This mentor summit is for rewarding mentors' effort. Who are we calling a mentor here? It is just limited to the mentored project, or we are also counting likes of Package sponsor Join SIG active members ...
If we do count them, how are we going to filter whom to reward and whom not to from those SIGs and groups. We would need a list based on facts (to avoid bias, favoritism ...)
GSoC and outreachy mentors is what Jona and I intend to "reward" with the summit! It's not ideal but if the list grows a lot in first iteration, it would be difficult to identify whom to include. Maybe in future we can add ambassador mentor, Join SIG mentors etc
I have mixed feelings.
I'd like to eventually grow to a big event where we can include anyone with a (serious) interest in talking and learning about mentorship — even people who haven't done it before. I want everyone who has experience in Fedora to have the thought that they might help others grow in the project.
On the other hand, it might indeed be good to start small.
Back on the first hand, since we almost certainly will have to do the first event virtually, cost isn't a limiting factor on size. I think possible actually the limiting factor might be availability and interest.
This is the main reason we are sticking on relatively smaller size event. If in-person event becomes a possibility in future, the the cost would become a factor in which case we will have to think more on how to get the most out of resources we will have. Even now, if we do some kind of paid workshops for mentors.. I am guessing it will be a limited numbered workshop (or pay per attendee which will be decided based on the budget we have). We can open the interest call for those and depending on number of slots left, we can do a call to community (either first come first serve, of if the number if too large, a call to decide -- sort of "application")
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