
Recent documentation on:

Modularity prototype testing

- General Structure
    - **YAML Config file**
        - Each module will need to have yaml config file
        - Config file should cover non generic part - part focused on general module testing
        - It could contain also simple test
        - **how to write config file**

    - **Self generated tests**
        - there is possible to write simple tests directly in yaml config file
        - Bash style testing
        - It has  to have solved dependencies inside each module type
        - Now it just expect to end with *0* return code of command (like: *ls / |grep sbin* directory sbin exists in root dir)
        - It can contain multiple lines
        - It generates python covered bash tests
        - You has to call `mtf-generator` binary explicitly, it then create these pythonish tests with bash inside, *Unittest* doesn not allow to have dynamic tests.

    - **Avocado tests**
        - There is wrapper class what helps you to tests modules not focusing on module type
        - It uses avocado-framework
        - This test could be primarily used for more complex testing, not previous one
        - General test for modules: *./base/*
        - Example tests in *memcached* module

    - **Simple bash tests**
        - There is helper what you can use for writing *bash* like tests
        - library is and it is installed as *moduleframework-cmd* command in */usr/bin*
        - Test has to call setup and cleanup of module explicitly
        - These tests are dependent on return code of commands in test, so in case you have more tests subtest, just count return codes
        - see example test for

    - **WIP: Behave tests**
        - You can write tests for you module also in behave style
        - it is first prototype
        - see example in

Running using VAGRANT
- install vagrant *dnf -y install vagrant*
- just run *vagrant up*

- base dependencies: **docker python-pip**
- python dependencies: **avocado-framework yaml json behave**

Stable version
- It is built as package for fedora (>26)
- stable COPR repo
    - `dnf copr enable phracek/Modularity-testing-framework`
    - `dnf install -y modularity-testing-framework`

Development version
- Automatically built packages

Enviromental variables
- variables allows you to overwrite some values inside *config.yaml*
- *AVOCADO_LOG_DEBUG=yes* enables avocado debug output - in case you find some strange hard to debug issues
- *DEBUG* Enable debugging output to test output
- *CONFIG* file with MTF configuration default is *config.yaml*
- *MODULE* which module type to test (in case there is not set *default-module* in config, you **HAVE TO** set it)
    - *=docker* uses section *docker* inside config file and will use docker containerisation
    - *=nspawn* systemd nspawn, it is lightweight virtualization, it does something like **MOCK** but it is not just chroot, but has own systemd etc.
    - *=rpm* testing of local RPM packages directly on HOST (it could be **DESTRUCTIVE**)

- *URL* see example config. It overwrites value *module.docker.container* or *module.rpm.repo* to whatever you want. It has to be proper type what is set in *MODULE*
- *MODULEMDURL* overwrite location of moduleMD file
- *COMPOSEURL* overwrite location of compose repo location
- *PROFILE* overwrite *default* profile to whatever you want to install instead of that
- *MTF_SKIP_DISABLING_SELINUX* In nspawn type on fedora-25 we have to disable selinux, because it does not work well with selinux enabled, this option allows to not do that.
- *MTF_DO_NOT_CLEANUP* Do not cleanup modules between tests, in case there is no interference in your tests you can use it, and it will be **fast**
- *MTF_REMOTE_REPOS* It disables downloading of packages done by koji and creating local repo, it make tests **fast**. (There is issue that composes (repos) are sometimes bad in fedora, unable to use)

Schedule Tests
- Now it is expected to run this **under root**
- Install modularity-testing-framework from COPR repo like:
    - **dnf copr enable phracek/Modularity-testing-framework**
    - install it by command: **dnf install -y modularity-testing-framework**
    - It installs packages to python site-packages and to /usr/share/moduleframework
- To include tests into your module, add to your Makefile section **test**
- **test** section runs another Makefile in directory **tests**
- Your **Makefile** should contain:
    - **Docker based module testing:** `cd tests; MODULE=docker make all`
    - **Repo based module testing:** `MODULE=nspawn make all `
    - **Host Rpm based module testing:** `MODULE=rpm make all`

- Makefile in tests directory looks like:

    $ cat tests/Makefile
    CMD=python -m avocado run --filter-by-tags=-WIP $(MODULE_LINT) *.py

    all: $(CMD)

    - **Makefile in MTF**

- `make check` -  runs tests in your module directory

How to write tests
- **minimal path creation**
- Install modularity-testing-framework from COPR repo like:
   - *dnf copr enable phracek/Modularity-testing-framework*
   - install it by command: *dnf install -y modularity-testing-framework*
- CREATE your config.yaml (see example
- If you have tests in config file call:  */usr/bin/mtf-generator* or simply *mtf-generator*.
- Call command for running all python tests:  **MODULE=docker avocado run /usr/share/moduleframework/tools/ ./*.py**
- **additional tests** - see tests in directory as an example for you

Framework is released under the GPL, version 2 or later, see LICENSE file in project

Debugging & How To

First test takes so long time
It is normal, because first test downloads all packages from koji and creates localrepo.
It is workaround because of missing composes for modules (on demand done by pungi)
- If you would like to make it faster use env variables:
    - *MTF_REMOTE_REPOS=yes* - It heps in case there are repos in koji (they are there just temporary, deleted after 2 weeks and probably it will not be created in near future anyhow)
    - *MTF_DO_NOT_CLEANUP=yes* - in case it is still slow for you, it disable test cleaup (between tests) could cause side effects

Unable to debug avocado output errors
- If you see error like: *Avocado crashed: TestError: Process died before it pushed early test_status.*
    - add env variables:
        - *AVOCADO_LOG_DEBUG=yes*
        - *DEBUG=yes*
    - **This is preferred variant for submitting issues to pagure**

How it works
- Structure of MTF:
- Test types: