white, rounded corners] (0, 0) rectangle ++(8, 1) node[pos=0.5] (A){Developer (upstream)}; - \fill[fill=green, text=white, rounded corners] (0, -2) rectangle ++(8, 1) node[pos=0.5] (B){End users}; - \draw [magenta, very thick, ->] (2, 0) -- node [midway, right, text centered] {code} node [midway, left, text centered] {support} ++(0, -1) ; - \draw [magenta, very thick, ->] (6, -1) -- node [midway, right, text centered] {feedback} ++(0, 1); - \end{tikzpicture} - \end{center} - \end{figure} -\end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{The developer---user relationship: distributions} - \begin{figure}[h] - \begin{center} - \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, transform shape] - \fill[fill=blue, text=white, rounded corners] (0, 0) rectangle ++(8, 1) node[pos=0.5] (A){Developer (upstream)}; - \fill[fill=cyan, text=white, rounded corners] (0, -2) rectangle ++(8, 1) node[pos=0.5] (B){Linux distributions: Fedora/Debian \ldots}; - \draw [magenta, very thick, ->] (2, 0) -- node [midway, right, text centered] {code} node [midway, left, text centered] {support} ++(0, -1) ; - \draw [magenta, very thick, ->] (6, -1) -- node [midway, right, text centered] {code} node [midway, left, text centered] {feedback} ++(0, 1) ; - \fill[fill=green, text=white, rounded corners] (0, -4) rectangle ++(8, 1) node[pos=0.5] (B){End users}; - \draw [magenta, very thick, ->] (2, -2) -- node [midway, right, text centered] {binaries} node [midway, left, text centered] {support} ++(0, -1) ; - \draw [magenta, very thick, ->] (6, -3) -- node [midway, right, text centered] {feedback} ++(0, 1) ; - \end{tikzpicture} - \end{center} + \centering + \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/Neurons.jpg} \end{figure} -\end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{Distributions: package maintainers} - \begin{itemize} - \item Build software: + \note[item]{The brain is composed of specialised cells that enable it to process information by the use of electrical impulses} + \note[item]{As the figure shows, these cells, neurons, have specialised into many many types. They serve different functions, include different proteins and markers, and can be classified in many different ways.} +\end{frame} +\begin{frame}[c]{The brain: in numbers: neurons} + \begin{columns} + \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth} + \begin{figure}[h] + \centering + \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{images/brain-sizes.jpg} + \end{figure} + \end{column} + \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth} \begin{itemize} - \item including all \alert{dependencies}. + \item \alert{86B} neurons\footnotemark{}. \end{itemize} - \pause{} - \item Check for \alert{correctness} (!). - \pause{} - \item \alert{Keep up} with upstream: updates, security fixes \ldots. - \pause{} - \item \alert{Connect} upstream to users. - \pause{} - \item \alert{Enable} upstream to improve their software\footnotemark{}. - \end{itemize} - \footnotetext[3]{\href{}{Fedora project: staying close to upstream.}} -\end{frame} -\section{NeuroFedora} -\begin{frame}[c]{Goals} - \begin{itemize} - \item Enable \alert{free science}: - \pause{} + \end{column} + \end{columns} + \vspace{0.2cm} + \footnotetext[1]{\fullcite{Herculano-Houzel2009}} + \note[item]{The most recent estimate puts the number of neurons in the human brain at 86B.} +\end{frame} +\begin{frame}[c]{The brain: in numbers: synapses} + \begin{columns} + \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth} + \begin{figure}[h] + \centering + \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{images/reconstruction.jpg} + \end{figure} + \end{column} + \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth} \begin{itemize} - \item researchers (end-users): - \begin{itemize} - \item ready to use \alert{tested} tools. - \end{itemize} + \item \alert{Thousands} of connections between neurons \alert{(synapses)}\footnotemark[2]. + \item Synapses are also of different types, and serve different functions. \pause{} - \item upstreams: - \begin{itemize} - \item feedback from users. - \item software improvements. - \item implement standards. - \end{itemize} + \item Synapses underlie \alert{learning}\footnotemark[3]. \end{itemize} + \end{column} + \end{columns} + \vspace{0.2cm} + \footnotetext[2]{\href{}{Image from The Gao lab, College of Medicine, Drexel University.