#31 kojira updates + annotation usage
Merged 2 years ago by lrossett. Opened 2 years ago by lrossett.
kube-sig/ lrossett/koji-operator issue-14_kojira-crashes  into  main

@@ -2,16 +2,10 @@ 

  kind: Kojira


    name: sample

+    annotations:

+       buildsys.apps.fedoraproject.org/hub: sample/default # $NAME/$NAMESPACE


-   replicas: 1

    image: quay.io/fedora/kojira:f34

-   configmap: kojira-config

-   hub_username: kojira

-   hub_host: koji-hub:8443

    src: 'no'

    max_repo_tasks: 15

-   repo_tasks_limit: 15

-   cacert_secret: koji-hub-ca-cert

-   client_cert_secret: kojira-client-cert

-   shared_pvc: koji-hub-mnt-pvc

-   admin_secret: koji-hub-admin-cert

+   repo_tasks_limit: 15 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -3,15 +3,25 @@ 


      state: present

      namespace: '{{ namespace }}'

-     definition: "{{ lookup('template', '/'.join([samples_dir, cr_file])) | from_yaml }}"

+     definition:

+       apiVersion: buildsys.apps.fedoraproject.org/v1alpha1

+       kind: Kojira

+       metadata:

+         name: sample

+         annotations:

+           buildsys.apps.fedoraproject.org/hub: sample/osdk-test

+       spec:

+         replicas: 1

+         image: quay.io/fedora/kojira:f34

+         src: 'no'

+         max_repo_tasks: 15

+         repo_tasks_limit: 15

      wait: yes

      wait_timeout: 300


        type: Running

        reason: Successful

        status: "True"

-   vars:

-     cr_file: 'buildsys_v1alpha1_kojira.yaml'


  - block:

      - name: 'TEST: kojira.configmap'
@@ -19,12 +29,12 @@ 

          api_version: v1

          kind: ConfigMap

          namespace: "{{ namespace }}"

-         name: kojira-config

+         name: kojira-sample-conf

        register: kojira_configmap

      - assert:


            - kojira_configmap.resources|length == 1

-           - kojira_configmap.resources[0].metadata.labels['app'] == 'kojira'

+           - "kojira_configmap.resources[0].metadata.labels['app'] == 'kojira'"

            - "'kojira.conf' in kojira_configmap.resources[0].data"


  - block:
@@ -33,7 +43,7 @@ 

          api_version: v1

          kind: Secret

          namespace: "{{ namespace }}"

-         name: kojira-client-cert

+         name: kojira-sample-client-cert

        register: kojira_client_secrets

      - assert:


@@ -1,18 +1,6 @@ 


  # defaults file for kojira

- kojira_replicas: "{{ replicas | default(1) }}"

  kojira_image: "{{ image | default('quay.io/fedora/kojira:latest') }}"

- kojira_configmap: "{{ configmap | default('kojira-config') }}"

- kojira_hub_username: "{{ hub_username | default('kojira') }}"

- kojira_hub_host: "{{ hub_host | default('koji-hub:8443') }}"

  kojira_src: "{{ src | default('no') }}"

  kojira_max_repo_tasks: "{{ max_repo_tasks | default(15) }}"

- kojira_repo_tasks_limit: "{{ repo_tasks_limit | default(15) }}"


- kojira_admin_secret: "{{ admin_secret | default('kojira-admin-cert') }}"

- kojira_cacert_secret: "{{ cacert_secret|default('kojira-ca-cert') }}"

- kojira_client_cert_secret: "{{ client_cert_secret|default('kojira-client-cert') }}"


- kojira_shared_pvc: "{{ shared_pvc | default('koji-hub-mnt-pvc') }}"


- kojira_builder_mbox: "{{ mbox | default('') }}"

+ kojira_repo_tasks_limit: "{{ repo_tasks_limit | default(15) }}" 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -6,6 +6,40 @@ 

      suffix: deploy

    register: kojira_dir


+ - name: Retrieve the full Kojira object

+   k8s_info:

+     api_version: buildsys.apps.fedoraproject.org/v1alpha1

+     kind: Kojira

+     namespace: "{{ meta.namespace }}"

