#368 Changing our social media profiles' bio
Closed: Complete 2 years ago by jflory7. Opened 2 years ago by steiner.

The marketing team currently needs some help in understanding if there's anything (legal or otherwise) that stops us from changing our social media profile' bio (mainly Instagram), and if we can, if there is anything that needs necessarily to stay as is (like mentioning that we are sponsored by RedHat). I detailed the issue we currently have with it in the Instagram revamping efforts Discourse thread.

I've been looking for what team exactly to get in touch with to go through with this idea and the Mindshare team was the recommended one, so here I am.

Hi @steiner thanks for opening this ticket. I am taking a look into what the requirements are here and will provide an update.

I do not think there is any particular requirement for the sponsorship mention.

I do think it is good to have some general check since updating these bios is fairly significant -- I trust all y'all right now but who knows in the future :). But I think that check could be:

  1. Formal approval by Marketing / Social Media team
  2. Send to Mindshare as a FYI (not requiring a vote, but giving opportunity for any issues to be raised and cleared up).

I've been discussing it with the rest of the Marketing team, we'd only change it after a complete approval by everyone, and in our plans that included the Mindshare or Legal teams (if required).

But first we had to solve if we could actually change it and what exactly can be changed. I created an issue in Marketing GitLab for everyone to follow, if you want to.

We're totally ok with needing formal approval and sending the result to you guys for feedback.

Metadata Update from @thunderbirdtr:
- Issue tagged with: meeting, needs feedback

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: meeting
- Issue priority set to: next meeting (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: marketing, mindshare

2 years ago

Flagging this for discussion at our next meeting on Tuesday, 25 October.

I followed up in the GitLab issue discussion for more clarity, but I think this could be a good collaboration point to define a process for updating social media. My initial feeling is that this should belong to the Marketing Team, but we can discuss the best option as a team in an upcoming meeting.

We ran out of time to discuss this in the 2022-10-25 meeting today. Given that the profiles are being updated in the interim, this is not blocking any updates to social media. Ticket comments are welcome until we can discuss it in the next meeting.

Discussed in 2022-11-03 meeting.

We agreed that it made the most sense for the Fedora Marketing Team to own the responsibility of social media profile updates. In the event that consensus cannot be reached in the team or extra assistance is needed, the Marketing team could escalate a question to the Mindshare Committee in the form of a ticket.

We can drive this forward in documentation as part of the Fedora Marketing Team SOPs. @isagordillo has made a start on this in these MRs:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: needs feedback
- Issue priority set to: waiting on external (was: next meeting)

2 years ago

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