Expand on responsibilities / participation of Design / Web teams within Mindshare Committee
I wanted to better understand how the Design and Web teams are expected to contribute to the Mindshare Committee according to the Mindshare responsibilities, but there is no mention of design-specific engagement and involvement in the high-level overview of the committee.
All other teams are mentioned and have their role explained on the main docs page, but the words "Design" and "Web" only appear twice: once to say there is a Design / Web seat, and another time to specify who the Design / Web representative is.
The participation of these teams in Mindshare is unclear. It was also unclear to me while I served on the Committee. I think revisiting the roles of each contributing team on the committee is worth doing. Most of the work I see taken care of in Mindshare is specific to Ambassadors and Advocates. This biases what kinds of work is implicitly valued in the Committee and also distances current Committee work from the high-level goals we identified for this Committee to address and solve in the Fedora community at the March 2018 Mindshare FAD.
I'd be interested to hear your ideas here. I read the charter as hoping the reps will communicate information to/from their teams and put some effort into larger Mindshare objectives.
This ticket is triaged as next meeting but I am going to reprioritize as needs review.
next meeting
needs review
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue priority set to: None (was: 15)
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue priority set to: needs review
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