#625 watch-logs --mine --follow
Merged 6 years ago by mikem. Opened 6 years ago by tkopecek.
tkopecek/koji issue621  into  master

file modified
+13 -60
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ 

          _unique_path, _running_in_bg, _progress_callback, watch_tasks, \

          arg_filter, linked_upload, list_task_output_all_volumes, \

          print_task_headers, print_task_recurse, download_file, watch_logs, \

-         error, greetings

+         error, greetings, _list_tasks



  def _printable_unicode(s):
@@ -6010,59 +6010,6 @@ 

          session.setTaskPriority(task_id, options.priority, options.recurse)



- def _list_tasks(options, session):

-     "Retrieve a list of tasks"


-     callopts = {

-         'state' : [koji.TASK_STATES[s] for s in ('FREE', 'OPEN', 'ASSIGNED')],

-         'decode' : True,

-     }


-     if options.mine:

-         user = session.getLoggedInUser()

-         if not user:

-             print("Unable to determine user")

-             sys.exit(1)

-         callopts['owner'] = user['id']

-     if options.user:

-         user = session.getUser(options.user)

-         if not user:

-             print("No such user: %s" % options.user)

-             sys.exit(1)

-         callopts['owner'] = user['id']

-     if options.arch:

-         callopts['arch'] = parse_arches(options.arch, to_list=True)

-     if options.method:

-         callopts['method'] = options.method

-     if options.channel:

-         chan = session.getChannel(options.channel)

-         if not chan:

-             print("No such channel: %s" % options.channel)

-             sys.exit(1)

-         callopts['channel_id'] = chan['id']

-     if options.host:

-         host = session.getHost(options.host)

-         if not host:

-             print("No such host: %s" % options.host)

-             sys.exit(1)

-         callopts['host_id'] = host['id']


-     qopts = {'order' : 'priority,create_time'}

-     tasklist = session.listTasks(callopts, qopts)

-     tasks = dict([(x['id'], x) for x in tasklist])


-     #thread the tasks

-     for t in tasklist:

-         if t['parent'] is not None:

-             parent = tasks.get(t['parent'])

-             if parent:

-                 parent.setdefault('children',[])

-                 parent['children'].append(t)

-                 t['sub'] = True


-     return tasklist



  def handle_list_tasks(goptions, session, args):

      "[info] Print the list of tasks"

      usage = _("usage: %prog list-tasks [options]")
@@ -6240,15 +6187,21 @@ 

      usage += _("\n(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)")

      parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)

      parser.add_option("--log", help=_("Watch only a specific log"))

+     parser.add_option("--mine", action="store_true", help=_("Watch logs for all your tasks"))

+     parser.add_option("--follow", action="store_true", help=_("Follow spawned child tasks"))

      (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)

      activate_session(session, goptions)


-     tasks = []

-     for task in args:

-         try:

-             tasks.append(int(task))

-         except ValueError:

-             parser.error(_("task id must be an integer"))

+     if options.mine:

+         tasks = _list_tasks(options, session)

+         tasks = [t['id'] for t in tasks]

+     else:

+         tasks = []

+         for task in args:

+             try:

+                 tasks.append(int(task))

+             except ValueError:

+                 parser.error(_("task id must be an integer"))

      if not tasks:

          parser.error(_("at least one task id must be specified"))


file modified
@@ -377,6 +377,12 @@ 

                              lastlog = currlog



+             if opts.follow:

+                 for child in session.getTaskChildren(task_id):

+                     if child['id'] not in tasklist:

+                         tasklist.append(child['id'])

+                         offsets[child['id']] = {}


          if not tasklist:


@@ -571,3 +577,58 @@ 


      if options.debug:

          print("successfully connected to hub")



+ def _list_tasks(options, session):

+     "Retrieve a list of tasks"


+     callopts = {

+         'state' : [koji.TASK_STATES[s] for s in ('FREE', 'OPEN', 'ASSIGNED')],

+         'decode' : True,

+     }


+     if getattr(options, 'mine'):

+         if getattr(options, 'user'):

+             raise koji.GenericError("Can't specify 'mine' and 'user' in same time")

+         user = session.getLoggedInUser()

+         if not user:

+             print("Unable to determine user")

+             sys.exit(1)

+         callopts['owner'] = user['id']

+     if getattr(options, 'user'):

+         user = session.getUser(options.user)

+         if not user:

+             print("No such user: %s" % options.user)

+             sys.exit(1)

+         callopts['owner'] = user['id']

+     if getattr(options, 'arch'):

+         callopts['arch'] = parse_arches(options.arch, to_list=True)

+     if getattr(options, 'method'):

+         callopts['method'] = options.method

+     if getattr(options, 'channel'):

+         chan = session.getChannel(options.channel)

+         if not chan:

+             print("No such channel: %s" % options.channel)

+             sys.exit(1)

+         callopts['channel_id'] = chan['id']

+     if getattr(options, 'host'):

+         host = session.getHost(options.host)

+         if not host:

+             print("No such host: %s" % options.host)

+             sys.exit(1)

+         callopts['host_id'] = host['id']


+     qopts = {'order' : 'priority,create_time'}

+     tasklist = session.listTasks(callopts, qopts)

+     tasks = dict([(x['id'], x) for x in tasklist])


+     #thread the tasks

+     for t in tasklist:

+         if t['parent'] is not None:

+             parent = tasks.get(t['parent'])

+             if parent:

+                 parent.setdefault('children',[])

+                 parent['children'].append(t)

