#294 Will Fedora Project be a part of Contributor.link?
Closed: Moved a year ago by bt0dotninja. Opened 2 years ago by t0xic0der.

This follows up the ticket https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/376. As discussed and agreed upon in the Fedora Council discussion on 2 Sep 2021, this is a good initiative but it needs to be managed carefully and hence, Mindshare has been delegated for its implementation.

CC @bt0dotninja @sumantrom @riecatnor

Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja:
- Issue assigned to bt0dotninja

2 years ago

The Mindshare Committee discussed this in our weekly meeting.
Our recommendation:
1. Improve text
2. Create landing place to be linked (could be a docs page or a landing page)
3. Look into the status of What Can I do For Fedora

Here our are notes:
<bt0dotninja[m]> Actually the link point to the join sig IRC, that is not a bad option, but maybe we can do better
<riecatnor> I think the join sig makes the most sense bc they are there to greet people
<riecatnor> they are prepped for that
<riecatnor> I think we can improve the wording but still link to Join?
<bt0dotninja[m]> pointing by example to a welcome page with links to Element, Telegram and Docs
<bt0dotninja[m]> +1 to improve wording
<riecatnor> bt0dotninja[m], are you suggesting we make a landing page just for this? i kind of like that idea.. I also thought of "what can I do for fedora
<pbokoc> riecatnor, does it have to be a single paragraph?
<riecatnor> I see one other project that givers a paragraph with a list below
<bt0dotninja[m]> I was thinking in something more simple like a special page under the JoinSig Docs, but I like the idea of a new "WCIDFF"
<riecatnor> I am guessing they want it to be succinct
<riecatnor> bt0dotninja[m], that could work!
<riecatnor> I like the simplicity of something like we did for Akademy too https://fedoraloveskde.org/
<pbokoc> yeah makes sense
<riecatnor> They put that up in 24 hours, if we had all of the text and images, I think we could probably find someone to implement one .. web & apps team :P
<bt0dotninja[m]> I need to say : "So Beautiful page :)"
<bt0dotninja[m]> sounds great
<riecatnor> so there are a couple avenues to explore. I think we can improve the text to begin and give recommendations about next steps to make a landing page(docs page or static site)

Based on comments in https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/376

Hi folks! I have a little history to add here and some of my thoughts :)

We had the Fedora Design Team up there and we had too much success. A lot of people were showing up and we only have so much capacity. I talked it over with @duffy and @bproffit (organizer of this page) and we agreed that the Join SIG would be very well suited to this page. The reasoning is the Join SIG functions to provide newcomers a good experience and connect them with all parts of Fedora.

I propose the following as an update for our description:

The Fedora Project is a community of people working together to build a free and open source software platform and to collaborate on and share user-focused solutions built on that platform. Our community does a lot more than code, though! The Fedora Join Special Interest Group enables people looking to join the Fedora community to converse with existing members, make friends, find mentors, and get a feeling of what and how the community does in general. The Join group also helps connect folks with first tasks for contribution.
Needed: Web developers, graphic designers, UI/UX, documentation, packagers, project management & organization

How about this for wording?

The Fedora Project is a community working together to build a free and open source software platform and to collaborate on and share user-focused solutions built on that platform. Our community does a lot more than code, though - there is plenty to do for people interested in non-coding contributions such as design, writing, testing, and so on. The Fedora Join Special Interest Group enables people looking to join the Fedora community to connect with others, make friends, find mentors, and get a feeling of what the community does in general and how. The Join group also helps newcomers find their first tasks.
Needed: Web developers, graphic designers, UI/UX designers, documentation writers, packagers, project managers, organizers

Mostly I just added a few examples of the "not just coding" implied in the old text and cleaned up the list of needed roles so they're all referring to people (i.e. docs writers, not documentation).

Here are some ideas to simplify the text:

Fedora is a friendly community to collaborate on building a free and open source
software platform and sharing user-focused solutions built on that platform.
There are plenty of opportunities for people interested to contribute in all areas
such as designing, writing, testing, organizing, coding, and so on. The Fedora Join group enables
newcomers to Fedora to connect with others, make friends, find
mentors, and to get started. The join group will help contributors with all skill levels.

