#3577 kojikamid: write buildrequires files as bytes
Merged a year ago by tkopecek. Opened a year ago by ktdreyer.

empty or binary file added
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ 

+ import base64

+ import filecmp

+ import importlib.machinery

+ import importlib.util

+ import os

+ import tempfile

+ from subprocess import check_call


+ VM_TESTS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

+ LOGO_FIXTURE = os.path.join(VM_TESTS_DIR, 'data', 'koji.png')

+ TESTS_DIR = os.path.dirname(VM_TESTS_DIR)

+ VM_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(TESTS_DIR), 'vm')


+ # Generate the kojikamid file before importing.

+ tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='kojikamid.')

+ check_call(['bash', 'fix_kojikamid.sh'], cwd=VM_DIR, stdout=tmpfile)

+ print(tmpfile.name)


+ # Dynamically import our temporary kojikamid file.

+ loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('kojikamid', tmpfile.name)

+ spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(loader.name, loader)

+ kojikamid = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)

+ loader.exec_module(kojikamid)



+ class FakeServer(object):

+     def getTaskInfo(self):

+         # Koji's getTaskInfo(..., request=True) returns the task's request

+         # data. kojivmd strips this down to the second element of that request

+         # and returns it here:

+         return ['git://example.com/ceph.git#abc123',

+                 'ceph-6.1-win-build',

+                 {'repo_id': 2,

+                  'winspec': 'git://example.com/pkg.git?ceph#def456'}]


+     def getFile(self, buildinfo, archiveinfo, offset, length, type):

+         # Return a base64-encoded static fixture (a PNG image).

+         offset = int(offset)

+         length = int(length)

+         with open(LOGO_FIXTURE, 'rb') as fileobj:

+             try:

+                 fileobj.seek(offset)

+                 data = fileobj.read(length)

+                 encoded = base64.b64encode(data).decode()

+                 del data

+                 return encoded

+             finally:

+                 fileobj.close()



+ def test_fetch_file(tmpdir):

+     server = FakeServer()

+     build = kojikamid.WindowsBuild(server)

+     basedir = str(tmpdir)

+     buildinfo = {

+         'name': 'wnbd',

+     }

+     fileinfo = {

+         'localpath': 'koji.png',

+         'checksum_type': 2,  # sha256

+         'checksum': 'f78bc62287eec7641a85a7d1c0435c995672e7f46e33de72a82775b1fb16a93f',

+     }

+     build.fetchFile(basedir, buildinfo, fileinfo, 'win')

+     fetched = str(tmpdir.join('koji.png'))

+     assert filecmp.cmp(fetched, LOGO_FIXTURE)

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ 

                  raise BuildError('Unknown checksum type %s for %s' % (  # noqa: F821



-         with koji._open_text_file(destpath, 'wt') as destfile:

+         with open(destpath, 'wb') as destfile:

              offset = 0

              while True:

                  encoded = self.server.getFile(buildinfo, fileinfo, encode_int(offset), 1048576,

Fix a TypeError when downloading buildrequires files on Python 3. base64.b64decode() returns bytes, so we must open the file for writing in bytes mode, not text mode.

Add a unit test that verifies this behavior.

rebased onto 64a856f

a year ago

Commit 57e8a72 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by tkopecek

a year ago

Metadata Update from @tkopecek:
- Pull-request tagged with: no_qe

a year ago