#3217 Adding Driver Update Disk building support
Merged 2 years ago by tkopecek. Opened 2 years ago by djuarezg.
djuarezg/koji dud_building  into  master

file modified
@@ -278,3 +278,51 @@ 

  option. Similarly to other image tasks, alternative architecture failures can be

  ignored for successful build by ``--can-fail`` option. ``--arch`` can be used to

  limit build tag architectures.



+ Driver Update Disks building

+ ===========================


+ **This is just a tech-preview. API/usage can drastically change in upcoming

+ releases**


+ Plugin for creating Driver Update Disks with ``xorrisofs``.


+ All three parts (cli/hub/builder) needs to be installed. There is currently no

+ configuration except allowing the plugins (name is 'dud' for all components).


+ Builders don't need to have any specific library installed (xorrisofs

+ invocation/usage is only in buildroots not on builder itself).


+ Buildtag needs to be configured by adding special group ``dud-build`` which should contain

+ the following packages:


+ .. code-block:: shell



+    $ koji add-group dud-build-tag dud-build

+    $ koji add-group-pkg dud-build-tag dud-build xorriso

+    $ koji add-group-pkg dud-build-tag dud-build createrepo_c

+    $ koji add-group-pkg dud-build-tag dud-build dnf

+    $ koji add-group-pkg dud-build-tag dud-build dnf-plugins-core


+ Another thing we need to ensure is that we're building in chroot and not in

+ container.


+ .. code-block:: shell


+    $ koji edit-tag dud-build-tag -x mock.new_chroot=False


+ Calling the build itself is a matter of simple CLI call:


+ .. code-block: shell


+    $ koji dud-build dud-target --scmurl=git+https://my.git/image-descriptions#master myamazingdud 1 package1 package2


+ The command options allows to bring all the package dependencies into the DUD

+ ISO with ``--alldeps``. ``--scmurl`` allows to include non-RPM related content

+ inside the produced ISO.


+ Similarly to other image tasks, alternative architecture failures can be

+ ignored for successful build by ``--can-fail`` option. ``--arch`` can be used

+ to limit build tag architectures.

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@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ 

+ import os

+ import koji

+ from fnmatch import fnmatch

+ from koji.util import to_list

+ from koji.tasks import ServerExit

+ from __main__ import BaseBuildTask, BuildImageTask, BuildRoot, SCM


+ # /usr/lib/koji-builder-plugins/



+ class DudBuildTask(BuildImageTask):

+     Methods = ['dudBuild']

+     _taskWeight = 1.0


+     def handler(self, dud_name, dud_version, arches, target, pkg_list, opts=None):

+         target_info = self.session.getBuildTarget(target, strict=True)

+         build_tag = target_info['build_tag']

+         repo_info = self.getRepo(build_tag)

+         # check requested arches against build tag

+         buildconfig = self.session.getBuildConfig(build_tag)

+         if not buildconfig['arches']:

+             raise koji.BuildError("No arches for tag %(name)s [%(id)s]" % buildconfig)

+         tag_archlist = [koji.canonArch(a) for a in buildconfig['arches'].split()]

+         if arches:

+             for arch in arches:

+                 if koji.canonArch(arch) not in tag_archlist:

+                     raise koji.BuildError("Invalid arch for build tag: %s" % arch)

+         else:

+             arches = tag_archlist


+         if not opts:

+             opts = {}

+         if not opts.get('scratch'):

+             opts['scratch'] = False

+         if not opts.get('alldeps'):

+             opts['alldeps'] = False

+         if not opts.get('scmurl'):

+             opts['scmurl'] = None

+         if not opts.get('optional_arches'):

+             opts['optional_arches'] = []

+         self.opts = opts


+         name, version, release = dud_name, dud_version, None


+         bld_info = None

+         if opts.get('release'):

+             release = opts['release']

+         else:

+             release = self.session.getNextRelease({'name': name, 'version': version})

+         if '-' in version:

+             raise koji.ApplianceError('The Version may not have a hyphen')

+         if not opts['scratch']:

+             bld_info = self.initImageBuild(name, version, release, target_info, opts)

+             release = bld_info['release']


+         try:

+             subtasks = {}

+             canfail = []

+             self.logger.info("Spawning jobs for image arches: %r" % (arches))

+             for arch in arches:

+                 subtasks[arch] = self.session.host.subtask(

+                     method='createDudIso',

+                     arglist=[name, version, release, arch,

+                              target_info, build_tag, repo_info,

+                              pkg_list, opts], label=arch, parent=self.id, arch=arch)

+                 if arch in self.opts['optional_arches']:

+                     canfail.append(subtasks[arch])

+             self.logger.info("Got image subtasks: %r" % (subtasks))

+             self.logger.info("Waiting on image subtasks (%s can fail)..." % canfail)

+             results = self.wait(to_list(subtasks.values()), all=True, failany=True,

+                                 canfail=canfail)


+             # if everything failed, fail even if all subtasks are in canfail

+             self.logger.info('subtask results: %r', results)

+             all_failed = True

+             for result in results.values():

+                 if not isinstance(result, dict) or 'faultCode' not in result:

+                     all_failed = False

+                     break

+             if all_failed:

+                 raise koji.GenericError("all subtasks failed")


+             # determine ignored arch failures

+             ignored_arches = set()

+             for arch in arches:

+                 if arch in self.opts['optional_arches']:

+                     task_id = subtasks[arch]

+                     result = results[task_id]

+                     if isinstance(result, dict) and 'faultCode' in result:

+                         ignored_arches.add(arch)


+             self.logger.info('Image Results for hub: %s' % results)

+             results = {str(k): v for k, v in results.items()}

+             if opts['scratch']:

+                 self.session.host.moveImageBuildToScratch(self.id, results)

+             else:

+                 self.session.host.completeImageBuild(self.id, bld_info['id'], results)

+         except (SystemExit, ServerExit, KeyboardInterrupt):

+             # we do not trap these

+             raise

+         except Exception:

+             if not opts['scratch']:

+                 if bld_info:

+                     self.session.host.failBuild(self.id, bld_info['id'])

+             raise


+         # tag it

+         if not opts['scratch'] and not opts.get('skip_tag'):

+             tag_task_id = self.session.host.subtask(method='tagBuild',

+                                                     arglist=[target_info['dest_tag'],

+                                                              bld_info['id'], False, None, True],

+                                                     label='tag', parent=self.id, arch='noarch')

+             self.wait(tag_task_id)


+         # report results

+         report = ''


+         if opts['scratch']:

+             respath = ', '.join(

+                 [os.path.join(koji.pathinfo.work(),

+                               koji.pathinfo.taskrelpath(tid)) for tid in subtasks.values()])

+             report += 'Scratch '


+         else:

+             respath = koji.pathinfo.imagebuild(bld_info)

+         report += 'image build results in: %s' % respath

+         return report



+ class DudCreateImageTask(BaseBuildTask):

+     Methods = ['createDudIso']

+     _taskWeight = 1.0


+     def getImagePackagesFromPath(self, path):

+         """

+         Read RPM header information from the yum cache available in the

+         given path. Returns a list of dictionaries for each RPM included.

+         """

+         found = False

+         hdrlist = {}

+         # For non scratch builds this is a must or it will not work

+         fields = ['name', 'version', 'release', 'epoch', 'arch',

+                   'buildtime', 'sigmd5']

+         for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):

+             for f in files:

+                 if fnmatch(f, '*.rpm'):

+                     pkgfile = os.path.join(root, f)

+                     hdr = koji.get_header_fields(pkgfile, fields)

+                     hdr['size'] = os.path.getsize(pkgfile)

+                     hdr['payloadhash'] = koji.hex_string(hdr['sigmd5'])

+                     del hdr['sigmd5']

+                     hdrlist[os.path.basename(pkgfile)] = hdr

+                     found = True

+         if not found:

+             raise koji.LiveCDError('No rpms found in root dir!')

+         return list(hdrlist.values())


+     def handler(self, dud_name, dud_version, dud_release, arch,

+                 target_info, build_tag, repo_info,

+                 pkg_list, opts=None):

+         self.opts = opts

+         self.logger.info("Running my dud task...")

