#3459 Fix arch in download-task
Merged 2 years ago by tkopecek. Opened 2 years ago by jcupova.
jcupova/koji issue-3456  into  master

Fix arch in download-task
Jana Cupova • 2 years ago  
file modified
+36 -37
@@ -6952,50 +6952,49 @@ 

      for task in list_tasks:

          taskarch = task['arch']

          task_id = str(task['id'])

-         if len(suboptions.arches) == 0 or taskarch in suboptions.arches:

-             files = list_task_output_all_volumes(session, task["id"])

-             for filename in files:

-                 if filename.endswith('src.rpm'):

-                     filetype = 'src.rpm'

-                 else:

-                     filetype = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1]

-                 if suboptions.all and not (task['method'] in build_methods_list and

-                                            filetype in rpm_file_types):

-                     if filetype != 'log':

-                         for volume in files[filename]:

-                             if suboptions.dirpertask:

-                                 new_filename = '%s/%s' % (task_id, filename)

-                             else:

-                                 if taskarch not in filename and filetype != 'src.rpm':

-                                     part_filename = filename[:-len('.%s' % filetype)]

-                                     new_filename = "%s.%s.%s" % (part_filename,

-                                                                  taskarch, filetype)

-                                 else:

-                                     new_filename = filename

-                             downloads.append((task, filename, volume, new_filename, task_id))

-                 elif task['method'] in build_methods_list:

-                     if filetype in rpm_file_types:

-                         filearch = filename.split(".")[-2]

-                         for volume in files[filename]:

-                             if len(suboptions.arches) == 0 or filearch in suboptions.arches:

-                                 if suboptions.dirpertask:

-                                     new_filename = '%s/%s' % (task_id, filename)

-                                 else:

-                                     new_filename = filename

-                                 downloads.append((task, filename, volume, new_filename,

-                                                   task_id))


-                 if filetype == 'log' and suboptions.logs:

+         files = list_task_output_all_volumes(session, task["id"])

+         for filename in files:

+             if filename.endswith('src.rpm'):

+                 filetype = 'src.rpm'

+             else:

+                 filetype = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1]

+             if suboptions.all and not (task['method'] in build_methods_list and

+                                        filetype in rpm_file_types):

+                 if filetype != 'log':

                      for volume in files[filename]:

                          if suboptions.dirpertask:

                              new_filename = '%s/%s' % (task_id, filename)


-                             if taskarch not in filename:

-                                 part_filename = filename[:-len('.log')]

-                                 new_filename = "%s.%s.log" % (part_filename, taskarch)

+                             if taskarch not in filename and filetype != 'src.rpm':

+                                 part_filename = filename[:-len('.%s' % filetype)]

+                                 new_filename = "%s.%s.%s" % (part_filename,

+                                                              taskarch, filetype)


                                  new_filename = filename

                          downloads.append((task, filename, volume, new_filename, task_id))

+             elif task['method'] in build_methods_list:

+                 if filetype in rpm_file_types:

+                     filearch = filename.split(".")[-2]

+                     for volume in files[filename]:

+                         if len(suboptions.arches) == 0 or filearch in suboptions.arches:

+                             if suboptions.dirpertask:

+                                 new_filename = '%s/%s' % (task_id, filename)

+                             else:

+                                 new_filename = filename

+                             downloads.append((task, filename, volume, new_filename,

+                                               task_id))


+             if filetype == 'log' and suboptions.logs:

+                 for volume in files[filename]:

+                     if suboptions.dirpertask:

+                         new_filename = '%s/%s' % (task_id, filename)

+                     else:

+                         if taskarch not in filename:

+                             part_filename = filename[:-len('.log')]

+                             new_filename = "%s.%s.log" % (part_filename, taskarch)

+                         else:

+                             new_filename = filename

+                     downloads.append((task, filename, volume, new_filename, task_id))


      if len(downloads) == 0:

          print("No files for download found.")

@@ -120,26 +120,29 @@ 

      def test_handle_download_task_parent(self):

          args = [str(self.parent_task_id), '--arch=noarch,x86_64']

          self.session.getTaskInfo.return_value = self.parent_task_info

-         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [{'id': 22222,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 33333,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'x86_64',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 44444,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 's390',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 55555,

-                                                       'method': 'tagBuild',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2}

-                                                      ]

+         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [

+             {'id': 22222,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 33333,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'x86_64',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 44444,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 's390',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 55555,

+              'method': 'tagBuild',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2}

