033092b finished transition to pure Python build/install system

Authored and Committed by jpokorny 13 years ago
    finished transition to pure Python build/install system
    - the setup.py code now contains own extension (subcommand) to
      distutils/setuptools that is able to handle ``files preparation''
      i.e. copying them to the right location and optionally substituting
      strings in @THISFORMAT@ with the values provided on the command-line
      or in setup.cfg file
      - with such build/install system in native Python way, the luci
        package can now be easily distributed also as native package on its
        own, but the benefit is gained also for system specific packaging
        because one needs only 1 to 3 commands to have the build and install
        task done:
        1/ change existing settings in setup.cfg using
           python setup.py saveopts --filename=setup.cfg pkg_prepare
           --key=value ...
           (optional, it is possible also to directly provide these options
           to build/install commands on command-line)
        2/ python setup.py build (optional, install will invoke build
           automatically if missing the right files)
        3/ python setup.py install
        system packager has to then do only minor tasks as generating values
        passed to step 1/ and then touching not-yet present files etc.
    - also added configuration file for Cyrus SASL
      - connected with that, lucipam.c is now parametrized via two macro
        constants defined in lucipam.h; these two constants are identifiers
        connected with the use of Cyrus SASL library and reflecting
        names of 2 respective configuration files: for Cyrus SASL and PAM.D
file modified
+3 -2
file modified
+64 -16
input_files/certconfig/certconfig.in data_files/certconfig/certconfig.in
file renamed
input_files/config.tmpl/config.tmpl.in luci/config/config.tmpl.in
file renamed
+71 -57
input_files/initscript/initscript.in data_files/initscript/initscript.in
file renamed
+52 -33
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
input_files/sysconfig/sysconfig.in data_files/sysconfig/sysconfig.in
file renamed
+19 -19
file modified
+9 -10
file modified
+44 -42
file modified
+45 -1
file modified
+30 -2
file modified
+37 -9
file modified
+62 -1
file modified
+1 -1
file modified
+1 -6
file added
file modified
+24 -1
file modified
+313 -178