#220 Content for infographic to highlight accomplishments of Mindshare Committee!
Closed: Complete 4 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 4 years ago by smeragoel.

As a thank you for all the efforts you guys put in fostering communication amongst the Mindshare teams and helping in facilitating Council strategy, the design team is working on a set of infographics to highlight the accomplishments of all the people who worked and contributed to Fedora in the past year. 

For this, we request you to share accomplishments, stories, metrics etc. of individuals and/or teams in your group! It can be anything like number of new initiatives, new projects, etc.

Hey folks! Just following up here :)
We don't want to miss out on any accomplishments that deserve to be shared with everyone!

Hi @smeragoel ! We discussed this in the Mindshare meeting today and came up with some things we can measure.

  • number of Mindshare events
  • number of event reports
  • number of different countries we held events in
  • number of swag request fulfilled
  • number of interns (gci, gsoc, outreachy)

Hi @smeragoel ! We discussed this in the Mindshare meeting today and came up with some things we can measure.

number of Mindshare events
number of event reports
number of different countries we held events in
number of swag request fulfilled
number of interns (gci, gsoc, outreachy)

Awesome! Thanks @riecatnor :) Any suggestions for a reliable source of this data? I'll look around for reports and such, but just wanna make sure I don't use outdated or incorrect numbers

@smeragoel yes, a reliable source would be this repo :) on the "Issues" tab, take a look at "open and closed tickets" on the top left. We can take a look together at our next meeting as well

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Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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