#378 Couple of small fixes to the koji documentation
Merged 7 years ago by mikem. Opened 7 years ago by pingou.
pingou/koji simple_doc_fixes  into  master

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ 

  -  buildroots: A list of maps, one for each environment in which build

     output was generated, containing information about that environment.

  -  output: A list of maps, one map for each file that will be imported

-    and managed by Brew.

+    and managed by Koji.




@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ 

  authorization in their Koji system.


  Below are some examples of the sorts of policies that one might require.

- Content Generators should be designed and implemented with the

+ Content Generators should be designed and implemented with these

  requirements in mind. Please note that the list below is not complete.


  Avoid Using the Host's Software

Change "the requirements" to "these requirements" and change Brew by Koji
since this documentation is under the Koji project.

Signed-off-by: Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr

Thanks for the reviews

(Note: I don't have the rights to do the merging @mikem :))

Commit f5066c5 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by mikem@redhat.com

7 years ago