}} + \footnotetext[3]{\fullcite{Hebb1949}} + \note[item]{Each neuron connects with thousands of other neurons, forming a massive network.} + \note[item]{So, the brain can be thought of as a massively parallel processor.} +\end{frame} +\begin{frame}[c]{So, we want to know (among other things)} + \begin{itemize} + \item how the brain functions (\alert{physiology}), + \item how it is structured (\alert{anatomy}), + \item about its chemicals (\alert{pharmacology, biochemistry}), + \item \ldots{} \pause{} - \item Help make science \alert{\enquote{default to open}}. + \item how it processes information (\alert{computational}), + \item about behaviours, and cognition (\alert{behavioural, cognitive}), + \item \ldots{} \end{itemize} \end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora example I\@: NEST (\(\bigstar\bigstar\bigstar\bigstar\bigstar\))} +\begin{frame}[c]{with the aim of applying this knowledge to} \begin{itemize} - \item Build requires\footnotemark: - \begin{itemize} - \item \alert{Compulsory:} Python+, Cython, GSL, Ncurses, CMake, GCC\@. - \pause{} - \item \alert{Optional:} libneurosim (for PyNN), MUSIC, MPICH, OpenMPI\@. - \end{itemize} + \item \alert{disease} prevention and treatment, + \item \ldots{} + \pause{} + \item brain inspired \alert{computing}, + \item \ldots{} + \pause{} + \item philosophy and consciousness, \end{itemize} - \footnotetext[4]{\href{}{Fedora project: nest SPEC file.}} + \note[item]{To take applications from the extreme ends of the spectrum: immediate clinical applications, immediate technological applications.} \end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora Example I\@: NEST\@: usage} - \texttt{\$ sudo dnf install python3-nest}\\ - \texttt{\$ sudo dnf install python3-nest-mpich}\\ - \texttt{\$ sudo dnf install python3-nest-openmpi} +\section{Research pipeline} +\begin{frame}[c]{General workflow} + \begin{figure}[h] + \centering + \only<1>{\input{images/Neuroscience-cycle}}% + \only<2>{\input{images/Neuroscience-cycle-complex}} + \note[item]{A simplified diagram. Actually a lot more complex} + \end{figure} \end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora example II\@: PyNN (\(\bigstar\bigstar\bigstar\))} +\begin{frame}[c]{Tools of the trade} \begin{itemize} - \item Build requires\footnotemark: + \item \textcolor{FedoraBlue}{Experimental:} + \begin{itemize} + \item EEG, ECoG, intracellular and extracellular single and multi neuron recording, + \item CT, DOI, MRI, f-MRI, MEG, PET, + \end{itemize} + \pause{} + \item \textcolor{FriendsMagenta}{Data analysis:} + \begin{itemize} + \item Statistics, + \item Machine Learning, Big Data, Deep learning, + \end{itemize} \pause{} + \item \textcolor{FeaturesOrange}{Theory} and \textcolor{FirstGreen}{modelling:} \begin{itemize} - \item \alert{Compulsory:} Python+, Ncurses, CMake, GCC\@. - \item \alert{At least one of:} NEST, Brian, NEURON\@. + \item Simulators of all kinds, \end{itemize} + \pause{} + \item \textcolor{FedoraDarkBlue}{Dissemination of results\footnotemark[4].} \end{itemize} - \footnotetext[5]{\href{}{Fedora project: PyNN SPEC file (WIP).}} + \note[item]{Lots of hardware and software is required for basic neuroscience research.} + \footnotetext[4]{To a non-specialist audience.