#3650 Add test cases for help
Merged a year ago by tkopecek. Opened a year ago by jcupova.
jcupova/koji add-test-cases-help  into  master

Add test cases for help
Jana Cupova • a year ago  
file modified
+2 -1
@@ -7492,7 +7492,8 @@ 

      parser.add_option("--user", help="Add notifications for this user (admin-only)")

      parser.add_option("--package", help="Add notifications for this package")

      parser.add_option("--tag", help="Add notifications for this tag")

-     parser.add_option("--success-only", action="store_true", default=False, help="")

+     parser.add_option("--success-only", action="store_true", default=False,

+                       help="Enabled notification on successful events only")

      (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)


      if len(args) != 0:

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ 

+ from __future__ import absolute_import


+ import mock

+ import six


+ from koji_cli.commands import handle_add_external_repo

+ from . import utils



+ class TestAddExternalRepo(utils.CliTestCase):


+     def setUp(self):

+         self.maxDiff = None

+         self.options = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.session = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.activate_session_mock = mock.patch('koji_cli.commands.activate_session').start()

+         self.error_format = """Usage: %s add-external-repo [options] <name> [<url>]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ %s: error: {message}

+ """ % (self.progname, self.progname)

+         self.name = 'test-repo'

+         self.url = 'https://path/to/ext/repo'

+         self.rinfo = {'id': 1, 'name': self.name, 'url': self.url}

+         self.tag = 'test-tag'

+         self.priority = 10


+     def test_add_external_repo_invalid_mode(self):

+         mode = 'test-mode'

+         arguments = ['--mode', mode]

+         self.assert_system_exit(

+             handle_add_external_repo,

+             self.options, self.session, arguments,

+             stdout='',

+             stderr=self.format_error_message('Invalid mode: %s' % mode),

+             exit_code=2,

+             activate_session=None)

+         self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)


+     def test_add_external_repo_mode_without_tag(self):

+         arguments = ['--mode', 'koji']

+         self.assert_system_exit(

+             handle_add_external_repo,

+             self.options, self.session, arguments,

+             stdout='',

+             stderr=self.format_error_message('The --mode option can only be used with --tag'),

+             exit_code=2,

+             activate_session=None)

+         self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)


+     def test_add_external_repo_one_arg_without_tag(self):

+         repo_info = [

+             {'id': 1,

+              'name': 'test-ext-repo',

+              'url': 'https://path/to/ext/repo'},

+         ]

+         name = 'test-ext-repo'

+         self.session.getExternalRepo.return_value = repo_info

+         arguments = [name]

+         self.assert_system_exit(

+             handle_add_external_repo,

+             self.options, self.session, arguments,

+             stdout='',

+             stderr=self.format_error_message('A url is required to create an external repo entry'),

+             exit_code=2,

+             activate_session=None)

+         self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)

+         self.session.getExternalRepo.assert_called_once_with(name, strict=True)


+     def test_add_external_repo_incorect_num_of_args(self):

+         arguments = []

+         self.assert_system_exit(

+             handle_add_external_repo,

+             self.options, self.session, arguments,

+             stdout='',

+             stderr=self.format_error_message('Incorrect number of arguments'),

+             exit_code=2,

+             activate_session=None)

+         self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)


+     @mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=six.StringIO)

+     def test_add_external_repo_valid(self, stdout):

+         self.session.createExternalRepo.return_value = self.rinfo

+         self.session.addExternalRepoToTag.return_value = None


+         handle_add_external_repo(self.options, self.session,

+                                  [self.name, self.url, '--tag',

+                                   '%s::%s' % (self.tag, str(self.priority))])

+         actual = stdout.getvalue()

+         expected = 'Created external repo %i\nAdded external repo %s to tag %s (priority %i)\n' \

+                    % (self.rinfo['id'], self.rinfo['name'], self.tag, self.priority)

+         self.assertMultiLineEqual(actual, expected)


+         self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)

+         self.session.createExternalRepo.assert_called_once_with(self.name, self.url)


+     @mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=six.StringIO)

+     def test_add_external_repo_without_priority(self, stdout):

+         self.session.createExternalRepo.return_value = self.rinfo

+         self.session.addExternalRepoToTag.return_value = None

+         self.session.getTagExternalRepos.return_value = None


+         handle_add_external_repo(self.options, self.session,

+                                  [self.name, self.url, '--tag', self.tag, '--mode=koji',

+                                   '--arches=arch'])

+         actual = stdout.getvalue()

+         expected = 'Created external repo %i\nAdded external repo %s to tag %s (priority 5)\n' \

+                    % (self.rinfo['id'], self.rinfo['name'], self.tag)

+         self.assertMultiLineEqual(actual, expected)


+         self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)

+         self.session.createExternalRepo.assert_called_once_with(self.name, self.url)


+     @mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=six.StringIO)

+     def test_add_external_repo_with_option_priority(self, stdout):

