#359 Creative Freedom Summit - Hosted by the Fedora Design Team (Formerly: Fedora Design Week)
Closed: Moved 2 years ago by jflory7. Opened 2 years ago by riecatnor.


At Nest with Fedora 2022 we had a handful of design related sessions and it got me thinking about doing a Fedora Design event. I have also been co-mentoring a Fedora Badges Design intern, and although they've completed a lot- there is still plenty to do! Beyond that, there is a lot of wonderful community activity currently happening around and related to design. We have regular ongoing projects, backlogs, and new exciting design work that is all being worked on currently.



  • Onboard & teach skills to new contributors
  • Teach skills to existing contributors
  • Network & build relationships with other OSS communities
  • Connect the Fedora Design team with the greater Fedora community


  • Holding/recording tutorial sessions on "how-to's" for different software & specific to Fedora design needs (Inkscape, penpot, gimp, natron, kdenlive, blender, etc)
  • Work through backlogs on the Design & Badges queue
  • Work on Fedora wallpaper(s) that are in progress
  • Conduct usability testing for new Fedora websites
  • Move badge designs from old template to new template & push new art
  • Collaborate with the Marketing Team for their revival
  • Update documentation


  • Virtual event that lasts a week (or two weeks, or a month, even?)
  • Platform ideas: hopin, meet, bluejeans, peertube, workadventure, other?

What's next?

  • Put together a working group to coordinate/plan/execute the event
  • Decide on dates, format
  • Create documentation (wiki page?) about the event, start formatting & adding resources
  • Find speakers, session leads, people willing to give tutorials
  • Accumulate recommended resources on different tools/Fedora sub-projects
  • Networking- what other communities/orgs can we work with or model this event on
  • Promotion, we want Fedorans & beyond to participate in the event
  • Plan for some wrap up session/event

What can you do?

  • Comment on this ticket with ideas & requests for the event
  • Volunteer to be a part of the working group
  • Participate in the event

How can I be a part of the working group?

  • Project/program management (Herding cats, keeping things focused & moving along)
  • Marketing/Communications (Blog posts, mailing list, IRC/Element, social media)
  • Networking (Liaison between Fedora design & other communities that would be interested)
  • Design (Promotional materials, platform setup, event materials/guides)
  • Video editing (Editing tutorials & session to publish on YouTube)
  • Research (Finding & documenting best tutorials/existing resources for FOSS design tools)
  • People/skills/things I am probably not thinking of- Please tell me what I am missing!

Yes I think it it could run on the week right after the fedora week of diversity.

I'm not sure what the details of this would look like, but I think the ideally this event should have two goals.

One goal is to onboard and train people who would like to work on graphic design. The technical talks and trainings as well as sprints on certain low stakes or high quantity deliverables would go here.

The second goal should be to help people who are not designers learn how to talk to designers. So this could include how to manage expectations, common jargon used in graphic design like typography or hex codes (can you tell I'm not a designer, lol), and rudimentary training in graphical tools to communicate ideas. That last one is my favorite. Imagine if more people in the community could ask the Design team for something and already have some kind of sketch for what they're looking for. I think that skill for people who don't plan on becoming designers would still be useful just for communicating needs.

I also think these talks should be recorded to put on YouTube if possible.

Lastly, from my limited perspective, I think a cool way to do it would be to have one or two talks each day of the design week. That way we justify calling it a design "week" and also make it more manageable to attend than our big conferences like Nest or the release parties.

Maybe we can have a competition so that the non-designers can test their new found skills to design a badge! They probably won't be great and we can make it kind of jokey, but it sounds like a fun time. We could leave the real design work up to the folks who sign up to help with badges at the start or something like that.

I'm thinking like "you got an hour, go!" and we're all in a video call trying to figure out how we're going to do this.

That way we justify calling it a design "week" and also make it more manageable to attend than our big conferences like Nest or the release parties.

What I think we could do is:

  • have a mix of talks for each day and a longer section until the end of the day to teach a single design software. (i.e: day 1 be Penpot, day 2 be Inkscape, day 3 for GIMP, etc.);
  • have the first day's talks be dedicated to teaching the basics of design for those that don't know those concepts, it won't be really enticing to those that are already professional, but it will be amazing for the beginners;
  • (maybe?) have a concurring live section with some specialists in the first day dedicated to solving Design issues for those that aren't interested in learning the basics (but I worry that we won't have enough people to present the talks if we do so)

Maybe we can have a competition so that the non-designers can test their new found skills to design a badge! They probably won't be great and we can make it kind of jokey, but it sounds like a fun time. We could leave the real design work up to the folks who sign up to help with badges at the start or something like that.

I'm thinking like "you got an hour, go!" and we're all in a video call trying to figure out how we're going to do this.

We could do this and use the winning design as the base for a Fedora Design Week Badge.

Design week could also be like a conference with specific talks related to Graphic Design and UI/UX could it be hosted on hopin similar to the mentor summit and nest? Just wondering.

I tried replying to the email to respond to this ticket and it ended up displaying many letters instead of my message

I love this idea! I'd definitely be interested in helping out!

+1! I would be love to help out!