} \end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora Example II\@: PyNN (WIP): usage} - \texttt{\$ sudo dnf install python3-PyNN} - - Installs PyNN and NEST, Brian\footnotemark{}, NineML (and NEURON\footnotemark{}). - +\begin{frame}[c]{FOSS and Free/Open Science share ideals} + FOSS\@:\\\alert{Everyone} should have the freedom to \alert{share, study, and modify} software\footnotemark[5].\\ \pause{} - \texttt{\$ sudo dnf install python3-PyNN-nest} - - Installs PyNN and NEST\@. - \footnotetext[6]{Requires Brian v1} - \footnotetext[7]{\href{}{WIP: Requires upstream improvements.}} -\end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora: package metrics} - \begin{itemize} - \item 67 packages available in total\footnotemark. - \item \textasciitilde{}130 in queue\footnotemark. - \end{itemize} - \footnotetext[8]{\href{}{ Neuro-SIG}} - \footnotetext[9]{\href{}{ Neuro-SIG: issues}} -\end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora: computational neuroscience} - \begin{itemize} - \item Available: NEST, NineML, moose, Brian2, PyLEMS\@. - \item In queue (26)\footnotemark: NEURON, PyNN, Brian1, NetPyne, Genesis, NeuroMLlite, pyNeuroML, pype9, HNN, libSBML \ldots - \end{itemize} - \footnotetext[10]{\href{\%3A+Computational+neuroscience}{Neuro-SIG: computational neuroscience}} -\end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora: neuroimaging} - \begin{itemize} - \item Available: biosig, dcm2niix, gifticlib, InsightToolKit, libminc, dipy, fsleyes, mne-bids, pydicom \ldots - \item In queue (40)\footnotemark: Nistats, FEAT, TranctoR, FSL, SPM, connectomeviewer, nipype, itktools \ldots - \end{itemize} - \footnotetext[11]{\href{\%3A+Neuroimaging&priority=0}{Neuro-SIG: neuroimaging}} -\end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora: data analysis} - \begin{itemize} - \item Available: nilearn, scikit-learn, klusta, lazyarray, neo, nitime, patsy \ldots - \item In queue (25)\footnotemark: spyke-viewer, stimfit, pyelectro, pyspike, pymc3 \ldots - \end{itemize} - \footnotetext[12]{\href{\%3A+Data+Analysis}{Neuro-SIG: data analysis}} + \vspace{0.5cm} + Free/Open science:\\\alert{Everyone} should have the freedom to \alert{share, study, and modify} scientific material.\\ + \pause{} + \vspace{0.5cm} + \alert{Free/Open Science implicitly includes FOSS.} + \footnotetext[5]{\href{}{Free software foundation}} \end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora: utilities} +\begin{frame}[c]{FOSS and Open Science are catching on:} \begin{itemize} - \item Available: texlive (full), duecredit, chaospy, \ldots - \item In queue (37)\footnotemark: spiking-circus, pingouin, spykeutils, PsychToolbox, tridesclous, uncertainpy, neuroshare, Btmorph \ldots + \item There are now active efforts to: + \begin{itemize} + \item use \alert{FOSS\footnotemark[6]}, + \item standardise open access publishing, + \item use \alert{open formats} for data, + \end{itemize} \end{itemize} - \footnotetext[13]{\href{\%3A+Utilities}{Neuro-SIG: utilities}} + \footnotetext[6]{\href{}{Open source for neuroscience}} \end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora: plans} +\section{Fedora and Open Science?} +\begin{frame}[c]{User/developer community} \begin{itemize} - \item Continue package imports. - \pause{} - \item Update documentation\footnotemark. - \pause{} - \item Docker images\footnotemark! - \pause{} - \item Announce to research community. + \item \alert{various specialities:} biologists, mathematicians, physicists, chemists, psychologists, \ldots, \pause{} - \item RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux support (our cluster runs Scientific Linux). - \pause{} - \item BoFs/Hack sessions at scientific conferences (workshop at CNS 2019?) + \item \alert{small proportion of trained software developers}, \end{itemize} - \footnotetext[14]{\href{}{ Neuro-SIG: Documentation}} - \footnotetext[15]{\href{}{}} \end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora: requirements} +\begin{frame}[c]{Anecdotal observations on software} \begin{itemize} - \item More