+         self.session.createExternalRepo.return_value = self.rinfo

+         self.session.addExternalRepoToTag.return_value = None

+         self.session.getTagExternalRepos.return_value = None

+         priority = 3


+         handle_add_external_repo(self.options, self.session,

+                                  [self.name, self.url, '--tag', self.tag, '--mode=koji',

+                                   '--arches=arch', '--priority', str(priority)])

+         actual = stdout.getvalue()

+         expected = 'Created external repo %i\nAdded external repo %s to tag %s (priority %i)\n' \

+                    % (self.rinfo['id'], self.rinfo['name'], self.tag, priority)

+         self.assertMultiLineEqual(actual, expected)


+         self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)

+         self.session.createExternalRepo.assert_called_once_with(self.name, self.url)


+     def test_handle_add_external_repo_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_add_external_repo,

+             """Usage: %s add-external-repo [options] <name> [<url>]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help            show this help message and exit

+   -t TAG, --tag=TAG     Also add repo to tag. Use tag::N to set priority

+   -p PRIORITY, --priority=PRIORITY

+                         Set priority (when adding to tag)

+   -m MODE, --mode=MODE  Set merge mode

+   -a ARCH1,ARCH2, ..., --arches=ARCH1,ARCH2, ...

+                         Use only subset of arches from given repo

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ 

          session.getTagGroups.assert_called_once_with(tag, inherit=False)



-     def test_handle_add_group_help(self):

+     def test_handle_add_group_no_args(self):

          arguments = []

          options = mock.MagicMock()

@@ -155,6 +155,16 @@ 




+     def test_handle_add_group_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_add_group,

+             """Usage: %s add-group <tag> <group>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+ """ % self.progname)



  if __name__ == '__main__':


@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ 

      @mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=six.StringIO)

      @mock.patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=six.StringIO)


-     def test_handle_add_host_to_channel_help(

+     def test_handle_add_host_to_channel_no_args(

              self, activate_session_mock, stderr, stdout):

          arguments = []

          options = mock.MagicMock()
@@ -186,6 +186,18 @@ 




+     def test_handle_add_host_to_channel_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_add_host_to_channel,

+             """Usage: %s add-host-to-channel [options] <hostname> <channel>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+   --new       Create channel if needed

+   --force     force added, if possible

+ """ % self.progname)



  if __name__ == '__main__':


@@ -161,3 +161,17 @@ 



          self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)


+     def test_add_notification_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_add_notification,

+             """Usage: %s add-notification [options]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help         show this help message and exit

+   --user=USER        Add notifications for this user (admin-only)

+   --package=PACKAGE  Add notifications for this package

+   --tag=TAG          Add notifications for this tag

+   --success-only     Enabled notification on successful events only

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -230,6 +230,20 @@ 




+     def test_handle_add_pkg_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_add_pkg,

+             """Usage: %s add-pkg [options] --owner <owner> <tag> <package> [<package> ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help            show this help message and exit

+   --force               Override blocks if necessary

+   --owner=OWNER         Specify owner

+   --extra-arches=EXTRA_ARCHES

+                         Specify extra arches

+ """ % self.progname)



  if __name__ == '__main__':


@@ -158,3 +158,21 @@ 

          self.assert_console_message(stdout, '')

          self.assert_console_message(stderr, '')

          self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)


+     def test_add_tag_inheritance_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_add_tag_inheritance,

+             """Usage: %s add-tag-inheritance [options] <tag> <parent-tag>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help            show this help message and exit

+   --priority=PRIORITY   Specify priority

+   --maxdepth=MAXDEPTH   Specify max depth

+   --intransitive        Set intransitive

+   --noconfig            Set to packages only

+   --pkg-filter=PKG_FILTER

+                         Specify the package filter

+   --force               Force adding a parent to a tag that already has that

+                         parent tag

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ 

          self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_with(self.session, self.options)

          self.session.assignTask.assert_called_with(int(task_id), hostname, True)


-     def test_handle_assign_task_help(self):

+     def test_handle_assign_task_no_args(self):

          arguments = []

          # Run it and check immediate output

@@ -96,6 +96,17 @@ 




+     def test_assign_task_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_assign_task,

+             """Usage: %s assign-task <task_id> <hostname>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help   show this help message and exit

+   -f, --force  force to assign a non-free task

+ """ % self.progname)



  if __name__ == '__main__':


@@ -118,3 +118,13 @@ 



          self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_with(self.session, self.options)


+     def test_handle_block_group_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_block_group,

+             """Usage: %s block-group <tag> <group>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -129,3 +129,17 @@ 



          self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)


+     def test_block_notification_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_block_notification,

+             """Usage: %s block-notification [options]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help         show this help message and exit

+   --user=USER        Block notifications for this user (admin-only)

+   --package=PACKAGE  Block notifications for this package

+   --tag=TAG          Block notifications for this tag

+   --all              Block all notification for this user

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -183,3 +183,14 @@ 





+     def test_handle_block_pkg_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_block_pkg,

+             """Usage: %s block-pkg [options] <tag> <package> [<package> ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+   --force     Override blocks and owner if necessary

