94da6e5 [FENCE] Bug #448822: fence_ilo doesn't work with iLO

3 files Authored by marx 15 years ago, Committed by fabbione 15 years ago,
    [FENCE] Bug #448822: fence_ilo doesn't work with iLO
    New fencing agent for iLO used ssh/telnet to connect, but unfortutely
    there is a problem with power off. This is why we need to use SSL connection
    and RIBCL commands. As there is no (?) telnet with ssl connection in RHEL we
    need one to be able to use same infrastructure as in other agents. This agent
    was not tested with RIBCL version < 2.0 (these part where just ported from the
    old perl fencing agent)
    @todo: we have to put telnet_ssl.py somewhere, I'm not sure where
file modified
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