#4060 auto arch refusal for noarch tasks
Merged 5 months ago by tkopecek. Opened 10 months ago by mikem.
mikem/koji noarch-hack  into  master

file modified
@@ -747,6 +747,7 @@ 

      opts['id'] = task_id


          'postTaskStateChange', attribute='state', old=None, new='FREE', info=opts)

+     scheduler.auto_arch_refuse(task_id)  # temporary workaround

      return task_id



file modified
@@ -104,6 +104,70 @@ 

      log_both(f'Host refused task: {msg}', task_id=taskID, host_id=hostID)



+ def auto_arch_refuse(task_id):

+     """Set refusals for hosts based on task parameters"""

+     # This is a temporary workaround

+     try:

+         _auto_arch_refuse(task_id)

+     except Exception:

+         # better to not fail make_task()

+         logger.exception('Error generating auto refusals for task %i', task_id)

+         return



+ def _auto_arch_refuse(task_id):

+     task = kojihub.Task(task_id)

+     info = task.getInfo(request=True)

+     if info['arch'] != 'noarch':

+         return

+     if info['method'] not in {'buildArch', 'buildMaven', 'wrapperRPM', 'rebuildSRPM',

+                               'buildSRPMFromSCM'}:

+         return

+     if task.isFinished():

+         # shouldn't happen

+         logger.warning('Skipping auto refusal for closed task %i', task_id)

+         return


+     try:

+         task_params = koji.tasks.parse_task_params(info['method'], info['request'])

+     except Exception:

+         logger.warning('Invalid params for task %i', task_id)

+         return


+     # figure out build tag

+     if info['method'] in {'buildMaven', 'buildSRPMFromSCM', 'rebuildSRPM'}:

+         tag = task_params['build_tag']

+     elif info['method'] == 'buildArch':

+         tag = task_params['root']

+     elif info['method'] == 'wrapperRPM':

+         target = kojihub.get_build_target(task_params['build_target'])

+         if not target:

+             logger.warning('Invalid target for task %i', task_id)

+             return

+         tag = target['build_tag']

+     taginfo = kojihub.get_tag(tag)

+     if not taginfo:

+         logger.warning('Invalid build tag for task %i', task_id)

+         return


+     # from here, we're basically doing checkHostArch() for all hosts in the channel

+     buildconfig = context.handlers.call('getBuildConfig', taginfo['id'])

+     # getBuildConfig traverses inheritance to find arches if tag does not have them

+     tag_arches = set([koji.canonArch(a) for a in buildconfig['arches'].split()])

+     if not tag_arches:

+         logger.warning("No arches for tag %(name)s [%(id)s]", taginfo)

+         # we don't error here, allowing the task itself to fail

+         return


+     hosts = context.handlers.call('listHosts', channelID=info['channel_id'], enabled=True,

+                                   queryOpts={'order': 'id'})

+     for host in hosts:

+         host_arches = host['arches'].split()

+         logger.debug('%r vs %r', tag_arches, host_arches)

+         if not tag_arches.intersection(host_arches):

+             set_refusal(host['id'], task_id, soft=False, msg='automatic arch refusal')



  class TaskRefusalsQuery(QueryView):


      tables = ['scheduler_task_refusals']

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ 

+ import datetime

+ import mock

+ import unittest


+ import koji

+ import kojihub

+ import kojihub.db

+ from kojihub import scheduler



+ QP = scheduler.QueryProcessor

+ IP = scheduler.InsertProcessor

+ UP = scheduler.UpdateProcessor

+ TASK = kojihub.Task



+ class MyError(Exception):

+     pass



+ class AutoRefuseTest(unittest.TestCase):


+     def setUp(self):

+         self._dml = mock.patch('kojihub.db._dml').start()

+         # self.exports = kojihub.RootExports()

+         self.task = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.Task = mock.patch('kojihub.kojihub.Task', return_value=self.task).start()

+         self.get_build_target = mock.patch('kojihub.kojihub.get_build_target').start()

