#3037 Increase API unit tests
Merged 2 years ago by tkopecek. Opened 2 years ago by jcupova.
jcupova/koji api-unit-tests  into  master

@@ -26,3 +26,35 @@ 

          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError) as cm:

              self.exports.getBuildTarget(build_target, strict=True)

          self.assertEqual(expected, str(cm.exception))


+     def test_more_targets_without_strict(self):

+         build_target = 'build-target'

+         target_info = [{'build_tag': 123,

+                         'build_tag_name': 'test-tag',

+                         'dest_tag': 124,

+                         'dest_tag_name': 'destination-test-tag',

+                         'id': 1,

+                         'name': 'test-build-target-1234'},

+                        {'build_tag': 2,

+                         'build_tag_name': 'test-tag-2',

+                         'dest_tag': 3,

+                         'dest_tag_name': 'destination-test-tag-2',

+                         'id': 2,

+                         'name': 'test-build-target-5678'}

+                        ]

+         self.get_build_targets.return_value = target_info

+         rv = self.exports.getBuildTarget(build_target, strict=False)

+         self.assertEqual(None, rv)


+     def test_once_target(self):

+         build_target = 'build-target-5678'

+         target_info = [{'build_tag': 2,

+                         'build_tag_name': 'test-tag-2',

+                         'dest_tag': 3,

+                         'dest_tag_name': 'destination-test-tag-2',

+                         'id': 2,

+                         'name': 'test-build-target-5678'}

+                        ]

+         self.get_build_targets.return_value = target_info

+         rv = self.exports.getBuildTarget(build_target, strict=False)

+         self.assertEqual(target_info[0], rv)

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ 

+ import mock

+ import unittest


+ import koji

+ import kojihub



+ class TestGetBuildroot(unittest.TestCase):

+     def setUp(self):

+         self.query_buildroots = mock.patch('kojihub.query_buildroots').start()

+         self.buildroot_id = 1


+     def test_empty_buildroots_without_strict(self):

+         self.query_buildroots.return_value = []

+         rv = kojihub.get_buildroot(self.buildroot_id, strict=False)

+         self.assertEqual(None, rv)


+     def test_empty_buildroots_with_strict(self):

+         self.query_buildroots.return_value = []

+         with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError) as cm:

+             kojihub.get_buildroot(self.buildroot_id, strict=True)

+         self.assertEqual("No such buildroot: %r" % self.buildroot_id, str(cm.exception))


+     def test_more_buildroots(self):

+         self.query_buildroots.return_value = [

+             {'arch': 'x86_64', 'id': 1, 'repo_id': 1, 'repo_state': 1, 'tag_id': 2,

+              'tag_name': 'f34-build-7war', 'task_id': 4},

+             {'arch': 'x86_64', 'id': 1, 'repo_id': 1, 'repo_state': 1, 'tag_id': 2,

+              'tag_name': 'f34-build-7war', 'task_id': 4}

+         ]

+         with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError) as cm:

+             kojihub.get_buildroot(self.buildroot_id)

+         self.assertEqual("More that one buildroot with id: %i" % self.buildroot_id,

+                          str(cm.exception))


+     def test_valid(self):

+         buildroot_info = {'arch': 'x86_64', 'id': 1, 'repo_id': 1, 'repo_state': 1, 'tag_id': 2,

+                           'tag_name': 'f34-build-7war', 'task_id': 4}

+         self.query_buildroots.return_value = [buildroot_info]

+         rv = kojihub.get_buildroot(self.buildroot_id, strict=False)

+         self.assertEqual(buildroot_info, rv)

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ 

  import unittest


+ import mock


  import koji

  import kojihub

@@ -37,6 +39,9 @@ 



  class TestGetUserByKrbPrincipal(unittest.TestCase):

+     def setUp(self):

+         self.get_user = mock.patch('kojihub.get_user').start()


      def test_wrong_type_krb_principal(self):

          krb_principal = ['test-user']

          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError) as cm:
@@ -49,3 +54,11 @@ 

          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError) as cm:


          self.assertEqual("No kerberos principal provided", str(cm.exception))


+     def test_valid(self):

+         krb_principal = 'test-user@test.org'

+         user_info = {'id': 1, 'krb_principals': ['test-user@test.org'],

+                      'name': 'test-user', 'status': 0, 'usertype': 0}

+         self.get_user.return_value = user_info

+         rv = kojihub.get_user_by_krb_principal(krb_principal)

