#3007 better error messages for Task.lock()
Merged 3 years ago by tkopecek. Opened 3 years ago by tkopecek.
tkopecek/koji issue2834  into  master

file modified
+22 -9
@@ -194,22 +194,35 @@ 

              state, otherhost = r

              if state == koji.TASK_STATES['FREE']:

                  if otherhost is not None:

-                     log_error("Error: task %i is both free and locked (host %i)"

-                               % (task_id, otherhost))

+                     log_error(f"Error: task {task_id} is both free "

+                               f"and handled by host {otherhost}")

                      return False

              elif state == koji.TASK_STATES['ASSIGNED']:

                  if otherhost is None:

-                     log_error("Error: task %i is assigned, but has no assignee"

-                               % (task_id))

+                     log_error(f"Error: task {task_id} is assigned, but no host is really assigned")

                      return False

                  elif otherhost != host_id:

-                     # task is assigned to someone else

+                     # task is assigned to someone else, no error just return

                      return False

+                 elif newstate == 'ASSIGNED':

+                     # double assign is a weird situation but we can return True as state doesn't

+                     # really change

+                     log_error(f"Error: double assign of task {task_id} and host {host_id}")

+                     return True

                  # otherwise the task is assigned to host_id, so keep going

-             else:

+             elif state == koji.TASK_STATES['CANCELED']:

+                 # it is ok that task was canceled meanwhile

+                 return False

+             elif state == koji.TASK_STATES['OPEN']:

                  if otherhost is None:

-                     log_error("Error: task %i is non-free but unlocked (state %i)"

-                               % (task_id, state))

+                     log_error(f"Error: task {task_id} is opened but not handled by any host")

+                 elif otherhost == host_id:

+                     log_error(f"Error: task {task_id} is already open and handled by "

+                               f"{host_id} (double open/assign)")

+                 return False

+             elif otherhost is None:  # CLOSED, FAILED

+                 log_error(f"Error: task {task_id} is non-free but not handled by any host "

+                           f"(state {koji.TASK_STATES[state]})")

                  return False

          # if we reach here, task is either

          #  - free and unlocked
@@ -6321,7 +6334,7 @@ 



      if state not in (koji.BUILD_STATES['FAILED'], koji.BUILD_STATES['CANCELED']):

-         raise koji.GenericError("Only FAILED/CANCELLED build states are allowed")

+         raise koji.GenericError("Only FAILED/CANCELED build states are allowed")



      binfo = get_build(build_id, strict=True)

@mikem I'm not sure about ASSIGNED case - it seems to me that it also shouldn't log an error?

elif state == koji.TASK_STATES['OPEN'] and otherhost is None:
    log_error(f"Error: task {task_id} is opened but not locked by any host")
    return False

This probably needs to open with simply elif state == koji.TASK_STATES['OPEN']: and cover some different sanity rules for open tasks.

  • if the open task has no host, then that is an error that needs logging
  • if the open task has a different host, then that is a normal, non-error case (another host won the race) and we can simply return False.
  • if the open task has the same host, then that is probably worth logging. It either means there was a double open, or an admin trying to assign a task to a host that already has it.

I'm not sure about ASSIGNED case

It depends on the particulars. I think the case where the state is assigned but there is no host_id is unexpected and worth an error message.

For assigned in particular, the sanity checks might need to depend on newstate as well. I.e. it might be worth noting a double assign (same host id, state=newstate=assigned), but perfectly normal and expected for that host to open the assigned task.

rebased onto 8dc2b5d2290f98def3b7afac717b5e6801741dc9

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @tkopecek:
- Pull-request tagged with: testing-ready

3 years ago

rebased onto 2f336d0

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @jobrauer:
- Pull-request tagged with: testing-done

3 years ago

Commit c69ed04 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by tkopecek

3 years ago