+         self.get_tag = mock.patch('kojihub.kojihub.get_tag').start()

+         self.context = mock.patch('kojihub.scheduler.context').start()

+         self.set_refusal = mock.patch('kojihub.scheduler.set_refusal').start()

+         self.handlers = {

+             'getBuildConfig': mock.MagicMock(),

+             'listHosts': mock.MagicMock(),

+         }

+         self.context.handlers.call.side_effect = self._my_handler_call

+         self.set_base_data()


+     def tearDown(self):

+         mock.patch.stopall()


+     def set_base_data(self):

+         request = [

+             'tasks/8755/59888755/release-e2e-test-1.0.4474-1.el9.src.rpm',

+             'TAG_ID',

+             'x86_64',

+             True,

+             {'repo_id': 8075973}]

+         self.taskinfo = {

+             'arch': 'noarch',

+             'channel_id': 35,

+             'id': 59888794,

+             'method': 'buildArch',

+             'request': request,

+             'state': 1,

+         }

+         self.task.getInfo.return_value = self.taskinfo

+         self.task.isFinished.return_value = False

+         self.get_tag.return_value = {'id': 'TAGID', 'name': 'MYTAG'}

+         self.handlers['listHosts'].return_value = [{'id': 'HOST', 'arches': 'x86_64 i686'}]

+         self.handlers['getBuildConfig'].return_value = {'arches': 'x86_64 s390x ppc64le aarch64'}


+     def _my_handler_call(self, method, *a, **kw):

+         handler = self.handlers[method]

+         return handler(*a, **kw)


+     def test_arch_overlap(self):

+         # we mostly test the underlying function to avoid masking errors

+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.Task.assert_called_once_with(100)

+         self.get_tag.assert_called_once_with('TAG_ID')

+         self.set_refusal.assert_not_called()


+     def test_arch_disjoint(self):

+         self.handlers['listHosts'].return_value = [{'id': 'HOST', 'arches': 'riscv128'}]

+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.Task.assert_called_once_with(100)

+         self.get_tag.assert_called_once_with('TAG_ID')

+         self.set_refusal.assert_called_once()


+     def test_no_tag_arches(self):

+         self.handlers['getBuildConfig'].return_value = {'arches': ''}

+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.Task.assert_called_once_with(100)

+         self.get_tag.assert_called_once_with('TAG_ID')

+         self.handlers['listHosts'].assert_not_called()

+         self.set_refusal.assert_not_called()


+     def test_mixed_hosts(self):

+         good1 = [{'id': n, 'arches': 'x86_64 i686'} for n in range(0,5)]

+         bad1 = [{'id': n, 'arches': 'ia64'} for n in range(5,10)]

+         good2 = [{'id': n, 'arches': 'aarch64'} for n in range(10,15)]

+         bad2 = [{'id': n, 'arches': 'sparc64'} for n in range(15,20)]

+         hosts = good1 + bad1 + good2 + bad2

+         self.handlers['listHosts'].return_value = hosts

+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.Task.assert_called_once_with(100)

+         self.get_tag.assert_called_once_with('TAG_ID')


+         # should only refuse the bad ones

+         expect = [mock.call(h['id'], 100, soft=False, msg='automatic arch refusal') for h in bad1 + bad2]

+         self.assertListEqual(self.set_refusal.mock_calls, expect)


+     def test_not_noarch(self):

+         self.taskinfo['arch'] = 'x86_64'


+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.task.isFinished.assert_not_called()


+     def test_other_method(self):

+         self.taskinfo['method'] = 'build'


+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.task.isFinished.assert_not_called()


+     def test_task_finished(self):

+         self.task.isFinished.return_value = True


+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.get_tag.assert_not_called()


+     def test_bad_tag(self):

+         self.get_tag.return_value = None


+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.context.handlers.call.assert_not_called()


+     def test_bad_params(self):

+         self.taskinfo['request'] = []


+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.get_tag.assert_not_called()


+     def test_unexpected_error(self):

+         self.get_tag.side_effect = MyError('should be caught')