+         self.assertEqual(user_info, rv)

@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ 

          # It seems MagicMock will not automatically handle attributes that

          # start with "assert"

          self.exports = kojihub.RootExports()

+         self.get_host = mock.patch('kojihub.get_host').start()


      def tearDown(self):

@@ -84,3 +85,40 @@ 

          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError):


          self.assertEqual(len(self.queries), 0)


+     def test_enabled_is_true_host_string(self):

+         self.get_host.return_value = {'arches': 'x86_64', 'capacity': 2.0, 'comment': None,

+                                       'description': None, 'enabled': True, 'id': 1234,

+                                       'name': 'test-host', 'ready': False, 'task_load': 0.0,

+                                       'user_id': 2}

+         kojihub.list_channels(hostID='test-host', enabled=True)


+         self.assertEqual(len(self.queries), 1)

+         query = self.queries[0]

+         joins = ['channels ON channels.id = host_channels.channel_id']

+         clauses = [

+             '(host_channels.active = TRUE)',

+             'enabled IS TRUE',

+             'host_channels.host_id = %(host_id)s'

+         ]

+         self.assertEqual(query.tables, ['host_channels'])

+         self.assertEqual(query.aliases, ['comment', 'description', 'enabled', 'id', 'name'])

+         self.assertEqual(query.joins, joins)

+         self.assertEqual(query.values, {'host_id': 1234})

+         self.assertEqual(query.columns, ['channels.comment', 'channels.description',

+                                          'channels.enabled', 'channels.id', 'channels.name'])

+         self.assertEqual(query.clauses, clauses)


+     def test_enabled_is_false(self):

+         kojihub.list_channels(enabled=False)


+         self.assertEqual(len(self.queries), 1)

+         query = self.queries[0]

+         clauses = [

+             'enabled IS FALSE',

+         ]

+         self.assertEqual(query.tables, ['channels'])

+         self.assertEqual(query.aliases, ['comment', 'description', 'enabled', 'id', 'name'])

+         self.assertEqual(query.columns, ['channels.comment', 'channels.description',

+                                          'channels.enabled', 'channels.id', 'channels.name'])

+         self.assertEqual(query.clauses, clauses)

@@ -43,3 +43,12 @@ 

          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError) as cm:


          self.assertEqual("No such package: %s" % package_name, str(cm.exception))


+     def test_build_package_not_none(self):

+         build_id = 999

+         package_id = 998


+         with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError) as cm:

+             self.exports.listTags(build=build_id, package=package_id)

+         self.assertEqual("only one of build and package may be specified", str(cm.exception))

+         self.get_build.assert_not_called()

file modified
+147 -118
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ 

  import koji

  import kojihub



  def get_user_factory(data):

      def get_user(userInfo, strict=False):

          if isinstance(userInfo, int):
@@ -14,9 +15,11 @@ 

              if ui[key] == userInfo:

                  return ui

          if strict:

+             user_id = 112233

              raise koji.GenericError(user_id)

      return get_user



  class TestPkglistBlock(unittest.TestCase):

      def setUp(self):

          self.context = mock.patch('kojihub.context').start()
@@ -46,14 +49,37 @@ 

          lookup_package.assert_called_once_with('pkg', strict=True)

          pkglist_add.assert_called_once_with('tag', 'pkg', block=True, force=force)


+     @mock.patch('kojihub.readPackageList')

+     @mock.patch('kojihub.lookup_package')

+     @mock.patch('kojihub.get_tag')

+     @mock.patch('kojihub.pkglist_add')

+     def test_pkglist_block_package_error(

+             self, pkglist_add, get_tag, lookup_package, readPackageList):

+         pkg_name = 'pkg'

+         tag_name = 'tag'

+         force = mock.MagicMock()

+         get_tag.return_value = {'name': tag_name, 'id': 123}

+         lookup_package.return_value = {'name': pkg_name, 'id': 321}

+         readPackageList.return_value = []


+         with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError) as ex:

+             kojihub.pkglist_block('tag', 'pkg', force=force)

+         self.assertEqual("Package %s is not in tag listing for %s" % (pkg_name, tag_name),

+                          str(ex.exception))


+         get_tag.assert_called_once_with('tag', strict=True)