+                 t['sub'] = True


+     return tasklist

@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ 

+ import mock

+ import unittest


+ import koji

+ from koji_cli.lib import _list_tasks


+ class TestListTasks(unittest.TestCase):

+     def setUp(self):

+         pass


+     @mock.patch('sys.exit')

+     def test_list_tasks(self, sys_exit):

+         options = mock.MagicMock(name='options')

+         options.mine = True

+         options.user = None

+         options.arch = None

+         options.method = None

+         options.channel = None

+         options.host = None

+         session = mock.MagicMock(name='session')

+         session.getLoggedInUser.return_value = {'id': 1, 'username': 'name'}

+         session.listTasks.return_value = []

+         sys_exit.side_effect = RuntimeError


+         # mine

+         r = _list_tasks(options, session)

+         self.assertEqual(r, [])

+         session.listTasks.assert_called_once_with({

+             'state': [koji.TASK_STATES[s] for s in ('FREE', 'OPEN', 'ASSIGNED')],

+             'decode': True,

+             'owner': 1,

+         }, {'order' : 'priority,create_time'})


+         # invalid me

+         session.getLoggedInUser.return_value = None

+         with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):

+             _list_tasks(options, session)


+         # mine + user -> error

+         options.user = 2

+         with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError):

+             _list_tasks(options, session)


+         # only user

+         session.listTasks.reset_mock()

+         options.mine = None

+         session.getUser.return_value = {'id': 2, 'username': 'name'}

+         _list_tasks(options, session)

+         session.listTasks.assert_called_once_with({

+             'state': [koji.TASK_STATES[s] for s in ('FREE', 'OPEN', 'ASSIGNED')],

+             'decode': True,

+             'owner': 2,

+         }, {'order' : 'priority,create_time'})


+         # invalid user

+         session.getUser.return_value = None

+         with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):

+             _list_tasks(options, session)


+         # only arch

+         session.listTasks.reset_mock()

+         options.user = None

+         options.arch = 'x86_64,i386'

+         _list_tasks(options, session)

+         session.listTasks.assert_called_once_with({

+             'state': [koji.TASK_STATES[s] for s in ('FREE', 'OPEN', 'ASSIGNED')],

+             'decode': True,

+             'arch': ['x86_64', 'i386'],

+         }, {'order' : 'priority,create_time'})


+         # only method

+         session.listTasks.reset_mock()

+         options.arch = None

+         options.method = 'method'

+         _list_tasks(options, session)

+         session.listTasks.assert_called_once_with({

+             'state': [koji.TASK_STATES[s] for s in ('FREE', 'OPEN', 'ASSIGNED')],

+             'decode': True,

+             'method': 'method',

+         }, {'order' : 'priority,create_time'})


+         # only channel

+         session.listTasks.reset_mock()

+         options.method = None

+         options.channel = 'channel'

+         session.getChannel.return_value = {'id': 123, 'name': 'channel'}

+         _list_tasks(options, session)

+         session.listTasks.assert_called_once_with({

+             'state': [koji.TASK_STATES[s] for s in ('FREE', 'OPEN', 'ASSIGNED')],

+             'decode': True,

+             'channel_id': 123,

+         }, {'order' : 'priority,create_time'})

+         session.getChannel.assert_called_once_with('channel')


+         # invalid channel

+         session.getChannel.return_value = None

+         with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):

+             _list_tasks(options, session)


+         # only host

+         session.listTasks.reset_mock()

+         options.channel = None

+         options.host = 'host'

+         session.getHost.return_value = {'id': 234}

+         _list_tasks(options, session)

+         session.listTasks.assert_called_once_with({

+             'state': [koji.TASK_STATES[s] for s in ('FREE', 'OPEN', 'ASSIGNED')],

+             'decode': True,

+             'host_id': 234,

+         }, {'order' : 'priority,create_time'})

+         session.getHost.assert_called_once_with('host')


+         # invalid host

+         session.getHost.return_value = None

+         with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):

+             _list_tasks(options, session)


+         # parent/children threading

+         options.host = None

+         session.listTasks.return_value = [

+             {'id': 1, 'parent': None},

+             {'id': 2, 'parent': 1},

+             {'id': 3, 'parent': 2},

+         ]

+         r = _list_tasks(options, session)

+         self.assertEqual(r, [

+             {

+                 'children': [

+                     {

+                         'children': [ {'id': 3, 'parent': 2, 'sub': True}],

+                         'id': 2,

+                         'parent': 1,

+                         'sub': True

+                     }

+                 ],

+                 'id': 1,

+                 'parent': None

+             },

+             {

+                 'children': [{'id': 3, 'parent': 2, 'sub': True}],

+                 'id': 2,

+                 'parent': 1,

+                 'sub': True

+             },

+             {

+                 'id': 3,

+                 'parent': 2,

+                 'sub': True}

+             ])


I wonder about setting these options here. Would it be better for _list_tasks to use getattr?
At least worth an explanatory comment.

Also, this approach will break if we add a new option to the list tasks command without also adding it here. That's not necessarily a problem with this approach, but we should probably have a unit test that will catch this. Right now, if I delete one of these options the command fails, but the unit tests pass.

I've moved _list_tasks to lib (as it is now used by more functions) and changed option retrieval to getattr.

1 new commit added

  • move _list_task to client lib
6 years ago

1 new commit added

  • unit test
6 years ago

rebased onto d7ff474

6 years ago

Commit 299e0cd fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by mikem@redhat.com

6 years ago