+         build_tag = target_info['build_tag']

+         broot = BuildRoot(self.session, self.options,

+                           tag=build_tag,

+                           arch=arch,

+                           task_id=self.id,

+                           repo_id=repo_info['id'],

+                           # Replace with a group that includes createrepo and xorrisofs

+                           install_group='dud-build',

+                           setup_dns=True,

+                           bind_opts={'dirs': {'/dev': '/dev', }})

+         broot.workdir = self.workdir


+         # create the mock chroot

+         self.logger.info("Initializing dud buildroot")

+         broot.init()

+         self.logger.info("dud buildroot ready: " + broot.rootdir())


+         # user repos

+         repos = self.opts.get('repos', [])

+         # buildroot repo

+         path_info = koji.PathInfo(topdir=self.options.topurl)

+         repopath = path_info.repo(repo_info['id'], target_info['build_tag_name'])

+         baseurl = '%s/%s' % (repopath, arch)

+         self.logger.info('BASEURL: %s' % baseurl)

+         repos.append(baseurl)


+         imgdata = {

+             'arch': arch,

+             'task_id': self.id,

+             'name': dud_name,

+             'version': dud_version,

+             'release': dud_release,

+             'logs': [],

+             'rpmlist': [],

+             'files': [],

+         }


+         # Donwload each and every one of the packages on the list. We allow more than one

+         # rpms per DUD ISO. Do them one by one to report which one may fail

+         for rpm in pkg_list:

+             cmd = ['/usr/bin/dnf']

+             if self.opts.get('alldeps'):

+                 cmd.extend([

+                     'download', '--resolve', '--alldeps', rpm,

+                 ])

+             else:

+                 cmd.extend([

+                     'download', rpm,

+                 ])


+             rv = broot.mock(['--cwd', broot.tmpdir(within=True), '--chroot', '--'] + cmd)

+             if rv:

+                 raise koji.GenericError("DUD build failed while getting the involved rpm '{}': {}"

+                       .format(rpm, str(rv)))


+         # Create the dd directory structure.

+         cmd = ['/usr/bin/mkdir']

+         cmd.extend([

+             '-p', './dd/rpms/{arch}/repodata/'.format(arch=arch),

+             '-p', './dd/src/',

+         ])

+         rv = broot.mock(['--cwd', broot.tmpdir(within=True), '--chroot', '--'] + cmd)

+         if rv:

+             raise koji.GenericError("DUD build failed while preparing the dir struct for "

+                                     "the ISO: " + str(rv))


+         # Inspiration from https://pagure.io/koji/blob/master/f/plugins/builder/runroot.py#_201

+         # for this dirty hack

+         cmd = ['/usr/bin/sh', '-c']

+         cmd.extend([

+             '/usr/bin/echo -e "Driver Update Disk version 3\c" > ./dd/rhdd3',

+         ])

+         rv = broot.mock(['--cwd', broot.tmpdir(within=True), '--chroot', '--'] + cmd)

+         if rv:

+             raise koji.GenericError("DUD build failed while writing the rhdd3 file in "

+                                     "the ISO: " + str(rv))


+         # Get the SCM content into the ISO root

+         # Retrieve SCM content if it exists

+         if self.opts.get('scmurl'):

+             # get configuration

+             scm = SCM(self.opts.get('scmurl'))

+             scm.assert_allowed(allowed=self.options.allowed_scms,

+                                session=self.session,

+                                by_config=self.options.allowed_scms_use_config,

+                                by_policy=self.options.allowed_scms_use_policy,

+                                policy_data={

+                                    'user_id': self.taskinfo['owner'],

+                                    'channel': self.session.getChannel(self.taskinfo['channel_id'],

+                                                                       strict=True)['name'],

+                                    'scratch': self.opts.get('scratch')

+                                })

+             logfile = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'checkout-%s.log' % arch)

+             self.run_callbacks('preSCMCheckout', scminfo=scm.get_info(),

+                                build_tag=build_tag, scratch=self.opts.get('scratch'))

+             scmdir = broot.tmpdir()

+             koji.ensuredir(scmdir)

+             scmsrcdir = scm.checkout(scmdir, self.session,

+                                      self.getUploadDir(), logfile)

+             self.run_callbacks("postSCMCheckout",

+                                scminfo=scm.get_info(),

+                                build_tag=build_tag,

+                                scratch=self.opts.get('scratch'),

+                                srcdir=scmsrcdir)

+             cmd = ['/usr/bin/cp']

+             cmd.extend([

+                 '-aR', os.path.basename(scmsrcdir), './dd/',

+             ])

+             rv = broot.mock(['--cwd', broot.tmpdir(within=True), '--chroot', '--'] + cmd)

+             if rv:

+                 raise koji.GenericError("DUD build failed while copying SCM repo content into dir"

+                                         "struct: " + str(rv))


+         # Get the RPMs inside the corresponding dir struct for the ISO

+         cmd = ['/usr/bin/sh', '-c']

