#981 cli: add a param in watch_tasks to override KeyboardInterrupt output
Merged 5 years ago by mikem. Opened 5 years ago by julian8628.
julian8628/koji issue/976  into  master

file modified
+12 -8
@@ -276,11 +276,20 @@ 

              print('%s has not completed' % task_label)



- def watch_tasks(session, tasklist, quiet=False, poll_interval=60):

+ def watch_tasks(session, tasklist, quiet=False, poll_interval=60, ki_handler=None):

      if not tasklist:


      if not quiet:

          print("Watching tasks (this may be safely interrupted)...")

+     if ki_handler is None:

+         def ki_handler(progname, tasks, quiet):

+             if not quiet:

+                 tlist = ['%s: %s' % (t.str(), t.display_state(t.info))

+                          for t in tasks.values() if not t.is_done()]

+                 print(

+ """Tasks still running. You can continue to watch with the '%s watch-task' command.

+ Running Tasks:

+ %s""" % (progname, '\n'.join(tlist)))


      rv = 0

@@ -317,14 +326,9 @@ 



      except KeyboardInterrupt:

-         if tasks and not quiet:

+         if tasks:

              progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) or 'koji'

-             tlist = ['%s: %s' % (t.str(), t.display_state(t.info))

-                             for t in tasks.values() if not t.is_done()]

-             print( \

- """Tasks still running. You can continue to watch with the '%s watch-task' command.

- Running Tasks:

- %s""" % (progname, '\n'.join(tlist)))

+             ki_handler(progname, tasks, quiet)


      return rv


@@ -121,6 +121,32 @@ 

  ''' % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) or 'koji'))

          self.assertMultiLineEqual(stdout.getvalue(), expected)


+     @mock.patch('time.sleep')

+     @mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=six.StringIO)

+     def test_watch_tasks_with_keyboardinterrupt_handler(self, stdout, sleep):

+         """Raise KeyboardInterrupt inner watch_tasks with a ki_handler"""

+         cfile = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/data/calls/watchtasks2.json'

+         with open(cfile) as fp:

+             cdata = json.load(fp)

+         self.session.load_calls(cdata)

+         sleep.side_effect = [None] * 10 + [KeyboardInterrupt]


+         def customized_handler(progname, tasks, quiet):

+             print('some output')


+         with self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt):

+             # watch_tasks catches and re-raises it to display a message

+             watch_tasks(self.session, [1208], quiet=False, poll_interval=5,

+                         ki_handler=customized_handler)

+         expected = ('''Watching tasks (this may be safely interrupted)...

+ 1208 build (f24, /users/mikem/fake.git:master): free

+ 1208 build (f24, /users/mikem/fake.git:master): free -> open (builder-01)

+   1209 buildSRPMFromSCM (/users/mikem/fake.git:master): free

+   1209 buildSRPMFromSCM (/users/mikem/fake.git:master): free -> open (builder-01)

+ some output

+ ''')

+         self.assertMultiLineEqual(stdout.getvalue(), expected)



  if __name__ == '__main__':


Maybe adding quiet option and calling it in if tasks branch would make it slightly more usable. In default implementation it will do nothing, but in some client it can do some emergency action even in quite mode.

1 new commit added

  • move quiet option into ki_handler
5 years ago

Maybe adding quiet option and calling it in if tasks branch would make it slightly more usable. In default implementation it will do nothing, but in some client it can do some emergency action even in quite mode.


Seems odd to define an inner function at that point. Clearer to define it at the beginning.


rebased onto 9d3cd4c

5 years ago

Seems odd to define an inner function at that point. Clearer to define it at the beginning.


Commit 109a0d8 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by mikem

5 years ago