Have onboarding guidelines for selected applicants Introduce social communication channels for students. Do research + Use existing documents from other open source communities. eg. Metabrainz has a private communication channel for discussions between mentors
So, this doc page is going to be public?
Re: Communication, I remember someone talking about a invite only Freenode channel which was used by GSoC mentors. After little bit of poking around, I discovered #fedora-gsoc which looks like an invite only channel. Do you know who owns the channel?
Highlight work of selected applicants on Commblog.
+1. We missed this last year. We should definitely do it this year
I'd be happy to have this page public. We just need someone with time to draft/modify it, etc.
I don't know who owns #fedora-gsoc. Can you follow up with our IRC sig and get it sorted?
Sounds good.
I just asked if any infra folks had access to it. It is currently owned by ynemoy 'Yaakov Meir Nemoy' <loupgaroublond@gmail.com>
ynemoy 'Yaakov Meir Nemoy' <loupgaroublond@gmail.com>
Can you find out what the procedure is to get it transferred to someone who is active on this project?
@bex said… Can you find out what the procedure is to get it transferred to someone who is active on this project?
Anything related to reclaiming IRC channels, we need @spot, since he is the primary contact for Fedora's project registration on Freenode.
@spot, could you help us reclaim #fedora-gsoc and assign OP privileges to @bex, @skamath, and me?
'''#fedora-gsoc''' is now owned and privileged as requested.
I thought there was #fedora-summer-coding as well but I can't find it in my IRC channels (lost to the mysteries of time?)
@spot can you invite me to the channel? Having privileges isn't enough :)
@labbott that channel is actively used and exists :)
Have onboarding guidelines for selected applicants Introduce social communication channels for students. Do research + Use existing documents from other open source communities. eg. Metabrainz has a private communication channel for discussions between mentors Highlight work of selected applicants on Commblog.
We did this for Outreachy. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/outreachy-2017-meet-interns/
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