+         # Could not get it to work with a more elegant syntax, as it would not find the *.rpm

+         # files otherwise

+         cmd.extend([

+             '/usr/bin/cp *.rpm ./dd/rpms/{arch}/'.format(arch=arch),

+         ])

+         rv = broot.mock(['--cwd', broot.tmpdir(within=True), '--chroot', '--'] + cmd)

+         if rv:

+             raise koji.GenericError("DUD build failed while copying RPMs into dir struct: " +

+                                     str(rv))


+         cmd = ['/usr/bin/createrepo']

+         cmd.extend([

+             '-q', '--workers=1', './dd/rpms/{arch}/'.format(arch=arch),

+         ])

+         rv = broot.mock(['--cwd', broot.tmpdir(within=True), '--chroot', '--'] + cmd)

+         if rv:

+             raise koji.GenericError("DUD build failed while creating ISO repodata: " + str(rv))


+         # xorrisofs -quiet -lR -V OEMDRV -input-charset utf8 -o $PACKNAME ./dd

+         cmd = ['/usr/bin/sh', '-c']

+         iso_name = 'dd-{name}-{version}-{release}.{arch}.iso'.format(name=dud_name,

+                                                                      version=dud_version,

+                                                                      release=dud_release,

+                                                                      arch=arch)

+         cmd.extend([

+             "/usr/bin/xorrisofs -quiet -lR -V OEMDRV -input-charset utf8 -o {} ".format(iso_name) +

+             "./dd -v"

+         ])

+         rv = broot.mock(['--cwd', broot.tmpdir(within=True), '--chroot', '--'] + cmd)

+         if rv:

+             raise koji.GenericError("DUD build failed while xorrisofs: " + str(rv))


+         fpath = os.path.join(broot.tmpdir(), iso_name)

+         img_file = os.path.basename(fpath)

+         self.uploadFile(fpath, remoteName=os.path.basename(img_file))

+         imgdata['files'].append(img_file)


+         if not self.opts.get('scratch'):

+             hdrlist = self.getImagePackagesFromPath(broot.tmpdir())

+             broot.markExternalRPMs(hdrlist)

+             imgdata['rpmlist'] = hdrlist


+         broot.expire()

+         self.logger.error("Uploading image data: %s", imgdata)

+         return imgdata

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ 

+ from optparse import OptionParser


+ from koji import canonArch


+ from koji.plugin import export_cli

+ from koji_cli.lib import (

+     _running_in_bg,

+     activate_session,

+     watch_tasks,

+ )


+ # All client related stuff, to be located in ~/.koji/plugins/dud.py



+ @export_cli

+ def handle_dud_build(goptions, session, args):

+     "[build] Run a command in a buildroot"

+     usage = ("usage: %prog dud-build [options] <koji_target> --scmurl=<git_repo> <dud_name>"

+              "<version> <pkg(nvr optional)> [<pkg> ...]")

+     usage += "\n(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)"

+     parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)

+     parser.add_option("--scratch", action="store_true", default=False,

+                       help="Perform a scratch build")

+     parser.add_option("--scmurl", metavar="SCMURL", default=None,

+                       help="SCM repository URL for non-rpm related content to be included "

+                       "in the ISO")

+     parser.add_option("--alldeps", action="store_true", default=False,

+                       help="Download all involved rpm dependencies and put them inside "

+                       "the DUD ISO as well")

+     parser.add_option("--arch", action="append", dest="arches", default=[],

+                       help="Limit arches to this subset")

+     parser.add_option("--can-fail", action="store", dest="optional_arches",

+                       metavar="ARCH1,ARCH2,...", default="",

+                       help="List of archs which are not blocking for build "

+                            "(separated by commas.")

