df49a85 CorebootModulePkg: Removing ipf from edk2.

3 files Authored by chenc2 5 years ago, Committed by Zhang, Chao B 5 years ago,
    CorebootModulePkg: Removing ipf from edk2.
    Removing rules for Ipf sources file:
    * Remove the source file which path with "ipf" and also listed in
      [Sources.IPF] section of INF file.
    * Remove the source file which listed in [Components.IPF] section
      of DSC file and not listed in any other [Components] section.
    * Remove the embedded Ipf code for MDE_CPU_IPF.
    Removing rules for Inf file:
    * Remove IPF from VALID_ARCHITECTURES comments.
    * Remove DXE_SAL_DRIVER from LIBRARY_CLASS in [Defines] section.
    * Remove the INF which only listed in [Components.IPF] section in DSC.
    * Remove statements from [BuildOptions] that provide IPF specific flags.
    * Remove any IPF sepcific sections.
    Removing rules for Dec file:
    * Remove [Includes.IPF] section from Dec.
    Removing rules for Dsc file:
    * Remove IPF from SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES in [Defines] section of DSC.
    * Remove any IPF specific sections.
    * Remove statements from [BuildOptions] that provide IPF specific flags.
    Cc: Maurice Ma <maurice.ma@intel.com>
    Cc: Prince Agyeman <prince.agyeman@intel.com>
    Cc: Benjamin You <benjamin.you@intel.com>
    Cc: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kinney@intel.com>
    Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1
    Signed-off-by: Chen A Chen <chen.a.chen@intel.com>
    Reviewed-by: Benjamin You <benjamin.you@intel.com>
    Reviewed-by: Ma, Maurice <maurice.ma@intel.com>