package maintainers\footnotemark. - \pause{} - \item Testers---end users who are happy to test packages and provide feedback (QA)\footnotemark. - \pause{} - \item Documentation writers/proofreaders. + \item often single developer, small user-developer communities, + \item limited code quality, + \item limited use of established best practices, + \item limited testing for correctness (!), + \item limited maintenance, + \item often limited lifespan, \end{itemize} - \footnotetext[16]{\href{}{Fedora: Join the package maintainers}} - \footnotetext[17]{\href{}{Fedora QA: testing updates}} -\end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora: current team} - \begin{figure}[h] - \centering - \includegraphics[keepaspectratio,height=0.8\textheight]{images/neurofedora-team.png} - \end{figure} - \footnotetext[0]{\href{}{Fedora Infrastructure}} + \note[item]{Give how interdisciplinary neuroscience is, most researchers are NOT trained in development} + \note[item]{This implies, and this is based on anecdotal evidence, that the software used in research is not of the best quality} + \note[item]{The silver lining is that a lot of it is FOSS, and more and more is becoming FOSS by default.} \end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora: get in touch} +\begin{frame}[c]{Free/Open Science} \begin{itemize} - \item Landing page (until a website/docs are set up) on Fedora wiki\footnotemark. - \item IRC channel: \#fedora-neuro on\footnotemark. - \item Telegram channel: @NeuroFedora\footnotemark. - \item Mailing list on\footnotemark. - \item Software suggestion form\footnotemark. + \item FOSS for \end{itemize} - \footnotetext[19]{\href{}{Fedora wiki: NeuroFedora}} - \footnotetext[20]{\href{\#fedora-neuro}{\#fedora-neuro on Freenode}} - \footnotetext[21]{\href{}{@NeuroFedora on Telegram}} - \footnotetext[22]{\href{}{}} - \footnotetext[23]{\href{}{NeuroFedora: suggest software for inclusion}} -\end{frame} -\begin{frame}[c]{NeuroFedora} - \begin{figure}[h] - \centering - \includegraphics[keepaspectratio,height=0.5\textheight]{images/NeuroFedoraLogo01.png} - \end{figure} - \begin{center} -\vspace{0.2cm} - - \href{}{Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License}.\vspace{0.2cm} - - \ccbysa{} - \end{center} \end{frame} \end{document} diff --git a/20190723_neurofedora_presentation.pdf b/20190723_neurofedora_presentation.pdf index a4b6e82..99e692b 100644 Binary files a/20190723_neurofedora_presentation.pdf and b/20190723_neurofedora_presentation.pdf differ diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 5895239..94342bc 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -3,26 +3,26 @@ all: pdf with_notes notes_only notes_only_print handouts handouts_print handouts_space # all: pdf with_notes handouts handouts_print handouts_space clean -pdf: 20190723_neurofedora.tex - 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latexmk -pdf -pdflatex="pdflatex -interactive=nonstopmode" -use-make 20190723_neurofedora_handouts_with_space.tex +handouts_space: 20190329_journal_club_handouts_with_space.tex + latexmk -pdf -pdflatex="pdflatex -interactive=nonstopmode" -use-make 20190329_journal_club_handouts_with_space.tex clean: rm -fv *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.log *.nav *.out *.snm *.toc *.dvi *.vrb *.bcf *.run.xml *.cut *.lo* diff --git a/images/Neurons.jpg b/images/Neurons.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b836acf Binary files /dev/null and b/images/Neurons.jpg differ diff --git a/images/Neuroscience-cycle-complex.tex b/images/Neuroscience-cycle-complex.