#236 Clean up Ambassador Group: Identify Inactive Ambassadors & Mentors
Closed: Complete 4 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 4 years ago by lailah.

Many listed ambassadors are not active anymore. Some have stepped down, some changed means of contact but forgot to update their page, some simply stopped answering messages or emails. It's important to show updated lists of ambassadors.

We can ping ambassadors to ask them if they want to join the revamped Ambassadors project. If not, they can be moved to the Ambassador Emeritus group.
A time lapse of two weeks (14 days) would be given for them to answer.
The letter should be short an friendly to make it easier for people to read it all and answer.

I wrote a draft for the letter which I'm attaching as link.


I added some comments to the document.

@lailah thanks for drafting this up! I made some suggestions to the text, please take a look and approve :)

@lailah thanks for drafting this up! I made some suggestions to the text, please take a look and approve :)

Thank you! Now it looks more like a proper letter. I'm afraid my draft was too short and to the point. I approved the suggestions and made some of my own. :-)

Thanks @lailah for drafting the message, I have sent the email!
I will come back with updates in 2 weeks from now

Sorry, I lost some steps.
To whom was the email sent?

Sorry, I lost some steps.
To whom was the email sent?
It was sent to all the inactive ambassadors, who didnt use their FAS since July of 2019.
The copy of email is attached

[Action Required] Fedora Ambassador Activity Status

Hi Fedora Friend!

You may have heard about the current Community Outreach Revamp initiative that is taking place. If not, feel free to check out the links below to learn more. We have run a script to determine who is active in the Ambassadors FAS group, and your account came up as inactive based on the results from the fedmsg system. We are contacting you via your FAS email.

We are reaching out to inquire if you would like to continue your participation on the Fedora Ambassador Team. You are absolutely welcome to stay involved, or if not, we can move you to the Ambassador Emeritus group. Please respond to this email within two weeks or we will consider your participation in the Ambassador group inactive. You can always re-join at a later time!

Kind regards,
Sumantro Mukherjee, Mariana Balla, & the Temporary Task Force


ambassadors, who didnt use their FAS since July of 2019.

OK, thanks.

@sumantrom who comes first, ambassador or mentors ? please ask someone with access to fas database to query how many mentors not added new people to fedora in the past X days.

@sumantrom who comes first, ambassador or mentors ? please ask someone with access to fas database to query how many mentors not added new people to fedora in the past X days.

@itamarjp, aren't mentors ambassardors as well?

@sumantrom who comes first, ambassador or mentors ? please ask someone with access to fas database to query how many mentors not added new people to fedora in the past X days.

@itamarjp, aren't mentors ambassardors as well?

Mentors are ambassadors who take on the tasks of tutoring people to become part of the community, so I'd assume mentors were included when sending the letter.

@itamarjp, aren't mentors ambassardors as well?
for me what makes a mentor inactive is different than what makes an ambassador inactive, query the database and you see if I am right or not.

Unless I am mistaken, there is no Ambassador Mentor group in FAS, so there is no way to determine this. Ambassador mentors will be in the Ambassador FAS group. We are not looking at individual names and determining whether to send an email, it is being handled as a batch.

The Ambassador Mentors are the members of the ambassador group in FAS that have "sponsor" status.

@nb ahhh, that makes sense. The data we looked at did not reference sponsors. That is okay though, this action still needed to happen, and doing it first makes sense. Once we slim down the group, moving 'inactive' folks to ambassador emeriti, we can then again contact just the 'active' sponsors to see if they would like to continue in that role.

It would be good to address the point of sponsors/mentors generally as well. This seems like a good topic for our next meeting !

@mattdm @riecatnor @nb look at this ticket, We/me elected an Brazilian FAmSCo member that was not an ambassador due to the lack of mentors,


3+ years ago I showed you where fedora is failing, since you didn't fixed it 3 years ago then now you're dealing with ambassador revamp, this is the result's of not fixing old stuff.

That ticket clearly devolved into non-constructive chaos. Let's please not do that again here.

Update: we have completed moving the inactive members to the Ambassador Emeritus group. Thank you @nb @bt0dotninja @sumantrom @marianab !!

The next step will be to identify the mentors or 'sponsors' in the FAS system. From there we will need to contact them by email asking if they would like to continue in their mentor role moving forward. To complete this task, we will then adjust the the FAS system accordingly to the responses we receive.

Update: we have a list of 'sponsors' in the FAS system and we are drafting an email to check in on their continued participation.

Hi @sumantrom @marianab during the weekly Mindshare Committee meeting we reviewed this ticket and I mentioned this has been completed. Can you please provide the following info:

how many people contacted, how many people answered, how many members were moved to emeritus, how many moved out of mentor/sponsor position etc.

Hi @sumantrom - reminder to add the report to the ticket :)


The report for the ticket is:

I sent out 550 emails to contributors who were not active for the last 2 release cycles. The contributors were given a 3 week period to respond. Any response recorded in this period was split into two groups, the people who wanted to stay active and the people who wished the best of luck with the revamp and wanted to move on. The total number of contributors who wanted to continue as ambassador was 40. The number of people who didn't respond OR didn't want to continue is 510. @nb @bt0dotninja took the final numbers and data and pruned the list. Next, we went to Fedora Ambassadors Mentor group clean up and we did the same, 4 emails were sent out and we got 1 response who wanted to stay active.
Please note that people who are currently moved into the Emeritus Ambassador group can reach back to us anytime in the future and we will be very happy to accommodate them back in the program.
Thanks to all who helped!


The report for the ticket is:

I sent out 550 emails to contributors who were not active for the last 2 release cycles. The contributors were given a 3 week period to respond. Any response recorded in this period was split into two groups, the people who wanted to stay active and the people who wished the best of luck with the revamp and wanted to move on. The total number of contributors who wanted to continue as ambassador was 40. The number of people who didn't respond OR didn't want to continue is 510. @nb @bt0dotninja took the final numbers and data and pruned the list. Next, we went to Fedora Ambassadors Mentor group clean up and we did the same, 4 emails were sent out and we got 1 response who wanted to stay active.
Please note that people who are currently moved into the Emeritus Ambassador group can reach back to us anytime in the future and we will be very happy to accommodate them back in the program.
Thanks to all who helped!

This will soon be a community blog post

Great work, everybody! Closing this ticket :)

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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