+     parser.add_option("--nowait", action="store_false", dest="wait", default=True)

+     parser.add_option("--wait", action="store_true",

+                       help="Wait on the image creation, even if running in the background")

+     (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)


+     if len(args) < 4:

+         parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments")

+         assert False  # pragma: no cover

+     pkg_list = []


+     # Can't use * operator with unpacking in Python 2.7, but this works for both Python 2 and 3

+     target, dud_name, dud_version, pkg_list = args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3:]


+     activate_session(session, goptions)


+     kwargs = {

+         'scratch': options.scratch,

+         'alldeps': options.alldeps,

+         'scmurl': options.scmurl,

+         'optional_arches': [canonArch(arch)

+                             for arch in options.optional_arches.split(',')

+                             if arch],

+     }


+     arches = []

+     if options.arches:

+         arches = [canonArch(arch) for arch in options.arches]


+     task_id = session.dudBuild(

+         target=target,

+         arches=arches,

+         dud_version=dud_version,

+         dud_name=dud_name,

+         pkg_list=pkg_list,

+         **kwargs)


+     if not goptions.quiet:

+         print("Created task: %d" % task_id)

+         print("Task info: %s/taskinfo?taskID=%s" % (goptions.weburl, task_id))

+     if options.wait or (options.wait is None and not _running_in_bg()):

+         session.logout()

+         return watch_tasks(session, [task_id], quiet=goptions.quiet,

+                            poll_interval=goptions.poll_interval, topurl=goptions.topurl)

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ 

+ import koji

+ import koji.tasks

+ import kojihub


+ from koji.context import context

+ from koji.plugin import export


+ koji.tasks.LEGACY_SIGNATURES['dudBuild'] = [

+     [['dud_name', 'dud_version', 'arches', 'target', 'pkg_list', 'opts'],

+      None, None, (None,)]]

+ koji.tasks.LEGACY_SIGNATURES['createDudIso'] = [

+     [['dud_name', 'dud_version', 'dud_release', 'arch',

+       'target_info', 'build_tag', 'repo_info', 'pkg_list', 'opts'],

+      None, None, (None,)]]


+ # /usr/lib/koji-hub-plugins/



+ @export

+ def dudBuild(dud_name, dud_version, arches, target, pkg_list, optional_arches=None, scratch=False,

+              alldeps=False, scmurl=None, priority=None):

+     context.session.assertPerm('image')

+     taskOpts = {

+         'channel': 'image',

+     }

+     if priority:

+         if priority < 0:

+             if not context.session.hasPerm('admin'):

+                 raise koji.ActionNotAllowed(

+                     'only admins may create high-priority tasks')

+             taskOpts['priority'] = koji.PRIO_DEFAULT + priority


+     opts = {

+         'scratch': scratch,

+         'alldeps': alldeps,

+         'scmurl': scmurl,

+         'optional_arches': optional_arches,

+     }


+     return kojihub.make_task('dudBuild',

+                              [dud_name, dud_version, arches, target, pkg_list, opts],

+                              **taskOpts)

This is a version of our Driver Update Disk building for https://pagure.io/koji/issue/2998. @tkopecek

This is still a preliminary version that has the following issues/questions:

  • It is unable to build for tags with multiple archs, just as https://pagure.io/koji/issue/3210. I see no obvious fixing for this due to the relevant code being part of kojihub.py.
  • One cannot download the resulting file from the client or at least I did not find any way yet.
  • Should it create any type of logs at all to be attached to the task?

The plugin allows to include multiple packages inside the ISO, as well as optionally including non-rpm content from a SCM URL.

From the logic we use it allows you to either get the latest package version or to optionally include the full NVR. tag needs to have the configured repos to be able to retrieve the requested package(s).

mkisofs and genisoimage are dead. Please use xorriso instead.

You could probably get the arch from Koji for this...

Please use xorriso (standard CLI) or xorrisofs (mkisofs compatible CLI)

  • About multiple archs - see changes I've did for kiwi #3211 (e.g. https://pagure.io/koji/pull-request/3211#_1__44) I'm just rewriting filenames to include arch. For log files on hub side there is an exception in https://pagure.io/koji/blob/master/f/hub/kojihub.py#_10385 I don't think it is a good idea to expand it more in that part of the code. It should be more near to the log/file source.
  • download image artifacts from the build: koji download-build <nvr> --type=image
  • logs - it would be nice to run mkisofs/xorrisof in verbose mode and capture that log separately (if it can provide more info than what will be present in mock_output.log

It raises a lot of flake8 errors (especially incoherent indenting) but it is of course simple to fix. I would also rename group dud to dud-build to be consistent with the rest of build groups. (I did it for kiwi in the last PR).

/me thinking: I've written kiwi plugin as py3 only as originally kiwi was meant to be installed on builder and it doesn't have py2 version. Anyway, now it runs inside the mock so this requirement is lifted. I wonder if I should it also backport to be 2.7 compatible...

