
Feedback Pipeline provides reporting and notifications regarding dependencies and sizes of defined RPM installations.

Developer preview

If you want to contribute to this project, you can run the script that will automatically load pregenerated RPM data so you can see the output much faster. This script also skips generating the graphs which would also take a long time.

To run the script, you'll need Python 3 and the following dependencies:

  • yaml
  • jinja2

... or you can leverage the Dockerfile included in this repository that has all the dependencies pre-installed. You can get it pre-built from Dockerhub as asamalik/feedback-pipeline-env.

Option 1: on Fedora natively:

$ sudo dnf install python3-yaml python3-jinja2
$ mkdir output
$ ./ output

Option 2: on Fedora in a container

$ podman pull asamalik/feedback-pipeline-env
$ podman run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/workspace:z asamalik/feedback-pipeline-env bash
$ mkdir output
$ ./ output

Option 3: on a Mac using Docker:

$ docker pull asamalik/feedback-pipeline-env
$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/workspace asamalik/feedback-pipeline-env bash
$ mkdir output
$ ./ output

In both cases, the output would be in the output directory. Open the output/index.html in your web browser of choice to see the result.