+         lookup_package.assert_called_once_with('pkg', strict=True)

+         pkglist_add.assert_not_called()








-     def test_pkglist_unblock(self, lookup_package, get_tag, assert_policy,

-             readPackageList, _pkglist_add, _pkglist_remove):

+     def test_pkglist_unblock(

+             self, lookup_package, get_tag, assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add,

+             _pkglist_remove):

          tag = {'id': 1, 'name': 'tag'}

          pkg = {'id': 2, 'name': 'package', 'owner_id': 3}

          get_tag.return_value = tag
@@ -68,8 +94,10 @@ 


          get_tag.assert_called_once_with('tag', strict=True)

          lookup_package.assert_called_once_with('pkg', strict=True)

-         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with('package_list', {'tag': tag['id'],

-             'action': 'unblock', 'package': pkg['id'], 'force': False}, force=False)

+         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with(

+             'package_list', {'tag': tag['id'], 'action': 'unblock', 'package': pkg['id'],

+                              'force': False},

+             force=False)

          self.assertEqual(readPackageList.call_count, 2)


              mock.call(tag['id'], pkgID=pkg['id'], inherit=True),
@@ -89,8 +117,9 @@ 




-     def test_pkglist_unblock_inherited(self, lookup_package, get_tag, assert_policy,

-             readPackageList, _pkglist_add, _pkglist_remove):

+     def test_pkglist_unblock_inherited(

+             self, lookup_package, get_tag, assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add,

+             _pkglist_remove):

          tag_id, pkg_id, owner_id = 1, 2, 3

          get_tag.return_value = {'id': tag_id, 'name': 'tag'}

          lookup_package.return_value = {'id': pkg_id, 'name': 'pkg'}
@@ -104,8 +133,10 @@ 


          get_tag.assert_called_once_with('tag', strict=True)

          lookup_package.assert_called_once_with('pkg', strict=True)

-         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with('package_list', {'tag': tag_id,

-             'action': 'unblock', 'package': pkg_id, 'force': False}, force=False)

+         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with(

+             'package_list', {'tag': tag_id, 'action': 'unblock', 'package': pkg_id,

+                              'force': False},

+             force=False)

          readPackageList.assert_called_once_with(tag_id, pkgID=pkg_id, inherit=True)

          _pkglist_add.assert_called_once_with(tag_id, pkg_id, owner_id, False, '')

@@ -116,8 +147,9 @@ 




-     def test_pkglist_unblock_not_present(self, lookup_package, get_tag, assert_policy,

-             readPackageList, _pkglist_add, _pkglist_remove):

+     def test_pkglist_unblock_not_present(

+             self, lookup_package, get_tag, assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add,

+             _pkglist_remove):

          tag_id, pkg_id = 1, 2

          get_tag.return_value = {'id': tag_id, 'name': 'tag'}

          lookup_package.return_value = {'id': pkg_id, 'name': 'pkg'}
@@ -128,8 +160,10 @@ 


          get_tag.assert_called_once_with('tag', strict=True)

          lookup_package.assert_called_once_with('pkg', strict=True)

-         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with('package_list', {'tag': tag_id,

-             'action': 'unblock', 'package': pkg_id, 'force': False}, force=False)

+         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with(

+             'package_list', {'tag': tag_id, 'action': 'unblock', 'package': pkg_id,

+                              'force': False},

+             force=False)

          readPackageList.assert_called_once_with(tag_id, pkgID=pkg_id, inherit=True)


@@ -140,8 +174,9 @@ 




-     def test_pkglist_unblock_not_blocked(self, lookup_package, get_tag, assert_policy,

-             readPackageList, _pkglist_add, _pkglist_remove):

+     def test_pkglist_unblock_not_blocked(

+             self, lookup_package, get_tag, assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add,

+             _pkglist_remove):

          tag_id, pkg_id, owner_id = 1, 2, 3

          get_tag.return_value = {'id': tag_id, 'name': 'tag'}

          lookup_package.return_value = {'id': pkg_id, 'name': 'pkg'}
@@ -151,14 +186,15 @@ 

              'owner_id': owner_id,

              'extra_arches': ''}}



          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError):

              kojihub.pkglist_unblock('tag', 'pkg', force=False)


          get_tag.assert_called_once_with('tag', strict=True)

          lookup_package.assert_called_once_with('pkg', strict=True)