+ """ % self.progname)

file modified
+4 -12
@@ -141,8 +141,9 @@ 



      def test_handle_build_help(self):

-         arguments = ['--help']

-         expected_stdout = """Usage: %s build [options] <target> <srpm path or scm url>

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_build,

+             """Usage: %s build [options] <target> <srpm path or scm url>


  The first option is the build target, not to be confused with the destination

  tag (where the build eventually lands) or build tag (where the buildroot
@@ -175,16 +176,7 @@ 

                          Provide a JSON string of custom metadata to be

                          deserialized and stored under the build's

                          extra.custom_user_metadata field

- """ % (self.progname, self.progname)


-         # Run it and check immediate output

-         self.assert_system_exit(

-             handle_build,

-             self.options, self.session, arguments,

-             stderr='',

-             stdout=expected_stdout,

-             activate_session=None,

-             exit_code=0)

+ """ % (self.progname, self.progname))


          # Finally, assert that things were called as we expected.


@@ -204,3 +204,14 @@ 



          self.assertEqual(self.session.listArchives.call_count, 4)


+     def test_buildinfo_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_buildinfo,

+             """Usage: %s buildinfo [options] <n-v-r> [<n-v-r> ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help   show this help message and exit

+   --changelog  Show the changelog for the build

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -123,3 +123,16 @@ 





+     def test_cancel_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_cancel,

+             """Usage: %s cancel [options] <task_id|build> [<task_id|build> ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+   --justone   Do not cancel subtasks

+   --full      Full cancellation (admin only)

+   --force     Allow subtasks with --full

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -110,8 +110,9 @@ 



      def test_handle_chain_build_help(self):

-         arguments = ['--help']

-         expected_stdout = """Usage: %s chain-build [options] <target> <URL> [<URL> [:] <URL> [:] <URL> ...]

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_chain_build,

+             """Usage: %s chain-build [options] <target> <URL> [<URL> [:] <URL> [:] <URL> ...]

  (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


@@ -120,16 +121,7 @@ 

    --nowait      Don't wait on build

    --quiet       Do not print the task information

    --background  Run the build at a lower priority

- """ % self.progname


-         # Run it and check immediate output

-         self.assert_system_exit(

-             handle_chain_build,

-             self.options, self.session, arguments,

-             stderr='',

-             stdout=expected_stdout,

-             activate_session=None,

-             exit_code=0)

+ """ % self.progname)


          # Finally, assert that things were called as we expected.


@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ 

          # Mock out the options parsed in main

          self.options = mock.MagicMock()

          self.options.quiet = None

+         self.maxDiff = None

          self.options.topurl = 'https://topurl'

          # Mock out the xmlrpc server

          self.session = mock.MagicMock()
@@ -173,3 +174,26 @@ 





+     def test_download_logs_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_download_logs,

+             """Usage: %s download-logs [options] <task_id> [<task_id> ...]

+        %s download-logs [options] --nvr <n-v-r> [<n-v-r> ...]


+ Note this command only downloads task logs, not build logs.


+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help            show this help message and exit

+   -r, --recurse         Process children of this task as well

+   --nvr                 Get the logs for the task associated with this build

+                         Name-Version-Release.

+   -m PATTERN, --match=PATTERN

+                         Get only log filenames matching PATTERN (fnmatch). May

+                         be used multiple times.

+   -c, --continue        Continue previous download


+                         Write logs to DIRECTORY

+ """ % (self.progname, self.progname))

@@ -409,16 +409,10 @@ 




-     def test_handle_download_help(self):

-         args = ['--help']

-         # Run it and check immediate output

-         # args: --help

-         # expected: failure

-         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as ex:

-             anon_handle_download_task(self.options, self.session, args)

-         self.assertExitCode(ex, 0)

-         actual = self.stdout.getvalue()

-         expected = """Usage: %s download-task <task_id>

+     def test_handle_download_task_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_download_task,

+             """Usage: %s download-task <task_id>

  Default behavior without --all option downloads .rpm files only for build and buildArch tasks.


  (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)
@@ -440,11 +434,7 @@ 

    --parentonly     Download parent's files only

    --filter=FILTER  Regex pattern to filter files

    --skip=SKIP      Regex pattern to skip files

- """ % progname

-         self.assertMultiLineEqual(actual, expected)

-         actual = self.stderr.getvalue()

-         expected = ''

-         self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

+ """ % self.progname)


      def test_handle_download_no_task_id(self):

          args = []

@@ -180,6 +180,21 @@ 


          self.assertEqual(self.session.multiCall.call_count, 1)


+     def test_handle_edit_host_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_edit_host,

+             """Usage: %s edit-host <hostname> [<hostname> ...] [options]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help           show this help message and exit

+   --arches=ARCHES      Space or comma-separated list of supported

+                        architectures

+   --capacity=CAPACITY  Capacity of this host

+   --description=DESC   Description of this host

+   --comment=COMMENT    A brief comment about this host

+ """ % self.progname)



  if __name__ == '__main__':


