GNU LibreJS --an add-on for GNU IceCat and Mozilla Firefox-- detects and
blocks nonfree nontrivial JavaScript while allowing its execution on
pages containing code that is either trivial and/or free.

Notes on working with the code
## Running the addon ##
Download Mozilla's Add-on SDK, then do something like this in the LibreJS

    cfx run -b `which icecat`

## Debugging ##
Uncomment lines 22 and 23 in lib/main.js to enable printing of
console.debug() statements.

## Releasing a new version ##
* Update version number in:
** package.json
** doc/version.texi
* Then run `make info` to build the docs with
* `bzr commit` and `bzr tag 6.0.4`
* Export a tarball: bzr export ~/releases/librejs-6.0.4/librejs-6.0.4.tar.gz
* Make xpi file: cfx xpi --strip-sdk; mv librejs.xpi librejs-6.0.4.xpi