-         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with('package_list', {'tag': tag_id,

-             'action': 'unblock', 'package': pkg_id, 'force': False}, force=False)

+         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with(

+             'package_list', {'tag': tag_id, 'action': 'unblock', 'package': pkg_id,

+                              'force': False},

+             force=False)

          readPackageList.assert_called_once_with(tag_id, pkgID=pkg_id, inherit=True)


@@ -173,15 +209,16 @@ 

      def test_pkglist_setarches(self, pkglist_add):

          force = mock.MagicMock()

          kojihub.pkglist_setarches('tag', 'pkg', 'arches', force=force)

-         pkglist_add.assert_called_once_with('tag', 'pkg', extra_arches='arches', force=force, update=True)

+         pkglist_add.assert_called_once_with('tag', 'pkg', extra_arches='arches', force=force,

+                                             update=True)



      def test_pkglist_add(self, _direct_pkglist_add):

          # just transition of params + policy=True

          kojihub.pkglist_add('tag', 'pkg', owner='owner', block='block',

-             extra_arches='extra_arches', force='force', update='update')

-         _direct_pkglist_add.assert_called_once_with('tag', 'pkg', 'owner',

-             'block', 'extra_arches', 'force', 'update', policy=True)

+                             extra_arches='extra_arches', force='force', update='update')

+         _direct_pkglist_add.assert_called_once_with('tag', 'pkg', 'owner', 'block', 'extra_arches',

+                                                     'force', 'update', policy=True)



@@ -189,13 +226,13 @@ 




-     def test_direct_pkglist_add(self, lookup_package, get_tag, get_user,

-             assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add):

+     def test_direct_pkglist_add(

+             self, lookup_package, get_tag, get_user, assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add):

          block = False

          extra_arches = 'arch123'

-         force=False

-         update=False

-         policy=True

+         force = False

+         update = False

+         policy = True

          tag = {'id': 1, 'name': 'tag'}

          pkg = {'id': 2, 'name': 'pkg', 'owner_id': 3}

          users = [
@@ -208,10 +245,9 @@ 

          get_user.side_effect = get_user_factory(users)

          readPackageList.return_value = {}



-         kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg['name'],

-             user['name'], block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches,

-             force=force, update=update, policy=policy)

+         kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg['name'], user['name'], block=block,

+                                     extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

+                                     policy=policy)


          get_tag.assert_called_once_with(tag['name'], strict=True)

          lookup_package.assert_called_once_with(pkg['name'], strict=False)
@@ -219,21 +255,20 @@ 

              mock.call(user['name'], strict=True),



-         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with('package_list', {'tag': tag['id'],

-             'action': 'add', 'package': pkg['name'], 'force': False}, force=False)

+         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with(

+             'package_list', {'tag': tag['id'], 'action': 'add', 'package': pkg['name'],

+                              'force': False},

+             force=False)

          self.assertEqual(self.run_callbacks.call_count, 2)


-             mock.call('prePackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag,

-                 package=pkg, owner=user['id'], block=block,

-                 extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

-                 user=users[1]),

-             mock.call('postPackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag,

-                 package=pkg, owner=user['id'], block=block,

-                 extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

-                 user=users[1]),

+             mock.call('prePackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag, package=pkg, owner=user['id'],

+                       block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

+                       user=users[1]),

+             mock.call('postPackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag, package=pkg,

+                       owner=user['id'], block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force,

+                       update=update, user=users[1]),


-         _pkglist_add.assert_called_once_with(tag['id'], pkg['id'],

-             user['id'], block, extra_arches)

+         _pkglist_add.assert_called_once_with(tag['id'], pkg['id'], user['id'], block, extra_arches)



@@ -241,13 +276,13 @@ 




-     def test_direct_pkglist_add_no_package(self, lookup_package,

-             get_tag, get_user, assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add):

+     def test_direct_pkglist_add_no_package(

+             self, lookup_package, get_tag, get_user, assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add):

          block = False

          extra_arches = 'arch123'

-         force=False

-         update=False

-         policy=True

+         force = False

+         update = False

+         policy = True

          tag = {'id': 1, 'name': 'tag'}

          pkg = {'id': 2, 'name': 'pkg', 'owner_id': 3}

          user = {'id': 3, 'name': 'user'}
@@ -258,9 +293,9 @@ 


          # package needs to be name, not dict

          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError) as ex:

-             kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg,

-                 user['name'], block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches,

-                 force=force, update=update, policy=policy)

+             kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg, user['name'], block=block,

+                                         extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

+                                         policy=policy)

          self.assertEqual("No such package: %s" % pkg, str(ex.exception))


@@ -275,7 +310,7 @@ 

          lookup_package.side_effect = koji.GenericError(expected)

          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError) as ex:

              kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg, user, block=False, extra_arches='arch',

-                 force=False, update=True)

+                                         force=False, update=True)

          self.assertEqual(expected, str(ex.exception))


@@ -284,13 +319,13 @@ 




-     def test_direct_pkglist_add_no_user(self, lookup_package,

-             get_tag, get_user, assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add):

+     def test_direct_pkglist_add_no_user(

+             self, lookup_package, get_tag, get_user, assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add):

          block = False

          extra_arches = 'arch123'

-         force=False

-         update=False

-         policy=True

+         force = False

+         update = False

+         policy = True

          tag = {'id': 1, 'name': 'tag'}

          pkg = {'id': 2, 'name': 'pkg', 'owner_id': 3}

          user = {'id': 3, 'name': 'user'}
@@ -300,9 +335,9 @@ 

          readPackageList.return_value = {}


          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError):

-             kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg,

-                 user['name'], block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches,

-                 force=force, update=update, policy=policy)

+             kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg, user['name'], block=block,

+                                         extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

+                                         policy=policy)


          lookup_package.assert_called_once_with(pkg, strict=False)

          self.assertEqual(self.run_callbacks.call_count, 0)
@@ -314,13 +349,13 @@ 




-     def test_direct_pkglist_add_new_package(self, lookup_package, get_tag, get_user,

-             assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add):

+     def test_direct_pkglist_add_new_package(

+             self, lookup_package, get_tag, get_user, assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add):

          block = False

          extra_arches = 'arch123'

-         force=False

-         update=False

-         policy=True

+         force = False

+         update = False

+         policy = True

          tag = {'id': 1, 'name': 'tag'}

          pkg = {'id': 2, 'name': 'pkg', 'owner_id': 3}

          users = [
@@ -333,10 +368,9 @@ 

          get_user.side_effect = get_user_factory(users)

          readPackageList.return_value = {}



-         kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg['name'],

-             user['name'], block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches,

-             force=force, update=update, policy=policy)

+         kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg['name'], user['name'], block=block,

+                                     extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

+                                     policy=policy)


          get_tag.assert_called_once_with(tag['name'], strict=True)

          self.assertEqual(lookup_package.call_count, 2)
@@ -348,21 +382,20 @@ 

              mock.call(user['name'], strict=True),



-         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with('package_list', {'tag': tag['id'],

-             'action': 'add', 'package': pkg['name'], 'force': False}, force=False)

+         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with(

+             'package_list', {'tag': tag['id'], 'action': 'add', 'package': pkg['name'],

+                              'force': False},

+             force=False)

          self.assertEqual(self.run_callbacks.call_count, 2)


-             mock.call('prePackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag,

-                 package=pkg, owner=user['id'], block=block,

-                 extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

-                 user=users[1]),

-             mock.call('postPackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag,

-                 package=pkg, owner=user['id'], block=block,

-                 extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

-                 user=users[1]),

+             mock.call('prePackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag, package=pkg, owner=user['id'],

+                       block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

+                       user=users[1]),

+             mock.call('postPackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag, package=pkg,

+                       owner=user['id'], block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force,

+                       update=update, user=users[1]),


-         _pkglist_add.assert_called_once_with(tag['id'], pkg['id'],

-             user['id'], block, extra_arches)

+         _pkglist_add.assert_called_once_with(tag['id'], pkg['id'], user['id'], block, extra_arches)



@@ -370,18 +403,17 @@ 




-     def test_direct_pkglist_add_blocked_previously(self,

-             lookup_package, get_tag, get_user,

-             assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add):

+     def test_direct_pkglist_add_blocked_previously(

+             self, lookup_package, get_tag, get_user, assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add):

          block = False

          extra_arches = 'arch123'

