#1508 fix btype lookup in list_archive_files()
Merged 4 years ago by mikem. Opened 4 years ago by mikem.

file modified
+13 -13
@@ -4498,6 +4498,7 @@ 

                             'group': entry.gname})

      return result



  def list_archive_files(archive_id, queryOpts=None, strict=False):


      Get information about the files contained in the archive with the given ID.
@@ -4507,9 +4508,8 @@ 

      name: name of the file (string)

      size: uncompressed size of the file (integer)


-     If strict is True, raise GenericError if:

-       - the btype of this archive is not maven, win or image

-       - archive_type is not one that we are able to expand

+     If strict is True, raise GenericError if archive_type is not one that we

+     are able to expand


      Regardless of strict, an error will be raised if the archive_id is invalid

@@ -4517,30 +4517,30 @@ 


      archive_type = get_archive_type(type_id=archive_info['type_id'], strict=True)

      build_info = get_build(archive_info['build_id'], strict=True)

-     maven_info = get_maven_build(build_info['id'])

-     win_info = get_win_build(build_info['id'])

-     image_info = get_image_build(archive_info['build_id'])

+     btype = archive_info['btype']


-     if maven_info:

+     if btype == 'maven':

          maven_archive = get_maven_archive(archive_info['id'], strict=True)


          file_path = os.path.join(koji.pathinfo.mavenbuild(build_info),


-     elif win_info:

+     elif btype == 'win':

          win_archive = get_win_archive(archive_info['id'], strict=True)


          file_path = os.path.join(koji.pathinfo.winbuild(build_info),


-     elif image_info:

+     elif btype == 'image':

          image_archive = get_image_archive(archive_info['id'], strict=True)


          file_path = os.path.join(koji.pathinfo.imagebuild(build_info),


+     elif btype:

+         # for non-legacy types, btype info is in the 'extra' field

+         file_path = os.path.join(koji.pathinfo.typedir(build_info, btype),

+                                  archive_info['filename'])


-         # TODO: support other build types

-         if strict:

-             raise koji.GenericError("Unsupported build type")

-         return _applyQueryOpts([], queryOpts)

+         # should not happen

+         raise koji.GenericError("Missing build type info for archive %s" % archive_id)


      if archive_type['name'] in ('zip', 'jar'):

          filelist = _get_zipfile_list(archive_id, file_path)

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ 

  import koji

  import kojihub


- GET_ARCHIVE_RV = {'id': 1, 'build_id': 2, 'type_id': 3,

+ GET_ARCHIVE_RV = {'id': 1, 'build_id': 2, 'type_id': 3, 'btype': 'btype',

                    'filename': 'somearchive.zip'}

  GET_ARCHIVE_TYPE_RV = {'id': 3, 'name': 'zip'}

  GET_BUILD_RV = {'id': 2, 'name': 'somebuild', 'version': '1.2.3',
@@ -18,18 +18,14 @@ 

  class TestListArchiveFiles(unittest.TestCase):

      def setUp(self):

          self.mm = mock.MagicMock()

-         self.mm.get_image_build = mock.patch('kojihub.get_image_build',

-                                              return_value=None).start()

-         self.mm.get_win_build = mock.patch('kojihub.get_win_build',

-                                            return_value=None).start()

-         self.mm.get_maven_build = mock.patch('kojihub.get_maven_build',

-                                              return_value=None).start()

+         # Note: the following mocks copy() the return value dict because some

+         # of the tests modify it

          self.mm.get_build = mock.patch('kojihub.get_build',

-                                        return_value=GET_BUILD_RV).start()

+                                        return_value=GET_BUILD_RV.copy()).start()

          self.mm.get_archive_type = mock.patch('kojihub.get_archive_type',

-                                               return_value=GET_ARCHIVE_TYPE_RV).start()

+                                               return_value=GET_ARCHIVE_TYPE_RV.copy()).start()

          self.mm.get_archive = mock.patch('kojihub.get_archive',

-                                          return_value=GET_ARCHIVE_RV).start()

+                                          return_value=GET_ARCHIVE_RV.copy()).start()


      def tearDown(self):

@@ -40,9 +36,6 @@ 



          self.mm.get_build.assert_called_once_with(2, strict=True)

-         self.mm.get_maven_build.assert_called_once_with(2)

-         self.mm.get_win_build.assert_called_once_with(2)

-         self.mm.get_image_build.assert_called_once_with(2)

          self.assertListEqual(rv, [])


@@ -52,17 +45,14 @@ 

                                'version': '1.0.0'})

      @mock.patch('kojihub._get_zipfile_list', return_value=[])

      def test_simple_strict_empty(self, get_zipfile_list, get_maven_archive):

-         self.mm.get_maven_build.return_value = {'build_id': 2,

-                                                 'group_id': 'gid',

-                                                 'artifact_id': 'aid',

-                                                 'version': '1.0.0'}

          rv = kojihub.list_archive_files(1, strict=True)

          self.assertListEqual(rv, [])


-     def test_simple_strict_bad_btype(self):

+     def test_simple_strict_missing_btype(self):

+         self.mm.get_archive.return_value['btype'] = None

          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError) as cm:

              kojihub.list_archive_files(1, strict=True)

-         self.assertEqual(cm.exception.args[0], "Unsupported build type")

+         self.assertEqual(cm.exception.args[0][:18], "Missing build type")



                  return_value={'archive_id': 1,
@@ -71,10 +61,6 @@ 

                                'version': '1.0.0'})

      def test_simple_strict_bad_archive_type(self, get_maven_archive):

          self.mm.get_archive_type.return_value = {'id': 9, 'name': 'txt'}

-         self.mm.get_maven_build.return_value = {'build_id': 2,

-                                                 'group_id': 'gid',

-                                                 'artifact_id': 'aid',

-                                                 'version': '1.0.0'}

          with self.assertRaises(koji.GenericError) as cm:

              kojihub.list_archive_files(1, strict=True)

          self.assertEqual(cm.exception.args[0], "Unsupported archive type: txt")
@@ -94,10 +80,7 @@ 

                                                              'mtime': 103420},


      def test_maven_archive(self, get_zipfile_list, get_maven_archive):

-         self.mm.get_maven_build.return_value = {'build_id': 2,

-                                                 'group_id': 'gid',

-                                                 'artifact_id': 'aid',

-                                                 'version': '1.0.0'}

+         self.mm.get_archive.return_value['btype'] = 'maven'

          rv = kojihub.list_archive_files(1)

          get_maven_archive.assert_called_once_with(1, strict=True)

@@ -122,8 +105,7 @@ 

                                                              'mtime': 103420},


      def test_win_archive(self, get_zipfile_list, get_win_archive):

-         self.mm.get_win_build.return_value = {'build_id': 2,

-                                               'platform': 'all'}

+         self.mm.get_archive.return_value['btype'] = 'win'

          rv = kojihub.list_archive_files(1)

          get_win_archive.assert_called_once_with(1, strict=True)

@@ -153,7 +135,7 @@ 


      def test_image_archive(self, get_tarball_list, get_image_archive):

          self.mm.get_archive_type.return_value = {'id': 3, 'name': 'tar'}

-         self.mm.get_image_build.return_value = {'build_id': 2}

+         self.mm.get_archive.return_value['btype'] = 'image'

          rv = kojihub.list_archive_files(1, queryOpts={'countOnly': True})

          get_image_archive.assert_called_once_with(1, strict=True)