@@ -159,3 +159,17 @@ 



          self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)


+     def test_edit_notification_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_edit_notification,

+             """Usage: %s edit-notification [options] <notification_id>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help         show this help message and exit

+   --package=PACKAGE  Notifications for this package, '*' for all

+   --tag=TAG          Notifications for this tag, '*' for all

+   --success-only     Notify only on successful events

+   --no-success-only  Notify on all events

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -47,3 +47,13 @@ 

          self.assertMultiLineEqual(actual, expected)

          self.session.editPermission.assert_called_once_with(self.perm, self.description)

          self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)


+     def test_edit_permission_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_edit_permission,

+             """Usage: %s edit-permission <permission> <description>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -267,3 +267,19 @@ 


          self.session.getInheritanceData.assert_has_calls([call(1), call(1)])



+     def test_edit_tag_inheritance_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_edit_tag_inheritance,

+             """Usage: %s edit-tag-inheritance [options] <tag> <parent> <priority>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help            show this help message and exit

+   --priority=PRIORITY   Specify a new priority

+   --maxdepth=MAXDEPTH   Specify max depth

+   --intransitive        Set intransitive

+   --noconfig            Set to packages only

+   --pkg-filter=PKG_FILTER

+                         Specify the package filter

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -190,3 +190,17 @@ 

              self.build_target_info['orig_name'], self.build_target_info['name'],

              self.build_target_info['build_tag_name'], self.build_target_info['dest_tag_name'])

          self.activate_session_mock.assert_called_with(self.session, self.options)


+     def test_edit_target_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_edit_target,

+             """Usage: %s edit-target [options] <name>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help            show this help message and exit

+   --rename=RENAME       Specify new name for target

+   --build-tag=BUILD_TAG

+                         Specify a different build tag

+   --dest-tag=DEST_TAG   Specify a different destination tag

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -166,3 +166,13 @@ 


          self.ensure_connection_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)

          self.assertEqual(self.session.listBuildroots.call_count, 3)


+     def test_hostinfo_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_hostinfo,

+             """Usage: %s hostinfo [options] <hostname> [<hostname> ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ 





      def test_import_archive_without_type(self):


@@ -217,3 +216,23 @@ 





+     def test_import_archive_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_import_archive,

+             """Usage: %s import-archive <build-id|n-v-r> <archive_path> [<archive_path2 ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help            show this help message and exit

+   --noprogress          Do not display progress of the upload

+   --create-build        Auto-create builds as needed

+   --link                Attempt to hardlink instead of uploading

+   --type=TYPE           The type of archive being imported. Currently

+                         supported types: maven, win, image

+   --type-info=TYPE_INFO

+                         Type-specific information to associate with the

+                         archives. For Maven archives this should be a local

+                         path to a .pom file. For Windows archives this should

+                         be relpath:platforms[:flags])) Images need an arch

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -278,6 +278,17 @@ 


          self.assertNotEqual(rv, 1)


+     def test_import_comps_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_import_comps,

+             """Usage: %s import-comps [options] <file> <tag>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+   --force     force import

+ """ % self.progname)



  def _generate_out_calls(method, comps_file, stdout_file, calls_file):

      tag = 'tag'

@@ -528,3 +528,37 @@ 





+     def test_list_builds_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_list_builds,

+             """Usage: %s list-builds [options]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help            show this help message and exit

+   --package=PACKAGE     List builds for this package

+   --buildid=BUILDID     List specific build from ID or nvr

+   --before=BEFORE       List builds built before this time, time is specified

+                         as timestamp or date/time in any format which can be

+                         parsed by dateutil.parser. e.g. "2020-12-31 12:35" or

+                         "December 31st 12:35"

+   --after=AFTER         List builds built after this time (same format as for

+                         --before

+   --state=STATE         List builds in this state

+   --task=TASK           List builds for this task

+   --type=TYPE           List builds of this type.

+   --prefix=PREFIX       Only builds starting with this prefix

+   --pattern=PATTERN     Only list builds matching this GLOB pattern

+   --cg=CG               Only list builds imported by matching content

+                         generator name

+   --source=SOURCE       Only builds where the source field matches (glob

+                         pattern)

+   --owner=OWNER         List builds built by this owner

+   --volume=VOLUME       List builds by volume ID

+   -k FIELD, --sort-key=FIELD

+                         Sort the list by the named field. Allowed sort keys:

+                         build_id, owner_name, state

+   -r, --reverse         Print the list in reverse order

+   --quiet               Do not print the header information

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ 

+ from __future__ import absolute_import


+ import mock


+ from koji_cli.commands import anon_handle_list_external_repos

+ from . import utils



+ class TestListExternalRepo(utils.CliTestCase):


+     def setUp(self):

+         self.maxDiff = None

+         self.options = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.session = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.ensure_connection_mock = mock.patch('koji_cli.commands.ensure_connection').start()

+         self.error_format = """Usage: %s list-external-repos [options]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ %s: error: {message}

+ """ % (self.progname, self.progname)