-         force=False

-         update=False

-         policy=True

+         force = False

+         update = False

+         policy = True

          tag = {'id': 1, 'name': 'tag'}

          pkg = {'id': 2, 'name': 'pkg', 'owner_id': 3}

          users = [

-             {'id': 3, 'name': 'user',},

+             {'id': 3, 'name': 'user', },

              {'id': 112233, 'name': 'user1'},


          user = users[0]
@@ -395,9 +427,9 @@ 



          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError):

-             kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg['name'],

-                 user['name'], block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches,

-                 force=force, update=update, policy=policy)

+             kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg['name'], user['name'], block=block,

+                                         extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

+                                         policy=policy)


          get_tag.assert_called_once_with(tag['name'], strict=True)

          lookup_package.assert_called_once_with(pkg['name'], strict=False)
@@ -405,13 +437,13 @@ 

              mock.call(user['name'], strict=True),



-         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with('package_list', {'tag': tag['id'],

-             'action': 'add', 'package': pkg['name'], 'force': False}, force=False)

+         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with(

+             'package_list', {'tag': tag['id'], 'action': 'add', 'package': pkg['name'],

+                              'force': False},

+             force=False)


-                 'prePackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag,

-                 package=pkg, owner=user['id'], block=block,

-                 extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

-                 user=users[1])

+             'prePackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag, package=pkg, owner=user['id'],

+             block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update, user=users[1])



@@ -420,18 +452,17 @@ 




-     def test_direct_pkglist_add_blocked_previously_force(self,

-             lookup_package, get_tag, get_user,

-             assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add):

+     def test_direct_pkglist_add_blocked_previously_force(

+             self, lookup_package, get_tag, get_user, assert_policy, readPackageList, _pkglist_add):

          block = False

          extra_arches = 'arch123'

-         force=True

-         update=False

-         policy=True

+         force = True

+         update = False

+         policy = True

          tag = {'id': 1, 'name': 'tag'}

          pkg = {'id': 2, 'name': 'pkg', 'owner_id': 3}

          users = [

-             {'id': 3, 'name': 'user',},

+             {'id': 3, 'name': 'user', },

              {'id': 112233, 'name': 'user1'},


          user = users[0]
@@ -444,9 +475,9 @@ 

              'extra_arches': ''}



-         kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg['name'],

-             user['name'], block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches,

-             force=force, update=update, policy=policy)

+         kojihub._direct_pkglist_add(tag['name'], pkg['name'], user['name'], block=block,

+                                     extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

+                                     policy=policy)


          get_tag.assert_called_once_with(tag['name'], strict=True)

          lookup_package.assert_called_once_with(pkg['name'], strict=False)
@@ -455,19 +486,17 @@ 



          # force + admin

-         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with('package_list',

-             {'tag': 1, 'action': 'add', 'package': 'pkg', 'force': True}, force=True)

+         assert_policy.assert_called_once_with(

+             'package_list', {'tag': 1, 'action': 'add', 'package': 'pkg', 'force': True},

+             force=True)


          self.assertEqual(self.run_callbacks.call_count, 2)


-             mock.call('prePackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag,

-                 package=pkg, owner=user['id'], block=block,

-                 extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

-                 user=users[1]),

-             mock.call('postPackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag,

-                 package=pkg, owner=user['id'], block=block,

-                 extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

-                 user=users[1]),

+             mock.call('prePackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag, package=pkg, owner=user['id'],

+                       block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force, update=update,

+                       user=users[1]),

+             mock.call('postPackageListChange', action='add', tag=tag, package=pkg,

+                       owner=user['id'], block=block, extra_arches=extra_arches, force=force,

+                       update=update, user=users[1]),


-         _pkglist_add.assert_called_once_with(tag['id'], pkg['id'],

-             user['id'], block, extra_arches)

+         _pkglist_add.assert_called_once_with(tag['id'], pkg['id'], user['id'], block, extra_arches)

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ 

+ import unittest


+ import mock


+ import kojihub



+ class TestRestartHosts(unittest.TestCase):


+     def setUp(self):

+         self.exports = kojihub.RootExports()

+         self.context = mock.patch('kojihub.context').start()

+         self.context.session.assertPerm = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.make_task = mock.patch('kojihub.make_task').start()


+     def options_is_none(self):

+         self.make_task.return_value = 13

+         rv = self.exports.restartHosts()