+         ]

          self.list_task_output_all_volumes.side_effect = [

+             {},

              {'somerpm.src.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1']},

              {'somerpm.x86_64.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol2']},

+             {'somerpm.s390.rpm': ['DEFAULT']},

              {'somerpm.noarch.rpm': ['vol3'],

               'somelog.log': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1']},

@@ -156,8 +159,10 @@ 



          self.assertEqual(self.list_task_output_all_volumes.mock_calls, [

+             call(self.session, 123333),

              call(self.session, 22222),

              call(self.session, 33333),

+             call(self.session, 44444),

              call(self.session, 55555)])

          self.assertListEqual(self.download_file.mock_calls, [

@@ -169,10 +174,11 @@ 

      def test_handle_download_task_log(self):

          args = [str(self.parent_task_id), '--log']

          self.session.getTaskInfo.return_value = self.parent_task_info

-         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [{'id': 22222,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2}]

+         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [

+             {'id': 22222,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2}]

          self.list_task_output_all_volumes.side_effect = [{}, {

              'somerpm.src.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1'],

              'somerpm.x86_64.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol2'],
@@ -229,15 +235,17 @@ 

          self.ensure_connection.assert_called_once_with(self.session, self.options)



-         self.list_task_output_all_volumes.assert_not_called()

+         self.list_task_output_all_volumes.assert_called_once_with(

+             self.session, self.parent_task_id)



      def test_handle_download_parent_not_finished(self):

          args = [str(self.parent_task_id)]

-         self.session.getTaskInfo.return_value = {'id': self.parent_task_id,

-                                                  'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                  'arch': 'taskarch',

-                                                  'state': 3}

+         self.session.getTaskInfo.return_value = {

+             'id': self.parent_task_id,

+             'method': 'buildArch',

+             'arch': 'taskarch',

+             'state': 3}

          self.list_task_output_all_volumes.return_value = {

              'somerpm.src.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1'],

              'somerpm.x86_64.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol2'],
@@ -265,10 +273,11 @@ 

      def test_handle_download_child_not_finished(self):

          args = [str(self.parent_task_id)]

          self.session.getTaskInfo.return_value = self.parent_task_info

-         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [{'id': 22222,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 3}]

+         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [{

+             'id': 22222,

+             'method': 'buildArch',

+             'arch': 'noarch',

+             'state': 3}]

          self.list_task_output_all_volumes.side_effect = [

              {'somerpm.src.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1']},

              {'somenextrpm.src.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1']}]
@@ -374,26 +383,29 @@ 

      def test_handle_download_task_parent_dirpertask(self):

          args = [str(self.parent_task_id), '--arch=noarch,x86_64', '--dirpertask', '--log']

          self.session.getTaskInfo.return_value = self.parent_task_info

-         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [{'id': 22222,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 33333,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'x86_64',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 44444,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 's390',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 55555,

-                                                       'method': 'tagBuild',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2}

-                                                      ]

+         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [

+             {'id': 22222,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 33333,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'x86_64',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 44444,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 's390',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 55555,

+              'method': 'tagBuild',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2}

+         ]

          self.list_task_output_all_volumes.side_effect = [

+             {},

              {'somerpm.src.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1'], 'somerpm.noarch.rpm': ['DEFAULT']},

              {'somerpm.x86_64.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol2']},

+             {'somerpm.s390.rpm': ['DEFAULT']},

              {'somerpm.noarch.rpm': ['vol3'],

               'somelog.log': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1']},

@@ -410,8 +422,10 @@ 



          self.assertEqual(self.list_task_output_all_volumes.mock_calls, [

+             call(self.session, 123333),

              call(self.session, 22222),

              call(self.session, 33333),

+             call(self.session, 44444),

              call(self.session, 55555)])

          self.assertListEqual(self.download_file.mock_calls, [

@@ -430,26 +444,29 @@ 

      def test_handle_download_task_parent_all(self):

          args = [str(self.parent_task_id), '--arch=noarch,x86_64', '--all']

          self.session.getTaskInfo.return_value = self.parent_task_info

-         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [{'id': 22222,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 33333,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'x86_64',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 44444,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 's390',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 55555,

-                                                       'method': 'tagBuild',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2}

-                                                      ]

+         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [

+             {'id': 22222,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 33333,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'x86_64',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 44444,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 's390',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 55555,

+              'method': 'tagBuild',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2}

+         ]

          self.list_task_output_all_volumes.side_effect = [

+             {},

              {'somerpm.src.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1']},

              {'somerpm.json': ['DEFAULT', 'vol2']},

+             {'somerpm.s390.rpm': ['DEFAULT']},

              {'somerpm.noarch.rpm': ['vol3'],

               'somelog.log': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1']},

@@ -466,8 +483,10 @@ 



          self.assertEqual(self.list_task_output_all_volumes.mock_calls, [

+             call(self.session, 123333),

              call(self.session, 22222),

              call(self.session, 33333),

+             call(self.session, 44444),

              call(self.session, 55555)])

          self.assertListEqual(self.download_file.mock_calls, [

@@ -504,23 +523,24 @@ 

      def test_handle_download_task_parent_dirpertask_all(self):

          args = [str(self.parent_task_id), '--dirpertask', '--all']

          self.session.getTaskInfo.return_value = self.parent_task_info

-         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [{'id': 22222,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 33333,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'x86_64',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 44444,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 's390',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 55555,