+     def test_list_external_repos_with_args(self):

+         arguments = ['arg']

+         self.assert_system_exit(

+             anon_handle_list_external_repos,

+             self.options, self.session, arguments,

+             stdout='',

+             stderr=self.format_error_message('This command takes no arguments'),

+             exit_code=2,

+             activate_session=None)

+         self.ensure_connection_mock.assert_not_called()


+     def test_list_external_repos_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_list_external_repos,

+             """Usage: %s list-external-repos [options]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help      show this help message and exit

+   --url=URL       Select by url

+   --name=NAME     Select by name

+   --id=ID         Select by id

+   --tag=TAG       Select by tag

+   --used          List which tags use the repo(s)

+   --inherit       Follow tag inheritance when selecting by tag

+   --event=EVENT#  Query at event

+   --ts=TIMESTAMP  Query at last event before timestamp

+   --repo=REPO#    Query at event corresponding to (nonexternal) repo

+   --quiet         Do not display the column headers

+ """ % self.progname)

+         self.ensure_connection_mock.assert_not_called()

@@ -283,3 +283,24 @@ 

          self.session.getLastHostUpdate.assert_called_once_with(self.list_hosts[0]['id'], ts=True)

          self.ensure_connection_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)



+     def test_list_hosts_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_list_hosts,

+             """Usage: %s list-hosts [options]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help         show this help message and exit

+   --arch=ARCH        Specify an architecture

+   --channel=CHANNEL  Specify a channel

+   --ready            Limit to ready hosts

+   --not-ready        Limit to not ready hosts

+   --enabled          Limit to enabled hosts

+   --not-enabled      Limit to not enabled hosts

+   --disabled         Alias for --not-enabled

+   --quiet            Do not print header information

+   --show-channels    Show host's channels

+   --comment          Show comments

+   --description      Show descriptions

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -178,3 +178,15 @@ 


          self.ensure_connection_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)



+     def test_list_notifications_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_list_notifications,

+             """Usage: %s list-notifications [options]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help   show this help message and exit

+   --mine       Just print your notifications

+   --user=USER  Only notifications for this user

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -275,3 +275,23 @@ 



          self.ensure_connection_mock.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)


+     def test_list_pkgs_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_list_pkgs,

+             """Usage: %s list-pkgs [options]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help         show this help message and exit

+   --owner=OWNER      Specify owner

+   --tag=TAG          Specify tag

+   --package=PACKAGE  Specify package

+   --quiet            Do not print header information

+   --noinherit        Don't follow inheritance

+   --show-blocked     Show blocked packages

+   --show-dups        Show superseded owners

+   --event=EVENT#     query at event

+   --ts=TIMESTAMP     query at last event before timestamp

+   --repo=REPO#       query at event for a repo

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -98,3 +98,18 @@ 

          self.assertEqual(rv, None)

          self.session.listTags.assert_called_once_with(build=None, package=None)

          self.ensure_connection.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)


+     def test_list_tags_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_list_tags,

+             """Usage: %s list-tags [options] [pattern]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help         show this help message and exit

+   --show-id          Show tag ids

+   --verbose          Show more information

+   --unlocked         Only show unlocked tags

+   --build=BUILD      Show tags associated with a build

+   --package=PACKAGE  Show tags associated with a package

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -101,3 +101,15 @@ 



          self.assertEqual(expected, [re.sub(' +', '|', l) for l in stdout.getvalue().split('\n')])


+     def test_list_targets_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_list_targets,

+             """Usage: %s list-targets [options]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help   show this help message and exit

+   --name=NAME  Specify the build target name

+   --quiet      Do not print the header information

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -165,28 +165,14 @@ 




-     @mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=six.StringIO)

-     @mock.patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=six.StringIO)


      @mock.patch('koji_cli.commands._running_in_bg', return_value=False)

      @mock.patch('koji_cli.commands.watch_tasks', return_value=0)

      def test_handle_maven_build_help(

-             self,

-             watch_tasks_mock,

-             running_in_bg_mock,

-             activate_session_mock,

-             stderr,

-             stdout):

-         args = ['--help']

-         progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) or 'koji'


-         # Run it and check immediate output

-         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as ex:

-             handle_maven_build(self.options, self.session, args)

-         self.assertExitCode(ex, 0)

-         actual_stdout = stdout.getvalue()

-         actual_stderr = stderr.getvalue()

-         expected_stdout = """Usage: %s maven-build [options] <target> <URL>

+             self, watch_tasks_mock, running_in_bg_mock, activate_session_mock):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_maven_build,

+             """Usage: %s maven-build [options] <target> <URL>

         %s maven-build --ini=CONFIG... [options] <target>

  (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)

@@ -219,10 +205,7 @@ 

    --nowait              Don't wait on build

    --quiet               Do not print the task information

    --background          Run the build at a lower priority

- """ % (progname, progname)

-         expected_stderr = ''

-         self.assertMultiLineEqual(actual_stdout, expected_stdout)

-         self.assertMultiLineEqual(actual_stderr, expected_stderr)