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbfacd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/images/Neuroscience-cycle-complex.tex @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +\tikzset{ + %Define standard arrow tip + >=stealth', + %Define style for boxes + punkt/.style={ + circle, + draw=black, very thick, + text=FedoraDarkBlue, + text width=6em, + minimum height=2em, + text centered}, + % Define arrow style + pil/.style={ + <-, + very thick, + draw=FreedomPurple, + shorten <=2pt, + shorten >=2pt,} +} +\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm, auto,] + %nodes + \node[punkt, draw=FedoraBlue, text=FedoraBlue] (experiments) {Experimental work}; + \node[punkt, draw=FriendsMagenta, text=FriendsMagenta, above right=of experiments] + (analysis) {Data analysis} + edge[pil, ->, bend left=45, opacity=0.4] (experiments.east) + edge[pil, bend right=45] (experiments.north); + \node[punkt, draw=FeaturesOrange, text=FeaturesOrange, below right=of analysis] + (theory) {Theory} + edge[pil, bend right=45] (analysis.east) + edge[pil, ->, bend left=45, opacity=0.4] (analysis.south); + \node[punkt, draw=FirstGreen, text=FirstGreen, below left=of theory] + (modelling) {Modelling} + edge[pil, bend right=45] (theory.south) + edge[pil, ->, bend left=45] (experiments.south) + edge[pil, ->, bend left=45, opacity=0.4] (theory.west) + edge[pil, <-, bend right=45, opacity=0.4] (experiments.east) + edge[pil, ->, bend left=45, opacity=0.4] (analysis.south) + edge[pil, <-, bend right=45, opacity=0.4] (analysis.south); + % We make a dummy figure to make everything look nice. + % \node[above=of market] (dummy) {}; + % \node[right=of dummy] (t) {Ultimate borrower} + % edge[pil,bend left=45] (market.east) % edges are used to connect two nodes + % edge[pil, bend left=45] (formidler.east); % .east since we want + % % consistent style + % \node[left=of dummy] (g) {Ultimate lender} + % edge[pil, bend right=45] (market.west) + % edge[pil, bend right=45] (formidler.west) + % edge[pil,<->, bend left=45] node[auto] {Direct (a)} (t); +\end{tikzpicture} diff --git a/images/Neuroscience-cycle.tex b/images/Neuroscience-cycle.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82a3590 --- /dev/null +++ b/images/Neuroscience-cycle.tex @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +\tikzset{ + %Define standard arrow tip + >=stealth', + %Define style for boxes + punkt/.style={ + circle, + draw=black, very thick, + text=FedoraDarkBlue, + text width=6em, + minimum height=2em, + text centered}, + % Define arrow style + pil/.style={ + <-, + very thick, + draw=FreedomPurple, + shorten <=2pt, + shorten >=2pt,} +} +\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm, auto,] + %nodes + \node[punkt, draw=FedoraBlue, text=FedoraBlue] (experiments) {Experimental work}; + \node[punkt, draw=FriendsMagenta, text=FriendsMagenta, above right=of experiments] + (analysis) {Data analysis} + edge[pil, bend right=45] (experiments.north); + \node[punkt, draw=FeaturesOrange, text=FeaturesOrange, below right=of analysis] + (theory) {Theory} + edge[pil, bend right=45] (analysis.east); + \node[punkt, draw=FirstGreen, text=FirstGreen, below left=of theory] + (modelling) {Modelling} + edge[pil, bend right=45] (theory.south) + edge[pil, ->, bend left=45] (experiments.south); + % We make a dummy figure to make everything look nice. + % \node[above=of market] (dummy) {}; + % \node[right=of dummy] (t) {Ultimate borrower} + % edge[pil,bend left=45] (market.east) % edges are used to connect two nodes + % edge[pil, bend left=45] (formidler.east); % .east since we want + % % consistent style + % \node[left=of dummy] (g) {Ultimate lender} + % edge[pil, bend right=45] (market.west) + % edge[pil, bend right=45] (formidler.west) + % edge[pil,<->, bend left=45] node[auto] {Direct (a)} (t); +\end{tikzpicture} diff --git a/images/brain-sizes.jpg b/images/brain-sizes.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..453b4fd Binary files /dev/null and b/images/brain-sizes.jpg differ diff --git a/images/reconstruction.jpg b/images/reconstruction.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5bfce6 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/reconstruction.jpg differ