-                                                       'method': 'tagBuild',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2}

-                                                      ]

+         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [

+             {'id': 22222,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 33333,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'x86_64',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 44444,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 's390',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 55555,

+              'method': 'tagBuild',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2}

+         ]

          self.list_task_output_all_volumes.side_effect = [


              {'somerpm.src.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1'], 'somerpm.noarch.rpm': ['DEFAULT']},
@@ -568,11 +588,12 @@ 

      def test_handle_download_task_log_with_arch(self):

          args = [str(self.parent_task_id), '--arch=noarch', '--log']

          self.session.getTaskInfo.return_value = self.parent_task_info

-         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [{'id': 22222,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2}]

-         self.list_task_output_all_volumes.side_effect = [{

+         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [

+             {'id': 22222,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2}]

+         self.list_task_output_all_volumes.side_effect = [{}, {

              'somerpm.src.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1'],

              'somerpm.x86_64.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol2'],

              'somerpm.noarch.rpm': ['vol3'],
@@ -604,23 +625,24 @@ 

      def test_handle_download_task_all_log(self):

          args = [str(self.parent_task_id), '--all', '--log']

          self.session.getTaskInfo.return_value = self.parent_task_info

-         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [{'id': 22222,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 33333,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'x86_64',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 44444,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 's390',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 55555,

-                                                       'method': 'tagBuild',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2}

-                                                      ]

+         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [

+             {'id': 22222,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 33333,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'x86_64',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 44444,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 's390',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 55555,

+              'method': 'tagBuild',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2}

+         ]

          self.list_task_output_all_volumes.side_effect = [


              {'somerpm.src.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1'], 'somerpm.noarch.rpm': ['DEFAULT']},
@@ -671,23 +693,24 @@ 

      def test_handle_download_task_parent_dirpertask_all_conflict_names(self):

          args = [str(self.parent_task_id), '--all']

          self.session.getTaskInfo.return_value = self.parent_task_info

-         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [{'id': 22222,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 33333,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 'x86_64',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 44444,

-                                                       'method': 'buildArch',

-                                                       'arch': 's390',

-                                                       'state': 2},

-                                                      {'id': 55555,

-                                                       'method': 'tagBuild',

-                                                       'arch': 'noarch',

-                                                       'state': 2}

-                                                      ]

+         self.session.getTaskChildren.return_value = [

+             {'id': 22222,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 33333,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 'x86_64',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 44444,

+              'method': 'buildArch',

+              'arch': 's390',

+              'state': 2},

+             {'id': 55555,

+              'method': 'tagBuild',

+              'arch': 'noarch',

+              'state': 2}

+         ]

          self.list_task_output_all_volumes.side_effect = [


              {'somerpm.src.rpm': ['DEFAULT', 'vol1'], 'somerpm.noarch.rpm': ['DEFAULT']},

In this PR is removed first filter for arches, because arches filter should be used only for build and buildArch methods.
taskarch value is used only for rename filename, not for filter.

I found the logic here a bit unnecessarily hard to follow:

        if suboptions.all and not (task['method'] in build_methods_list and
                                   filetype in rpm_file_types):
            if filetype != 'log':
                [handle file 1]
        elif task['method'] in build_methods_list:
            if filetype in rpm_file_types:
                [handle file 2]

        if filetype == 'log' and suboptions.logs:
            [handle file 3]

First off, ignoring the log stuff for now, wouldn't the logic about suboptions.all and filetype and task['method'] be clearer if written this way?

        if (task['method'] in build_methods_list and filetype in rpm_file_types):
            [handle file 2]
        elif suboptions.all and filetype != 'log':
            [handle file 1]

Secondly, the log stuff again feels sorta the wrong way around. What if we made the whole thing this:

        if filetype == 'log':
            if suboptions.logs:
                [handle file 3]
        elif (task['method'] in build_methods_list and filetype in rpm_file_types):
            [handle file 2]
        elif suboptions.all:
            [handle file 1]

If I'm following it right, that's the same logic, but it just seems a lot clearer. WDYT?

I guess that logic isn't really part of the PR, I just happened to get caught on it. So that could be done separately. Aside from that, yeah, the PR looks fine for addressing my issue, if this is how you want to do it.

Metadata Update from @tkopecek:
- Pull-request tagged with: testing-ready

2 years ago

rebased onto f017ec2

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @mfilip:
- Pull-request tagged with: testing-done

2 years ago

testing_ready tag was temporary removed to avoid conflicts in testing

Metadata Update from @mfilip:
- Pull-request untagged with: testing-ready

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @mfilip:
- Pull-request untagged with: testing-done

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @mfilip:
- Pull-request tagged with: testing-done, testing-ready

2 years ago

Commit b0ca998 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by tkopecek

2 years ago