+ """ % (self.progname, self.progname))


          # Finally, assert that things were called as we expected.

@@ -683,12 +666,8 @@ 


      @mock.patch('koji_cli.commands._running_in_bg', return_value=True)

      @mock.patch('koji_cli.commands.watch_tasks', return_value=0)

-     def test_handle_maven_build_quiet(

-             self,

-             watch_tasks_mock,

-             running_in_bg_mock,

-             activate_session_mock,

-             stdout):

+     def test_handle_maven_build_without_quiet(

+             self, watch_tasks_mock, running_in_bg_mock, activate_session_mock, stdout):

          target = 'target'

          dest_tag = 'dest_tag'

          dest_tag_id = 2

@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ 

    --wait        Wait on build, even if running in the background

    --nowait      Don't wait on build

    --background  Run the build at a lower priority

- """ % (self.progname))

+ """ % self.progname)



  if __name__ == '__main__':

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ 

+ from __future__ import absolute_import


+ import mock


+ from koji_cli.commands import handle_prune_signed_copies

+ from . import utils



+ class TestPruneSignedCopies(utils.CliTestCase):


+     # Show long diffs in error output...

+     maxDiff = None


+     def setUp(self):

+         self.activate_session_mock = mock.patch('koji_cli.commands.activate_session').start()


+     def test_handle_prune_signed_copies_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_prune_signed_copies,

+             """Usage: %s prune-signed-copies [options]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help            show this help message and exit

+   -n, --test            Test mode

+   -v, --verbose         Be more verbose

+   --days=DAYS           Timeout before clearing

+   -p PACKAGE, --package=PACKAGE, --pkg=PACKAGE

+                         Limit to a single package

+   -b BUILD, --build=BUILD

+                         Limit to a single build

+   -i IGNORE_TAG, --ignore-tag=IGNORE_TAG

+                         Ignore these tags when considering whether a build

+                         is/was latest

+   --ignore-tag-file=IGNORE_TAG_FILE

+                         File to read tag ignore patterns from

+   -r PROTECT_TAG, --protect-tag=PROTECT_TAG

+                         Do not prune signed copies from matching tags

+   --protect-tag-file=PROTECT_TAG_FILE

+                         File to read tag protect patterns from

+   --trashcan-tag=TRASHCAN_TAG

+                         Specify trashcan tag

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -93,12 +93,9 @@ 

          self.session.groupListRemove.assert_called_once_with(tag, group)

          self.assertEqual(rv, None)


-     @mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=six.StringIO)

-     @mock.patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=six.StringIO)


-     def test_handle_remove_group_error_handling(self, activate_session_mock, stdout, stderr):

-         expected = self.format_error_message(

-                         "Please specify a tag name and a group name")

+     def test_handle_remove_group_error_handling(self, activate_session_mock):

+         expected = self.format_error_message("Please specify a tag name and a group name")

          for args in [[], ['tag'], ['tag', 'grp', 'etc']]:


@@ -106,6 +103,7 @@ 




+                 stdout='',



          # if we don't have 'tag' permission
@@ -113,3 +111,13 @@ 

          with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):

              handle_remove_group(self.options, self.session, ['tag', 'grp'])

          activate_session_mock.assert_called_with(self.session, self.options)


+     def test_handle_remove_group_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_remove_group,

+             """Usage: %s remove-group <tag> <group>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ 

  from koji_cli.commands import handle_remove_host_from_channel

  from . import utils



  class TestRemoveHostFromChannel(utils.CliTestCase):


      # Show long diffs in error output...
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ 

      @mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=six.StringIO)

      @mock.patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=six.StringIO)


-     def test_handle_remove_host_from_channel_help(

+     def test_handle_remove_host_from_channel_no_args(

              self, activate_session_mock, stderr, stdout):

          args = []

          options = mock.MagicMock()
@@ -139,6 +140,16 @@ 




+     def test_handle_remove_host_from_channel_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_remove_host_from_channel,

+             """Usage: %s remove-host-from-channel [options] <hostname> <channel>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+ """ % self.progname)



  if __name__ == '__main__':


@@ -69,3 +69,13 @@ 

              handle_remove_notification(self.options, self.session, [])




+     def test_remove_notification_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_remove_notification,

+             """Usage: %s remove-notification [options] <notification_id> [<notification_id> ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -223,6 +223,17 @@ 




+     def test_handle_remove_pkg_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_remove_pkg,

+             """Usage: %s remove-pkg [options] <tag> <package> [<package> ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+   --force     Override blocks if necessary

+ """ % self.progname)



  if __name__ == '__main__':


@@ -208,3 +208,13 @@ 

              1, [{'child_id': 1, 'intransitive': False, 'maxdepth': None, 'name': self.tag,

                   'noconfig': False, 'parent_id': 2, 'pkg_filter': '', 'priority': self.priority,

                   'delete link': True}])


+     def test_remove_tag_inheritance_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_remove_tag_inheritance,

