#1662 CGUninitBuild for cancelling CG reservations
Merged 4 years ago by tkopecek. Opened 4 years ago by tkopecek.
tkopecek/koji issue1610  into  master

file modified
@@ -5816,6 +5816,43 @@ 

      return {'build_id': build_id, 'token': token}



+ def cg_refund_build(cg, build_id, token, state=koji.BUILD_STATES['FAILED']):

+     """If build is reserved and not finished yet, there is an option

+     to release reservation and mark build either FAILED or CANCELED.

+     For this calling CG needs to know build_id and reservation token.


+     On success it doesn't return nothing. On error it raises an exception.

+     """


+     if state not in (koji.BUILD_STATES['FAILED'], koji.BUILD_STATES['CANCELED']):

+         raise koji.GenericError("Only FAILED/CANCELLED build states are allowed")


+     assert_cg(cg)

+     binfo = get_build(build_id, strict=True)

+     if binfo['state'] != koji.BUILD_STATES['BUILDING']:

+         raise koji.GenericError('Build ID %s is not in BUILDING state' % build_id)


+     build_token = get_reservation_token(build_id)

+     if not build_token or build_token['token'] != token:

+         raise koji.GenericError("Token doesn't match build ID %s" % build_id)


+     cg_id = lookup_name('content_generator', cg, strict=True)['id']

+     if binfo['cg_id'] != cg_id:

+         raise koji.GenericError('Build ID %s is not reserved by this CG' % build_id)


+     koji.plugin.run_callbacks('preBuildStateChange', attribute='state',

+                               old=koji.BUILD_STATES['BUILDING'], new=state, info=binfo)


+     update = UpdateProcessor('build', values={'id': build_id}, clauses=["id = %(id)s"])

+     update.set(state=state)

+     update.rawset(completion_time='NOW()')

+     update.execute()


+     binfo = get_build(build_id, strict=True)

+     koji.plugin.run_callbacks('postBuildStateChange', attribute='state',

+                               old=koji.BUILD_STATES['BUILDING'], new=state, info=binfo)



  def cg_import(metadata, directory, token=None):

      """Import build from a content generator

@@ -9939,6 +9976,7 @@ 

          import_archive(fullpath, buildinfo, type, typeInfo)


      CGInitBuild = staticmethod(cg_init_build)

+     CGRefundBuild = staticmethod(cg_refund_build)

      CGImport = staticmethod(cg_import)


      untaggedBuilds = staticmethod(untagged_builds)

@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ 

  import kojihub

  from koji import GenericError


+ IP = kojihub.InsertProcessor

+ UP = kojihub.UpdateProcessor


  class TestCGImporter(unittest.TestCase):

      TMP_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tmptest')
@@ -224,3 +226,134 @@ 

          self.get_build.return_value = self.build1

          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError):




+ class TestCGReservation(unittest.TestCase):

+     def getInsert(self, *args, **kwargs):

+         insert = IP(*args, **kwargs)

+         insert.execute = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.inserts.append(insert)

+         return insert


+     def getUpdate(self, *args, **kwargs):

+         update = UP(*args, **kwargs)

+         update.execute = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.updates.append(update)

+         return update



+     def setUp(self):

+         self.InsertProcessor = mock.patch('kojihub.InsertProcessor',

+                                           side_effect=self.getInsert).start()

+         self.UpdateProcessor = mock.patch('kojihub.UpdateProcessor',

+                                           side_effect=self.getUpdate).start()

+         self.inserts = []

+         self.updates = []


+         self.context = mock.patch('kojihub.context').start()

+         self.context.session.user_id = 123456

+         self.mock_cursor = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.context.cnx.cursor.return_value = self.mock_cursor


+     def tearDown(self):

+         mock.patch.stopall()


+     @mock.patch("kojihub.new_build")

+     @mock.patch("kojihub.get_user")

+     @mock.patch("kojihub.lookup_name")

+     @mock.patch("kojihub.assert_cg")

+     def test_init_build_ok(self, assert_cg, lookup_name, get_user, new_build):

+         assert_cg.return_value = True

+         lookup_name.return_value = {'id': 21, 'name': 'cg_name'}

+         get_user.return_value = {'id': 123456, 'name': 'username'}

+         new_build.return_value = 654

+         cg = 'content_generator_name'