+         self.assertEqual(rv, 13)


+     def options_is_not_none(self):

+         self.make_task.return_value = 13

+         rv = self.exports.restartHosts(options={'opt': 'open'})

+         self.assertEqual(rv, 13)

@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ 


      def setUp(self):

          self.InsertProcessor = mock.patch('kojihub.InsertProcessor',

-                 side_effect=self.getInsert).start()

+                                           side_effect=self.getInsert).start()

          self.inserts = []

          self.UpdateProcessor = mock.patch('kojihub.UpdateProcessor',

-                 side_effect=self.getUpdate).start()

+                                           side_effect=self.getUpdate).start()

          self.updates = []

          self.query_executeOne = mock.MagicMock()

          self.QueryProcessor = mock.patch('kojihub.QueryProcessor',

-                 side_effect=self.getQuery).start()

+                                          side_effect=self.getQuery).start()

          self.queries = []

          self._dml = mock.patch('kojihub._dml').start()

          self.get_tag = mock.patch('kojihub.get_tag').start()
@@ -100,6 +100,48 @@ 

          self.assertEqual(insert.rawdata, {})

          insert = self.inserts[0]


+     def test_simple_tag_with_user(self):

+         self.check_tag_access.return_value = (True, False, "")

+         self.get_build.return_value = {

+             'id': 1,

+             'name': 'name',

+             'version': 'version',

+             'release': 'release',

+             'state': koji.BUILD_STATES['COMPLETE'],

+         }

+         self.get_tag.return_value = {

+             'id': 777,

+             'name': 'tag',

+         }

+         self.get_user.return_value = {

+             'id': 999,

+             'name': 'user',

+         }

+         self.context.event_id = 42

+         # set return for the already tagged check

+         self.query_executeOne.return_value = None


+         # call it

+         kojihub._tag_build('sometag', 'name-version-release', user_id=999)


+         self.get_tag.called_once_with('sometag', strict=True)

+         self.get_user.called_one_with(999, strict=True)

+         self.get_build.called_once_with('name-version-release', strict=True)

+         self.context.session.assertPerm.assert_not_called()


+         # check the insert

+         self.assertEqual(len(self.inserts), 1)

+         insert = self.inserts[0]

+         self.assertEqual(insert.table, 'tag_listing')

+         values = {

+             'build_id': 1,

+             'create_event': 42,

+             'creator_id': 999,

+             'tag_id': 777

+         }

+         self.assertEqual(insert.data, values)

+         self.assertEqual(insert.rawdata, {})

+         insert = self.inserts[0]


      def test_simple_untag(self):

          self.check_tag_access.return_value = (True, False, "")
@@ -147,6 +189,53 @@ 

          self.assertEqual(update.values, values)

          update = self.updates[0]


+     def test_simple_untag_with_user(self):

+         self.check_tag_access.return_value = (True, False, "")

+         self.get_build.return_value = {

+             'id': 1,

+             'name': 'name',

+             'version': 'version',

+             'release': 'release',

+             'state': koji.BUILD_STATES['COMPLETE'],

+         }

+         self.get_tag.return_value = {

+             'id': 777,

+             'name': 'tag',

+         }

+         self.get_user.return_value = {

+             'id': 999,

+             'name': 'user',

+         }

+         self.context.event_id = 42

+         # set return for the already tagged check

+         self.query_executeOne.return_value = None


+         # call it

+         kojihub._untag_build('sometag', 'name-version-release', user_id=999)


+         self.get_tag.called_once_with('sometag', strict=True)

+         self.get_user.called_one_with(999, strict=True)

+         self.get_build.called_once_with('name-version-release', strict=True)

+         self.context.session.assertPerm.assert_not_called()

+         self.assertEqual(len(self.inserts), 0)


+         # check the update

+         self.assertEqual(len(self.updates), 1)

+         update = self.updates[0]

+         self.assertEqual(update.table, 'tag_listing')

+         values = {

+             'build_id': 1,

+             'tag_id': 777

+         }

+         data = {

+             'revoke_event': 42,

+             'revoker_id': 999,

+         }

+         self.assertEqual(update.rawdata, {'active': 'NULL'})

+         self.assertEqual(update.data, data)

+         self.assertEqual(update.values, values)

+         update = self.updates[0]



  class TestGetTag(unittest.TestCase):