Needed: Web developers, graphic designers, UI/UX designers, documentation writers, packagers, project managers, organizers

It would be nice to make it more explicit instead of "and so on" but I did not have a good idea, yet.

I like @pbokoc's version, one small edit. Change "and so on." to "and more"

The Fedora Project is a community working together to build a free and open source software platform and to collaborate on and share user-focused solutions built on that platform. Our community does a lot more than code, though - there is plenty to do for people interested in non-coding contributions such as design, writing, testing, and more. The Fedora Join Special Interest Group enables people looking to join the Fedora community to connect with others, make friends, find mentors, and get a feeling of what the community does in general and how. The Join group also helps newcomers find their first tasks.
Needed: Web developers, graphic designers, UI/UX designers, documentation writers, packagers, project managers, organizers

+1 for this text.

I like @pbokoc's version, one small edit. Change "and so on." to "and more"

The Fedora Project is a community working together to build a free and open source software platform and to collaborate on and share user-focused solutions built on that platform. Our community does a lot more than code, though - there is plenty to do for people interested in non-coding contributions such as design, writing, testing, and more. The Fedora Join Special Interest Group enables people looking to join the Fedora community to connect with others, make friends, find mentors, and get a feeling of what the community does in general and how. The Join group also helps newcomers find their first tasks.
Needed: Web developers, graphic designers, UI/UX designers, documentation writers, packagers, project managers, organizers

I like @pbokoc's version, one small edit. Change "and so on." to "and more"

The Fedora Project is a community working together to build a free and open source software platform and to collaborate on and share user-focused solutions built on that platform.

  • "working together" and "collaborating" is the same thing as far as I understand and in my opinion, the "to collaborate on and share ..." is hard to understand.

Our community does a lot more than code, though - there is plenty to do for people interested in non-coding contributions

This is repeating itself, "more than code... interested in non-coding" and only be negation without containing much information.

such as design, writing, testing, and more.

These are in my opinion the interesting bits, the types of opportunities that are available. Therefore they should be as detailed as possible in my opinion and additions like "and more" do not seem to provide much benefit here, Either there are important other areas, then they should be mentioned. And if not, it does not need to be mentioned.

The Fedora Join Special Interest Group enables people looking to join the Fedora community

The words "Special Interest" do net help to understand this, so they can be removed. Also, Fedora is the community, so "join the Fedora community" can be simplified as "join Fedora". Thinking more about this, this can be simplified further as "newcomers" instead of using a broader description like "people ... ".

to connect with others, make friends, find mentors, and get a feeling of what the community does in general and how. The Join group also helps newcomers find their first tasks.

Needed: Web developers, graphic designers, UI/UX designers, documentation writers, packagers, project managers, organizers

@t0xic0der hey, Can I help in anyway to make this move forward?
Thanks :)
I like Till's suggestions, so maybe let's do a hackmd or wiki to draft and give it a week time (for any feedback) before shipping it

Some context which might be relevant here.

We are most likely going to phase out Easyfix. The engineering side of it is easy but the project, for its subsistence, requires contributors to regularly vetting the repositories, check for issues that can be helped by newcomers and document them - which is a big ask.

I'll quote some people who (more or less) feel the same way as I do.

  1. https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/websites-and-apps-team-status-update-and-prioritization-request/34649/3?u=t0xic0der
  2. https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/lets-talk-about-easyfix/32759/25?u=t0xic0der
  3. https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/lets-talk-about-easyfix/32759/26?u=t0xic0der

Coming back to the point now - I see our attempts at Contributor.link as a spiritual sequel to what Easyfix does/did with relatively lesser effort - as we do not go as granular as listing repos but just team and contact details. Let us collaborate in the #fedora-mindshare IRC channel on this - shall we?

Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja:
- Issue close_status updated to: Moved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

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