+             """Usage: %s remove-tag-inheritance <tag> <parent> <priority>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -163,3 +163,14 @@ 





+     def test_rpminfo_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_rpminfo,

+             """Usage: %s rpminfo [options] <n-v-r.a> [<n-v-r.a> ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help    show this help message and exit

+   --buildroots  show buildroots the rpm was used in

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ 

+ from __future__ import absolute_import


+ import mock


+ from koji_cli.commands import anon_handle_show_groups

+ from . import utils



+ class TestShowGroups(utils.CliTestCase):


+     def setUp(self):

+         self.maxDiff = None

+         self.options = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.session = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.ensure_connection_mock = mock.patch('koji_cli.commands.ensure_connection').start()

+         self.error_format = """Usage: %s show-groups [options] <tag>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ %s: error: {message}

+ """ % (self.progname, self.progname)

+         self.tag = 'test-tag'


+     def test_show_groups_incorrect_num_of_args(self):

+         arguments = []

+         self.assert_system_exit(

+             anon_handle_show_groups,

+             self.options, self.session, arguments,

+             stdout='',

+             stderr=self.format_error_message('Incorrect number of arguments'),

+             exit_code=2,

+             activate_session=None)

+         self.ensure_connection_mock.assert_not_called()


+     def test_show_groups_show_blocked_and_comps(self):

+         arguments = ['--show-blocked', '--comps', self.tag]

+         self.assert_system_exit(

+             anon_handle_show_groups,

+             self.options, self.session, arguments,

+             stdout='',

+             stderr=self.format_error_message(

+                 "--show-blocked doesn't make sense for comps/spec output"),

+             exit_code=2,

+             activate_session=None)

+         self.ensure_connection_mock.assert_not_called()


+     def test_show_groups_show_blocked_and_spec(self):

+         arguments = ['--show-blocked', '--spec', self.tag]

+         self.assert_system_exit(

+             anon_handle_show_groups,

+             self.options, self.session, arguments,

+             stdout='',

+             stderr=self.format_error_message(

+                 "--show-blocked doesn't make sense for comps/spec output"),

+             exit_code=2,

+             activate_session=None)

+         self.ensure_connection_mock.assert_not_called()


+     def test_show_groups_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_show_groups,

+             """Usage: %s show-groups [options] <tag>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help      show this help message and exit

+   --comps         Print in comps format

+   -x, --expand    Expand groups in comps format

+   --spec          Print build spec

+   --show-blocked  Show blocked packages

+ """ % self.progname)

+         self.ensure_connection_mock.assert_not_called()

@@ -131,3 +131,16 @@ 

          self.session.getRepo.assert_has_calls([mock.call(123)], [mock.call(1111)])




+     def test_taginfo_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_taginfo,

+             """Usage: %s taginfo [options] <tag> [<tag> ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help      show this help message and exit

+   --event=EVENT#  query at event

+   --ts=TIMESTAMP  query at last event before timestamp

+   --repo=REPO#    query at event for a repo

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -69,3 +69,13 @@ 

          actual = stdout.getvalue()


          self.assertMultiLineEqual(actual, expected)


+     def test_unblock_notification_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_unblock_notification,

+             """Usage: %s unblock-notification [options] <notification_id> [<notification_id> ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ 

          self.assert_console_message(stdout, expected)



-     def test_lock_tag_help(self):

+     def test_unlock_tag_help(self):



              """Usage: %s unlock-tag [options] <tag> [<tag> ...]

@@ -156,3 +156,20 @@ 





+     def test_untag_build_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_untag_build,

+             """Usage: %s untag-build [options] <tag> <pkg> [<pkg> ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help     show this help message and exit

+   --all          untag all versions of the package in this tag, pkg is package

+                  name

+   --non-latest   untag all versions of the package in this tag except the

+                  latest, pkg is package name

+   -n, --test     test mode

+   -v, --verbose  print details

+   --force        force operation

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -82,3 +82,13 @@ 


          anon_handle_userinfo(self.options, self.session, [self.user])

          self.assert_console_message(stdout, expected)


+     def test_userinfo_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             anon_handle_userinfo,

+             """Usage: %s userinfo [options] <username> [<username> ...]

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ 

          self.target = 'test-target'

          self.dest_tag = 'destination-test_tag'

          self.target_info = {'build_tag': 4,

-                        'build_tag_name': 'test_tag',

-                        'dest_tag': 5,

-                        'dest_tag_name': self.dest_tag,

-                        'id': 2,

-                        'name': self.target}

+                             'build_tag_name': 'test_tag',

+                             'dest_tag': 5,

+                             'dest_tag_name': self.dest_tag,

+                             'id': 2,

+                             'name': self.target}

          self.scm_url = 'git://test.redhat.com/rpms/pkg-1.1.0' \

-                     '?#3fab2ea42ecdc30a41daf1306154dfa04c4d64fd'

+                        '?#3fab2ea42ecdc30a41daf1306154dfa04c4d64fd'

          self.vm = 'test-vm'


      @mock.patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=StringIO)
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ 

          self.assert_console_message(stderr, expected)


