#89 Funding request: Fedora<3.NET swag (April 2019)
Closed: Complete 5 years ago by bex. Opened 5 years ago by rhea.


I'll be having two interactive talks at the Open School event hosted by Red Hat for high school students and I would like to have a few t-shirts to give out for participation. Ideally this would go through in Q4 if there is budget left - by the end of this week so that I can expense it the next week.

  1. Full Name: Radka Janekova
  2. FAS ID: rhea
  3. Event Date: 2019-04-09 (?)
  4. Event Location: Brno RH office
  5. Wiki Page: https://openschoolcz.redhat.com
  6. Swags: ---
  7. Budget: 10x Fedora<3.NET t-shirt = Based on undiscounted price from more than a year ago this should be less than 774,- czk (~35$) each (~350$ total.)
  8. Target Audience: High school students

+1 for me, maybe stickers too (students love stickers)

P.D: The wiki looks down now but it's in the google cache if someone wants check it

I have seemingly infinite supply of RH<3.NET stickers, and a few (<100) of Fedora<3.NET stickers left so that's still okay, but I'm out of the tshirts, I gave the last to Miguel De Icaza at FOSDEM :D

Yes the website is down / under construction... I'm not even sure if it's 9th April yet, it may end up being a week later...

I gave the last to Miguel De Icaza at FOSDEM

Okay, that was a good use of a t-shirt :)

offtopic: OMG I'm a big fan of Miguel de Icaza

How many students are we expecting to reach. $35 per shirt is really high to print shirts, I suspect this is a quantity issue but I am trying to understand what is being made here and what % of the audience gets premium swag.

High School students are not our typical audience.

@rhea can you elaborate this a little more? How many people do you expect to attend. I'm very excited about this, I think HS is a great time to catch young people attention, but we need to understand better what are you planning here.

I am currently +0 per my comments in the meeting on 6 Feb. Other members are going to vote in ticket. @rhea if this approves, please work with me before paying for the shirts as I may have a longer life process than your expense report so we can ensure this lands in this FY

I am +1 on this .. its been long Fedora Loves .net hasn't been in focus and it will be awesome to have some activity around it. I would like to know more about @rhea's agenda for the D-day. Thanks

I'm fine with sending a few t-shirts to high school students -- but the price per shirt is too high. I can make them myself for much less than that.

Yes @bex it is a quantity thing. 35$ is a price for a single print, last time the price was half that, when we had 30. So $35 is basically the worst case scenario that should not happen. I went over those prices from before, and it was ~ 10-12$ ea. if the quantity is more than 30... I don't really want that many again, there are only so many Miguel's to give them to :D

30 tshirts with quantity discount are about the same as 15 tshirts without that discount.

Less than 10 would be more than enough this time around, possibly with enough left for one more event some time later this year. The price should be ~$20

@sumantrom you mean what exactly it will be?

1) TLDR: Object Oriented Programming with C# in Fedora
2) Asynchronous Programming with C# in Fedora for beginners

I don't have exact specifics yet, I will be building on top of my last years high school talk(s) here: https://github.com/RheaAyase/dotnettalks.demo6

with extra interactive stuff, for which I'd like some more incentive for them to participate - 3-5 tshirts each talk? Hmmm... 3 would be just the right number I think. So if we can get 10, we'll have some left for summer activities (I will probably guest at a summer camp with similar presentation/workshop.)

I gave the last to Miguel De Icaza at FOSDEM

Okay, that was a good use of a t-shirt :)

He shared some cool stories (and some sad ones) here: https://fosdem.org/2019/schedule/event/dotnet_open_source_panel

@rhea the options we have are:

a) We can do $150 toward this and max out hte t-shirts that will buy (this is from FY19 funds) - I can work with you to get them paid/landed in this FY
b) We can hold this ticket open (there was no solid meeting htis week) and work this from FY20 money starting 1 March

Please post your answer - and ping me offline if you want to choose option "a"

Working on a) with Brian as a few tshirts from leftover budget are more than enough to serve the purpose and encourage the next generation (hopefully some girls) to become passionate open source contributors :P

t-shirts ordered and paid

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue assigned to rhea
- Issue tagged with: needs event report

5 years ago

@rhea It will be awesome to hear about what happened at the event and what can be done better. I am currently compiling the report for all mindshare report for the community and will love to add your report to it as well.

@sumantrom what happened was that the students said that they know a bit of OOP so I ended up talking about the differences between classes and structures. (Very similar in C#, in fact almost identical to the user so also confusing as to why use one over the other. Memory access, value vs ref, etc...) Anyway some of the students engaged nicely and got a tshirt (gave out 3 (1 girl) at this event so plenty left for future things in FY20)

I would like to write a bit of a summary of sig's activities, if only I had more time... probably not anytime soon before you're all done so don't wait for it... Is the above enough or would you like some more info?

What could be better improved in events like this is a bit better knowledge of the audience. It's always a surprise what comes, but with a bit more communication with the schools before the event, we could prepare better suited content. There is always one or two teachers in the audience that you can query for what the students know in the beginning and they usually at least nod... Students take a bit more engagement work to get them to talk and that's hard to achieve in the beginning, takes a few minutes to get their interest :D

@rhea can you help me understand how Fedora and Fedora's love of .NET was represented at the event?

Past event:

  • Although my demo was more focused on some actual code this time rather than the high level "this is how you install and use it" it was all done in Fedora with references on getting started with dotnet in fedora.


  • Presenting at some .NET MeetUp(s) this summer around Europe as well as helping organize one (in Brno) where I will talk about packaging of dotnet in Fedora, involvement of Microsoft in it, and opensource dotnet in general..

  • Hopefully I'll figure out some interesting way to engage the audience to give out one or two t-shirts again.

  • Audience will be actual dotnet developers whom we may be able to lure into the world of Open.

@rhea - great to hear! While packaging is important, it is often not the draw it was several years ago. Do we have some solid talking points about why using .NET on Fedora is better for developers? Can we put those into a site/article?

I don't really have a sales-pitch off the top of my head but it would go along the lines of developing in the environment that they plan to deploy on. It is common that dotnet developers use windows + visual studio while their product is later deployed on linux server.

@tmds is on a blogpost writing spree, maybe he could write one on the topic of developing dotnet applications on Fedora? ;)

I see you did a talk recently (congrats!) did that event help refine this?

Hey, I can forward you my presentation in English - brief open source & dotnet...

I don't think that all that much changed but it is changing - the roadmap is that .NET Core 3.1 will be long term support, planned at the end of this year, and this will be a big deal. There is a loooot of pressure on the Microsoft's teams that are behind the various things that go into building dotnet, to be able to build everything from source and get rid of all the prebuilt binaries - the plan is to meet this by 3.1 as well. That might be THE moment for dotnet packaged in Fedora as well =)

Thanks for the update @rhea - I strongly encourage you to write articles for the Magazine or CommBlog to continue your efforts to socialize .NET as open source

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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