+     name: "{{ meta.name }}"

+   register: kojira_k8s


+ - name: Fail if Kojira resource couldn't be found

+   fail:

+     msg: "Failed to fetch kojira {{ meta.name }} "

+   when: kojira_k8s.resources | length == 0


+ - name: Retrieve koji-hub data

+   koji_hub_info:

+     hub: "{{ kojira_k8s.resources.0.metadata.annotations['buildsys.apps.fedoraproject.org/hub'] }}"

+   register: kojira_hub_info


+ - name: Get the annotation value from the retrieved KojiBuilder resource

+   set_fact:

+     kojira_hub: "{{ kojira_k8s.resources.0.metadata.annotations['buildsys.apps.fedoraproject.org/hub'].split('/')  }}"


+ - name: Set play variables

+   set_fact:

+     kojira_replicas: 1

+     kojira_configmap: "kojira-{{ meta.name }}-conf"

+     kojira_hub_username: "{{ meta.name }}"

+     kojira_hub_host: "{{ kojira_hub_info['result']['svc'] }}"

+     kojira_cacert_secret: "{{ kojira_hub_info['result']['hub']['spec']['ca_cert_secret'] }}"

+     kojira_client_cert_secret: "kojira-{{ meta.name }}-client-cert"

+     kojira_shared_pvc: "{{ kojira_hub_info['result']['hub']['spec']['mnt_pvc_name'] }}"

+     kojira_hub_name: "{{ kojira_hub.0 }}"

+     kojira_hub_namespace: "{{ kojira_hub.1 }}"


  - include_tasks: cert.yml


  - block:
@@ -20,21 +54,6 @@ 

          src: "{{ kojira_dir.path }}/kojira.configmap.yaml"


  - block:

-     - name: retrieve and set shared pvc name var

-       k8s_info:

-         api_version: apps.fedoraproject.org/v1alpha1

-         kind: Mbox

-         namespace: "{{ meta.namespace }}"

-         name: "{{ kojira_builder_mbox }}"

-       register: k8s_mboxes

-     - fail:

-         msg: "Failed to find mbox {{ kojira_builder_mbox }} in namespace {{ meta.namespace }}"

-       when: k8s_mboxes.resources|length == 0

-     - set_fact:

-         kojira_shared_pvc: "{{ k8s_mboxes.resources[0].spec.koji_pvc_name }}"

-   when: kojira_builder_mbox|length > 0


- - block:

      - name: ensure kojira deployment


          src: kojira.deployment.yaml.j2
@@ -46,21 +65,6 @@ 

          src: "{{ kojira_dir.path }}/kojira.deployment.yaml"


  - block:

-     - name: setup kojira user

-       k8s_info:

-         api_version: v1

-         kind: Secret

-         namespace: "{{ meta.namespace }}"

-         name: "{{ kojira_admin_secret }}"

-       register: k8s_res

-     - fail:

-         msg: "Secret not found: {{ kojira_admin_secret }}"

-       when: k8s_res.resources|length == 0

-     - set_fact:

-         koji_admin_secret: "{{ k8s_res.resources[0] | from_yaml }}"

-     - copy:

-         content: "{{ koji_admin_secret.data['client.pem'] | b64decode }}"

-         dest: "{{ kojira_dir.path }}/admin.pem"

      - k8s_info:

          api_version: v1

          kind: Secret
@@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ 

          content: "{{ koji_ca_secret.data['cert'] | b64decode }}"

          dest: "{{ kojira_dir.path }}/ca.pem"

      - ktdreyer.koji_ansible.koji_user:

-         koji: "{{ meta.name  }}-{{ meta.namespace }}"

+         koji: "{{ kojira_hub_name }}-{{ kojira_hub_namespace }}"

          name: "{{ kojira_hub_username }}"


            - repo
@@ -85,7 +89,6 @@ 

          state: absent

          path: "{{ koji_dir.path }}"



  - name: cleanup


      path: "{{ kojira_dir.path }}"

fixes #14

  • simplifies the kojira custom resource
  • fixes crashes
  • uses an annotation to retrieve koji-hub data

Build succeeded.

Pull-Request has been merged by lrossett

2 years ago