      @mock.patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=StringIO)

-     def test_handle_build_dest_tag_locked(self, stderr):

+     def test_win_build_dest_tag_locked(self, stderr):

          expected = "Usage: %s win-build [options] <target> <URL> <VM>\n" \

                     "(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)\n\n" \

                     "%s: error: Destination tag %s is locked\n" % (self.progname, self.progname,

-                                                                  self.dest_tag)

+                                                                   self.dest_tag)

          dest_tag_info = {'name': self.dest_tag, 'locked': True}


          self.session.getBuildTarget.return_value = self.target_info
@@ -76,3 +76,32 @@ 

              handle_win_build(self.options, self.session, [self.target, self.scm_url, self.vm])

          self.assertExitCode(ex, 2)

          self.assert_console_message(stderr, expected)


+     def test_win_build_help(self):

+         self.assert_help(

+             handle_win_build,

+             """Usage: %s win-build [options] <target> <URL> <VM>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help         show this help message and exit

+   --winspec=URL      SCM URL to retrieve the build descriptor from. If not

+                      specified, the winspec must be in the root directory of

+                      the source repository.

+   --patches=URL      SCM URL of a directory containing patches to apply to the

+                      sources before building

+   --cpus=CPUS        Number of cpus to allocate to the build VM (requires

+                      admin access)

+   --mem=MEM          Amount of memory (in megabytes) to allocate to the build

+                      VM (requires admin access)

+   --static-mac       Retain the original MAC address when cloning the VM

+   --specfile=URL     SCM URL of a spec file fragment to use to generate

+                      wrapper RPMs

+   --scratch          Perform a scratch build

+   --repo-id=REPO_ID  Use a specific repo

+   --skip-tag         Do not attempt to tag package

+   --background       Run the build at a lower priority

+   --wait             Wait on the build, even if running in the background

+   --nowait           Don't wait on build

+   --quiet            Do not print the task information

+ """ % self.progname)

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ 

  import mock

  import six

  import unittest

+ import os

+ import sys


  import koji

  from . import load_plugin
@@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ 

          runroot.OptionParser = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=self.get_parser)

          self.old_watch_tasks = runroot.watch_tasks

          runroot.watch_tasks = mock.MagicMock(name='watch_tasks')

+         self.progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) or 'koji'


      def tearDown(self):

          runroot.OptionParser = self.old_OptionParser
@@ -169,3 +172,36 @@ 


                           b"* The runroot plugin appears to not be installed on the"

                           b" koji hub.  Please contact the administrator.")


+     @mock_stdout()

+     def test_runroot_help(self, stdout):

+         with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as ex:

+             runroot.handle_runroot(self.options, self.session, ['--help'])

+         std_output = get_stdout_value(stdout).decode('utf-8')

+         expected_help = """Usage: %s runroot [options] <tag> <arch> <command>

+ (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)


+ Options:

+   -h, --help            show this help message and exit

+   -p PACKAGE, --package=PACKAGE

+                         make sure this package is in the chroot

+   -m MOUNT, --mount=MOUNT

+                         mount this directory read-write in the chroot

+   --skip-setarch        bypass normal setarch in the chroot

+   -w WEIGHT, --weight=WEIGHT

+                         set task weight

+   --channel-override=CHANNEL_OVERRIDE

+                         use a non-standard channel

+   --task-id             Print the ID of the runroot task

+   --use-shell           Run command through a shell, otherwise uses exec

+   --new-chroot          Run command with the --new-chroot (systemd-nspawn)

+                         option to mock

+   --old-chroot          Run command with the --old-chroot (systemd-nspawn)

+                         option to mock

+   --repo-id=REPO_ID     ID of the repo to use

+   --nowait              Do not wait on task

+   --watch               Watch task instead of printing runroot.log

+   --quiet               Do not print the task information

+ """ % self.progname

+         self.assertMultiLineEqual(std_output, expected_help)

+         self.assertEqual('0', str(ex.exception))

rebased onto 3193022

a year ago

Commit fb6c746 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by tkopecek

a year ago

Metadata Update from @tkopecek:
- Pull-request tagged with: no_qe

a year ago
Changes Summary 49
+2 -1
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+11 -1
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+14 -0
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+12 -1
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+14 -0
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+11 -0
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+4 -12
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+11 -0
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+13 -0
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+4 -12
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+24 -0
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+5 -15
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+15 -0
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+14 -0
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+10 -0
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+16 -0
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+14 -0
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+10 -0
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+20 -1
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+11 -0
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+34 -0
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file added
+21 -0
file changed
+12 -0
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+20 -0
file changed
+15 -0
file changed
+12 -0
file changed
+7 -28
file changed
+1 -1
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+13 -5
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+12 -1
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+10 -0
file changed
+11 -0
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+10 -0
file changed
+11 -0
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file added
+13 -0
file changed
+10 -0
file changed
+1 -1
file changed
+17 -0
file changed
+10 -0
file changed
+37 -8
file changed
+36 -0
file changed