Notes from Design Team Meeting - 8/24/22
- Penpot: tutorial for penpot features
- Inkscape: tutorial on how to do logos
- November seems like a reasonable timeframe to get this event put together
- We should tie this into the release party, it will work out if its before or after
- Next step is whenisgood (@riecatnor to make and share)

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue assigned to riecatnor
- Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: awaiting triage)

2 years ago

Hiya folks- For those who want to help out with coordination of Fedora Design Week, please fill out this whenisgood by Friday, September 2nd: https://whenisgood.net/fedora-design-week-meeting
Make sure to use the drop down menu to set your timezone before you input your availability :)


Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue priority set to: minor (3-4 weeks) (was: waiting on assignee)
- Issue tagged with: needs feedback

2 years ago

Thanks to everyone who filled the whenisgood! Based on the responses, I have set the first meeting for September 19th at 1:30-2:20PM EDT (5:30-6:20PM UTC). I added everyone who replied to the whenisgood to the meeting invite, if you missed that but still want to join, please let me know and I can add you on :smile:

Hi @riecatnor! Missed filling the whenisgood, but can you please send me the meeting invite? Would love to join and help :smile:

missed the formal meeting, but happy to pitch in on the logistics and support.

Hi Mindshare! A group of us have been meeting to work on coordinating this event and we wanted to provide a couple updates.

  • There were so many things we could do with this event, and we are a small team so we decided to focus in on some specific goals: promoting open source tools, spreading knowledge of how to use them, and connecting creatives across the FOSS ecosystem. We hope by coordinating the event, we will fulfill some secondary goals: raise visibility of the Fedora Design Team as a resource, as an inclusive & welcoming group, and hopefully pick up a couple contributors along the way.
  • We chose the tentative dates of December 12th-15th for the event. We will use the Design Team's platforms of choice for their team meetings: Jitsi that streams to Peertube. From there we would like to get the recordings on the Fedora YouTube Channel.
  • We have identified a number of tools/experts to invite to present, as well as Fedora Design Team members to present a matching "How the Fedora Design Team uses software XYZ". We are also planning some creativity themed social sessions.
  • Our meeting notes are available to anyone who would like to review: https://hackmd.io/n6gtMuSMQeqOkeQPaBQf5A?view

Once we have some things finalized, I will provide another update. Please feel free to provide feedback :)

I want to add that I love this idea and concept, and I think it is very timely as many other Open communities are grappling on the open question of "design" in their projects.

Some questions and notes from me:

  1. Are you looking for speakers from outside of Fedora, or are the sessions intended to be more as a presentation of Fedora Community design practices?
  2. There are some strategic places to promote this event, like Open Source Design, Sustain OSS, and a couple of other specific project communities. Once some marketing material is in place (e.g. a CommBlog post, CFP, etc.), I can help with the cross-promotion.
  3. Would one or two days be easier on coordinating logistics, especially as the year-end approaches? My first thought is that as a brand new event, it might be easier to trial it as a one or two-day event to narrow the scope and gauge how the Fedora and other OSS communities might engage with us.

HI @jflory7 thanks for the comment! I will do my best to answer your questions below :)

  1. This is both! We have intentionally chosen to invite two speakers for each tool. One will be from an "external" speaker talking about features, how they use the tool, etc, and the other from an "internal" speaker about how Fedora uses that tool. We feel this serves many goals such as:
  • Providing a broad base of knowledge around how to use the tools to all people

  • How open source communities specifically can use these tools

  • Promoting other open source creatives as experts, and connecting them with Fedora designers

  • Connecting folks across the greater FOSS creative ecosystem

  • Create a potential on boarding path/opportunity for new contributors by showcasing how we use the tools

  1. Yes, we would love help with cross promotion! I am working on a list of communities/best contacts to socialize this event and will add them to this ticket for review once we have that in place. Any additions will be most welcome.

  2. I hear you on the dates and length of the event. Our reasoning behind having the tentative 4 days is we want to work with speaker availability as best we can. I think ideally we will cut it down to 2-3 days. We are also thinking to keep the length each day kind of short- this will be a lot of info to take in and process, and we don't really feel strongly that it it should be formatted like every other conference out there. Whether or not the format actually works is another story ;) In conclusion, I think I will bring up this point at the next meet for the CFS. Let's see how the speaker availability falls, as well, and we will work out some of those details in the working group.

Hi Mindshare! Here is an update on the Creative Freedom Summit:


Feedback welcome, as always :smile:

Hey Mindshare Committee! We had something come up for our originally proposed dates, and we decided as a group to move the dates out. Our new proposed dates are: January 17-19th. 2023 (tues, weds, thurs).

We wanted to run the new dates by the Committee just in case there is some major conflict we are unaware of (public holidays, other events/conferences, etc). Thanks in advance!

From my point-of-view, a date change isn't an issue. I trust that the organizers choose the best dates that work for their event and audience!

With regards to our shared Hopin access, nothing comes to mind since DevConf CZ is happening a few months later in 2023. We can lock down access for these dates in Hopin if the team is confident in reserving those three days.

Hi @jflory7 thank you for the response- wrt to Hopin usage, I think we are looking to do a jitsi+peertube+element solution for the platform if we can pull it off. Trying to keep the stack free software all the way through :thumbsup: We are working with the Linuxrocks peertube group and our contacts for the Fedora element to get things set up!

Hi Mindshare- wanted to give a quick update! We have a draft schedule we are working to confirm with speakers [0]. We also have set up an Element chat[1] where the event will be streamed, and a PeerTube Channel [2]. We have a finalized logo and we are working on promotional materials. I am working on getting a blog post drafted and submitted to publish next week with more details. We are also working on a website that will hold all this info :tada::tada:

We would love it if you could promote the Element chat and/or PeerTube Channel. We are waiting to promote the schedule until its fully confirmed. I will be sure to share updates as we have them!

[0] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Creative_Freedom_Summit_2023_Schedule
[1] https://matrix.to/#/#creativefreedom:fedora.im
[2] https://peertube.linuxrocks.online/c/creativefreedom/videos

As part of our ongoing work of migrating from Pagure to GitLab, we manually copied this issue over to our new home on GitLab. I am closing the issue here as moved before the Pagure repository will be set to read-only. Please follow along and update us over on GitLab!


Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: Moved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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