#227 Fedora Community Outreach Task Force - Volunteers
Closed: Complete 3 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 4 years ago by riecatnor.

Creating this ticket to track progress on putting together a team of volunteers to a temporary Community Outreach Task Force to implement Fedora Ambassadors/Commops revamp, found here:


Please add your name below in a comment if you are interested in volunteering. Feel free to add any more info such as area of interest (WRT the revamp), availability, etc.


Related: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/226

Yajushi Srivastava
Considering my FOSS community experience, the Advocate role seems like a good fit. I can also contribute in curating Content for blogs, research interviews, and other docs.

Onyeibo Oku (@twohot) is volunteering

Happy to lead on the design / branding front

Umar Haruna Abdullahi (@pyc0d3r) is volunteering

Aditya Sharma (@sankiaadmi)
is ready to volunteer as a member of Fedora Join.

just a question @riecatnor

it is stated "owned by famsco" but famsco is not something which really exists anymore ... last change for the famsco group in FAS was 2017 ...

just a question @riecatnor
it is stated "owned by famsco" but famsco is not something which really exists anymore ... last change for the famsco group in FAS was 2017 ...

That's a little mistake, Famsco duties where taken by the mindshare committee, and that specific task is already on course.

I love the proposal. I think it is a necessary change, well thought out and really necessary. Thank you!

I love your proposal and I will like to be part of the change. Thank you!

nasirhm would like to volunteer.

Hey @riecatnor I would love to volunteer for this task force and contribute to the CommOps team. Also as discussed in the past, apart from this and becoming a formal Ambassador, I would also like to help out with the revamp effort for the WCIDFF site as well! :)

Aniket Kumar
I would love to volunteer for fedora, as I am a regular Linux user and wants to spread knowledge about FOSS, Linux (specially fedora) among my peers.

Hello Everyone,

The help solicited here is looking for contributors than already know the work of the Ambassadors/CommOps/Mindshare but we are very happy to see so many people wanting to help in the project.

Let me respond to @yajushi @sayaksarkar @crypticani

@yajushi Become advocate is really easy, take a look at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/mindshare-committee/advocate/ also the new process to become a writer in the fedora Magazine https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/contributing/.

@sayaksarkar Amazing this revamp will help you to become a formal ambassador. I think you can start becoming an advocate, you can host virtual events,

@crypticani We can help you to start contributing please visit us in the Fedora join Channels https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-join/

Also, I'm a volunteer too. I want to help with anything related to the CommOps side of the revamp.

Hello friends, I would like to volunteer.
Sadly, as you know, my English is bad, it is a bit an effort to elaborate thoughts in this language. So I'm not the right person that will write documents from scratch, participate to live meetings, elaborate action plans, and so on.
However I'm still able to express my opinions and ideas :-) I would also be happy to perform manual work, if required, like move users from the Ambassador FAS group to the Emeriti one, if we need to grab some statistic, to contact people, etc.

Hello, i like to volunteer.
My Wiki Fedora are available here https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Robbinespu

Once apply for FAMA ambassador (https://pagure.io/fama/issue/2203) but getting no response after mentor assigned

let me know what I can help and I try my best

Hullo, lovely volunteers!

We are ready for you to jump in :D We are working with a Trello board. It is a public board, you do not need an account to view it. If you want to be able to comment, you will need a Trello account. If you would like to contribute to the organization and updating of the cards on the board, you will need a Trello account and to request access from @sumantrom.

The card the Temporary Task Force (TTF, or you :)) will be focusing on is here:
You are welcome to poke around on the board in its entirety, but it still in progress, so if something doesn't look complete, it probably isn't.

On the card owned by the TTF you will see a description with some info on "active" and then 3 separate checklists:
1. Ambassador Group Clean Up
2. Role Handbook
3. CommOps Mindshare seats

Take a look, review, ask/store questions here for now. We are going to schedule two kick off meetings to accommodate as much of APAC/EMEA/US timezones as we can. Please mark your availability on the whenisgood link below by Monday September 7th and we will provide an update with the meeting times.


- riecatnor

Zaid would like to volunteer

Hello lovely members of the TTF!

There wll be another meeting tomorrow at 12PM UTC as advertised on the commblog and on the mailing lists: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/ambassadors-revamp-volunteer-kick-off-revisited/

Last meeting it was great getting to know everyone and laying down the history and a vision for the future. The meeting agenda for tomorrow will look something like this:
- Intros (quick this time!)
- contributor skill sets, how do people want to contribute
- talk about "what does an Ambassador do in 2020?"
- assign first tasks

If you can't make it to the meeting, that is ok, feel free to drop notes in the hackmd with how you would like to contribute/your skill sets. I have added in these sections for the upcoming meeting, and wrote mine in :) https://hackmd.io/pdlYb6UgQC2Chys2UfRVfw?edit

Also please add in some ideas under "What does an Ambassador do in 2020?" from the first meeting.

- riecatnor

Hello dear friends, I would like to volunteer.

Galoget Latorre (@galoget).


Hi lovely members of the TTF!!

As discussed in our last meeting, I am working to establish a bi-weekly IRC meeting.

Please submit a reply to this when is good by the weekend so we can get something on the calendar for next week :)


TLDR; We will move forward with a bi-weekly meeting at 11AM EDT (3PM UTC) on Thursdays starting next Thursday October 1st. These meetings will take place in #fedora-mindshare.

Link to meeting in the Fedora calendar: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/9818/

Hi, we have received 8 responses, along with my own availability incorporated, there is a clear time that seems to make sense. We will move forward with a bi-weekly meeting at 11AM EDT (3PM UTC) on Thursdays. Apologies if this time doesn't fit well with anyone's schedule. We will make sure updates from the meeting are freely available. Also- as we move forward if there are improvements we can make on communications, please let us know (this would be the ticket to write that!)

HI TTF! Join us here on Telegram --> https://t.me/fedorattf - this will be for informal communications specific to the Community Outreach Revamp. It is not required to join this group, but those involved/interested are welcome!

(IRC meetings will take place in #fedora-mindshare.)

Thanks everyone for commenting on this ticket! :)

The Revamp is still going on, and you are invited to have a look at the community blog and Discussion for any updates or call to action.

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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