2 new commits added

  • Rename pkg group to dud-build
  • Apply xorriso and flake8 suggestions
2 years ago
  • About multiple archs - see changes I've did for kiwi #3211 (e.g. https://pagure.io/koji/pull-request/3211#_1__44) I'm just rewriting filenames to include arch. For log files on hub side there is an exception in https://pagure.io/koji/blob/master/f/hub/kojihub.py#_10385 I don't think it is a good idea to expand it more in that part of the code. It should be more near to the log/file source.
  • download image artifacts from the build: koji download-build <nvr> --type=image
  • logs - it would be nice to run mkisofs/xorrisof in verbose mode and capture that log separately (if it can provide more info than what will be present in mock_output.log

It raises a lot of flake8 errors (especially incoherent indenting) but it is of course simple to fix. I would also rename group dud to dud-build to be consistent with the rest of build groups. (I did it for kiwi in the last PR).

/me thinking: I've written kiwi plugin as py3 only as originally kiwi was meant to be installed on builder and it doesn't have py2 version. Anyway, now it runs inside the mock so this requirement is lifted. I wonder if I should it also backport to be 2.7 compatible...

Regarding the xorriso logs, I think it is not worth extracting them apart, they do not provide much more info and can be checked in the mock_output.log.

Regarding the hub side logs, I think I did not get your message. Do you mean we should treat those logs inside the plugin itself? Something like moving or renaming them before the hub part does its log thing?

Regarding the xorriso logs, I think it is not worth extracting them apart, they do not provide much more info and can be checked in the mock_output.log.


Regarding the hub side logs, I think I did not get your message. Do you mean we should treat those logs inside the plugin itself? Something like moving or renaming them before the hub part does its log thing?

Yes, builder should rename the file before uploading it to the hub (adding architecture in the name).

Please update the documentation to note we're using xorrisofs.

Yes, builder should rename the file before uploading it to the hub (adding architecture in the name).

I may need some help in here. The logfiles (build.log, hw_info.log, mock_output.log, root.log and state.log) are created (and listed on the koji task UI) as soon as the child task starts running. Is it actually possible to rename them during the builder BuildRoot handler?

Before expiring my BuildRoot I can get to rename them, using workpath = koji.pathinfo.task(self.id), which is where they are ending up. The problem is that at this point I have no permissions to rename files in there.

For reference, I see in my tests that this comment does not seem to be true with the current code: https://imgur.com/a/698GsFW

I've lookg into that again and now I'm more persuaded to do system-level change supporting this. Filing #3229

2 new commits added

  • Update NVR option checking to match kiwi's
  • Change dud plugin doc to mention xorrisofs
2 years ago

You can try #3230

Working fine with that. No problem building multiarch DUD's in both scratch and non-scratch builds.

1 new commit added

  • Remove trailing whitespaces
2 years ago

Metadata Update from @tkopecek:
- Pull-request tagged with: testing-ready

2 years ago

s/dug-build-tag/dud-target/ or something similar to not confuse build tag with target.

I wonder if there is some reason for that (except of clarity). Code is not using anything specific to image channel (appliance-tools, imagefactory, ...). So it can run on any builder now, not? Maybe just rephrase it to as a hint but not strict requirement.

I wonder if there is some reason for that (except of clarity). Code is not using anything specific to image channel (appliance-tools, imagefactory, ...). So it can run on any builder now, not? Maybe just rephrase it to as a hint but not strict requirement.

Isn't this required when dealing with tasks based on BuildImageTask ? See https://pagure.io/koji/blob/master/f/plugins/builder/kiwi.py + https://pagure.io/koji/blob/master/f/docs/source/plugins.rst. This is where I took this from.

rebased onto def681d

2 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Do not confuse dud-build-tag with dud-target
2 years ago

You've got me :-) It is a leftover of original kiwi work. In that moment I've had installed kiwi outside of buildroot (on builder) as there were no other way how to parse results file. Nevertheless, it is not true anymore and it is completely independent. I've created #3315 for myself.

1 new commit added

  • better description for dud channel requirements
2 years ago

You've got me :-) It is a leftover of original kiwi work. In that moment I've had installed kiwi outside of buildroot (on builder) as there were no other way how to parse results file. Nevertheless, it is not true anymore and it is completely independent. I've created #3315 for myself.

Done, I had forgotten about it.

Metadata Update from @mfilip:
- Pull-request tagged with: testing-done

2 years ago

Commit f61fbeb fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by tkopecek

2 years ago