+         self.mock_cursor.fetchone.side_effect = [

+             [333], # get pkg_id

+             [1234], # get nextval pkg_id

+         ]

+         self.mock_cursor.fetchall.side_effect = [

+             [[]],

+         ]


+         data = {

+             'name': 'pkg_name',

+             'version': 'pkg_version',

+             'release': 'pkg_release',

+             'extra': {},

+         }


+         kojihub.cg_init_build(cg, data)


+         lookup_name.assert_called_once_with('content_generator', cg, strict=True)

+         assert_cg.assert_called_once_with(cg)

+         self.assertEqual(1, len(self.inserts))

+         insert = self.inserts[0]

+         self.assertEqual(insert.table, 'build_reservations')

+         self.assertEqual(insert.data['build_id'], 654)

+         self.assertTrue('token' in insert.data)

+         self.assertEqual(insert.rawdata, {'created': 'NOW()'})


+     @mock.patch("koji.plugin.run_callbacks")

+     @mock.patch("kojihub.get_reservation_token")

+     @mock.patch("kojihub.lookup_name")

+     @mock.patch("kojihub.get_build")

+     @mock.patch("kojihub.assert_cg")

+     def test_uninit_build_ok(self, assert_cg, get_build, lookup_name, get_reservation_token,

+                              run_callbacks):

+         assert_cg.return_value = True

+         build_id = 1122

+         cg_id = 888

+         cg = 'content_generator_name'

+         get_build.side_effect = [

+             {

+                 'id': build_id,

+                 'state': koji.BUILD_STATES['BUILDING'],

+                 'cg_id': cg_id,

+             },

+             {

+                 'id': build_id,

+                 'state': koji.BUILD_STATES['FAILED'],

+                 'cg_id': cg_id,

+             },

+         ]


+         token = 'random_token'

+         get_reservation_token.return_value = {'build_id': build_id, 'token': token}

+         lookup_name.return_value = {'name': cg, 'id': cg_id}


+         kojihub.cg_refund_build(cg, build_id, token)


+         assert_cg.assert_called_once_with(cg)

+         get_build.assert_has_calls([

+             mock.call(build_id, strict=True),

+             mock.call(build_id, strict=True),

+         ])

+         get_reservation_token.assert_called_once_with(build_id)

+         lookup_name.assert_called_once_with('content_generator', cg, strict=True)


+         self.assertEqual(len(self.updates), 1)

+         update = self.updates[0]

+         self.assertEqual(update.table, 'build')

+         self.assertEqual(update.values['id'], build_id)

+         self.assertEqual(update.data['state'], koji.BUILD_STATES['FAILED'])

+         self.assertEqual(update.rawdata, {'completion_time': 'NOW()'})


+         run_callbacks.assert_has_calls([

+             mock.call('preBuildStateChange', attribute='state',

+                       old=koji.BUILD_STATES['BUILDING'],

+                       new=koji.BUILD_STATES['FAILED'],

+                       info={

+                           'state': koji.BUILD_STATES['BUILDING'],

+                           'cg_id': cg_id,

+                           'id': build_id}

+                       ),

+             mock.call('postBuildStateChange', attribute='state',

+                       old=koji.BUILD_STATES['BUILDING'],

+                       new=koji.BUILD_STATES['FAILED'],

+                       info={

+                           'state': koji.BUILD_STATES['FAILED'],

+                           'cg_id': cg_id,

+                           'id': build_id}

+                       ),

+         ])

Not sure about name of the method. Any better proposal?

rebased onto fe24972c2e68ffcdf9f8210d00036caa094d0e0f

4 years ago

Code LGTM.

For the method name, how about 'cg_cancel_build'? Might be more clear than 'uninit', and this would be used in cases where the CG cancels the build on its end right?

@breilly This method has sense only if build fails, but reservation stays in place. For cancellation standard cancel method works (and deletes reservation). So, this does a little bit different thing.

+1 for code
What about CGRefundBuild?

Metadata Update from @tkopecek:
- Pull-request tagged with: testing-ready

4 years ago

rebased onto 4e6171a

4 years ago

Commit 87685df fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by tkopecek

4 years ago