0f6fbda Fixing json files so that librejs builds again

2 files Authored by stcg 2 years ago, Committed by Yuchen Pei 2 years ago,
    Fixing json files so that librejs builds again
    This is needed to build the project using Webpack v2 or v3 [0].
    The following commands were used for the conversion:
      $ mv licenses.json licenses.old.json
      $ cat licenses.old.json \
        |  sed $'s/module.exports = //g' \
        |  tr \' \" |  tr -d ';' \
        |  sed $'s/licenses: /"licenses": /g' \
        >  licenses.json
      $ mv fname_data.json fname_data.old.json
      $ cat fname_data.old.json \
        |  sed $'s/module.exports = //g'\
        |  tr \' \"  \
        |  tr -d ';'  \
        |  sed $'s/fname_data : /"fname_data": /g' \
        > fname_data.json
    Thanks also to Andrea G. Monaco for an identical patch: <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-librejs/2021-05/msg00002.html>
file modified
+3 -3
file modified
+217 -217