+         # the wrapper should catch this

+         scheduler.auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.context.handlers.call.assert_not_called()


+     def test_unexpected_error2(self):

+         self.get_tag.side_effect = MyError('should not be caught')


+         # the underlying call should not

+         with self.assertRaises(MyError):

+             scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.context.handlers.call.assert_not_called()


+     def test_from_scm(self):

+         self.taskinfo['method'] = 'buildSRPMFromSCM'

+         self.taskinfo['request'] = [

+             'git+https://HOST/PATH',

+             'TAG_ID',

+             {'repo_id': 8075973, 'scratch': None}]


+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.Task.assert_called_once_with(100)

+         self.get_tag.assert_called_once_with('TAG_ID')

+         self.set_refusal.assert_not_called()


+     def test_from_srpm(self):

+         self.taskinfo['method'] = 'rebuildSRPM'

+         self.taskinfo['request'] = [

+             'cli-build/1709137799.6498768.BFGhzghk/fake-1.1-35.src.rpm',

+             'TAG_ID',

+             {'repo_id': 2330, 'scratch': True}]


+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.Task.assert_called_once_with(100)

+         self.get_tag.assert_called_once_with('TAG_ID')

+         self.set_refusal.assert_not_called()


+     def test_wrapper(self):

+         self.taskinfo['method'] = 'wrapperRPM'

+         self.taskinfo['request'] = [

+             'git://HOST/PATH',

+             'TARGET',

+              {'build_id': 421},

+              None,

+              {'repo_id': 958, 'scratch': True}]

+         self.get_build_target.return_value = {'build_tag': 'TAG_ID'}


+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.Task.assert_called_once_with(100)

+         self.get_build_target.assert_called_once_with('TARGET')

+         self.get_tag.assert_called_once_with('TAG_ID')

+         self.set_refusal.assert_not_called()


+     def test_bad_target(self):

+         self.taskinfo['method'] = 'wrapperRPM'

+         self.taskinfo['request'] = [

+             'git://HOST/PATH',

+             'TARGET',

+              {'build_id': 421},

+              None,

+              {'repo_id': 958, 'scratch': True}]

+         self.get_build_target.return_value = None


+         scheduler._auto_arch_refuse(100)


+         self.Task.assert_called_once_with(100)

+         self.get_build_target.assert_called_once_with('TARGET')

+         self.get_tag.assert_not_called()

Related: https://pagure.io/koji/issue/4047

This is not a proper fix, but could serve as a temporary workaround.

I've run some basic tests, but nothing comprehensive. Posting for discussion.

rebuildSRPM is here twice.

1 new commit added

  • typo
10 months ago

1 new commit added

  • add unit test and adjust error handling
10 months ago

Simple local test succeeds:

[mikem@localhost koji]$ lkoji scheduler-logs --task 13852
Task    Host    Time    Message
13852   builder-02  Wed Mar 20 17:16:01 2024    Host refused task: automatic arch refusal
13852   builder-01  Wed Mar 20 17:16:01 2024    Assigning task

1 new commit added

  • one more test
10 months ago

1 new commit added

  • adjust comments
9 months ago

rebased onto b93ae26badd1c54e56a4c88419ce356dfd3fcbd6

9 months ago

rebased with no conflicts. unit tests pass

This has been working for us, and in retrospect it's not that bad of a hack.

This is definitely not the way that I think this should be fixed, but I think this can serve as a temporary workaround until we can make the scheduler a bit smarter.

Metadata Update from @tkopecek:
- Pull-request tagged with: testing-ready

9 months ago

1 new commit added

  • adjust handling for tags with no arches
6 months ago

last change fixes a couple issues. FIrst, we need to use getBuildConfig to match checkHostArch. Second, we need to avoid refusing all hosts when the tag has no arches.

rebased onto f84fff1

6 months ago

rebased with no conflicts

Metadata Update from @mfilip:
- Pull-request tagged with: testing-done

5 months ago

Commit 90b3ef7 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by tkopecek

5 months ago