#1242 kojid.conf documentation
Merged 5 years ago by mikem. Opened 5 years ago by tkopecek.
tkopecek/koji issue1241  into  master

file modified
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ 




+     kojid_conf



@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ 




+     configuring_jenkins




@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ 

+ kojid.conf Options

+ ------------------

+ kojid.conf is standard .ini-like configuration file. Its main section is

+ called ``[kojid]`` and contains following options. They are split by function

+ to section but can occur anywhere in ``[kojid]`` section in config file.


+ General

+ ^^^^^^^

+ .. glossary::

+    chroot_tmpdir=/chroot_tmpdir

+       The temporary directory in buildroot. It is advised to not use ``/tmp``

+       as it is bound in mock and its content would change in random moments

+       during the build process.


+    keepalive=True

+       noop - it is still alowed in config file for backward compatibility.


+    log_level=None

+       Numeric setting of standard logging levels.


+    maxjobs=10

+       The maximum number of jobs that kojid will handle at a time. This

+       servers as a backup to the capacity check and prevents a tremendous

+       number of low weight jobs from piling up.


+    max_retries=120

+       If hub is inaccessible, try for this many times, before kojid will die.


+    minspace=8192

+       The minimum amount of free space (in MBs) required for each build root.

+       If such amount of space is not available, new job will not be taken.


+    no_ssl_verify=False

+       Turn off SSL verification for https calls. It is strongly advised to

+       not turn off this verification.


+    offline_retry=True

+       Should builder continue to work, if server returns offline message?


+    offline_retry_interval=120

+       If server returned offline response (running upgrade, etc.), try after

+       this many seconds.


+    pkgurl=None

+       Obsoleted, use ``topurl`` instead.


+    plugin=''

+    plugins=''

+       Space-separated list of builder plugins which should be enabled. By

+       default no plugins are used. For list of available plugins check

+       :doc:`this page <plugins>`. Both spellings plugin/plugins are allowed

+       in config, but don't mix them as order is not binding.


+    pluginpath=/usr/lib/koji-builder-plugins

+       Double-colon-separated list of directories, where builder plugins are.

+       They are not used by default, use ``plugins`` to enable them


+    retry_interval=60

+       If there is unsuccessful call to hub, this is how many seconds are

+       waited before trying new call.


+    server=http://hub.example.com/kojihub

+       The URL for the koji xmlrpc server.


+    sleeptime=15

+       The number of seconds to sleep between checking for new tasks.


+    topdir=/mnt/koji

+       The directory root where work data can be found from the koji hub.


+    topurl=http://hub.example.com/kojifiles

+       The URL for the file access.


+    use_fast_upload=True

+       Enables faster uploading (bypassing XMLRPC overload). Changing it makes

+       sense only in weird combination of very old hub and newer builders.


+    workdir=/tmp/koji

+       The directory root for temporary storage on builder.


+ Building

+ ^^^^^^^^

+ .. glossary::

+    allowed_scms=scm.example.com:/cvs/example git.example.org:/example svn.example.org:/users/\*:no

+       A space-separated list of tuples from which kojid is allowed to checkout.

+       The format of those tuples is:


+       .. code::


+           host:repository[:use_common[:source_cmd]]


+       Incorrectly-formatted tuples will be ignored.


+       If ``use_common`` is not present, kojid will attempt to checkout a ``common/``

+       directory from the repository.  If ``use_common`` is set to ``no``, ``off``, ``false``, or ``0``,

+       it will not attempt to checkout a ``common/`` directory.


+       ``source_cmd`` is a shell command (args separated with commas instead of spaces)

+       to run before building the srpm. It is generally used to retrieve source

+       files from a remote location.  If no ``source_cmd`` is specified, ``make sources``

+       is run by default.


+    build_arch_can_fail=False

+       If set to ``True``, failing subtask will not automatically cancel other siblings.


+    createrepo_skip_stat=True

+       If set to ``True``, append ``--skip-stat`` to all createrepo commands.


+    createrepo_update=True

+       Recycle old repodata (if they exist) in createrepo.


+    failed_buildroot_lifetime=14400

+       Failed tasks leave buildroot content on disk for debugging purposes.

+       They are removed after 4 hours by default.


+    literal_task_arches=''

+       Space-separated list of globs (``fnmatch``) for architectures which

+       will not be converted to canonical archs when choosing builder.


+    log_timestamps=False

+       If set to ``True`` additional logs with timestamps will get created and

+       uploaded to hub. It could be useful for debugging purposes, but creates

+       twice as many log files.


+    maven_repo_ignore='\*.md5 \*.sha1 maven-metadata\*.xml _maven.repositories resolver-status.properties \*.lastUpdated'

+       Space-separated globs of repo files which should be ignored when

+       gathering maven result artifacts.


+    oz_install_timeout=7200

+       Install timeout in seconds for image build. Default value is 0, which

+       means using the number in ``/etc/oz/oz.cfg``, supported since oz-0.16.0.


+    use_createrepo_c=False

+       Use ``createrepo_c`` rather than ``createrepo`` command. There is

+       generally no reason to not use createrepo_c in modern depolyments. It

+       is disabled by default only to be backward-compatible. This default

+       would change in future.


+    task_avail_delay=300

+       If there is more builders in same bin (combination of channel and

+       arch), wait for this time before taking the task. It allows to better

+       spread workload.


+    timeout=None

+       This value is used for waiting on all xmlrpc calls to hub. By default

+       there is no timeout set.


+ RPM Builds

+ ^^^^^^^^^^

+ .. glossary::

+    distribution=Koji

+       The distribution to use in rpm headers. Value is propagated via macros

+       to rpmbuild.


+    packager=Koji

+       The packager to use in rpm headers. Value is propagated via macros to

+       rpmbuild.


+    support_rpm_source_layout=True

+       When building SRPM, directory ``SOURCES`` is expected in buildroot. If

+       it is not specified or directory does not exist, fallback is

+       buildroot's directory itself. Generally it is a ``--sources`` option to

+       ``rpmbuild``.


+    vendor=Koji

+       The vendor to use in rpm headers. Value is propagated via macros to

+       rpmbuild.


+ Mock

+ ^^^^

+ .. glossary::

+    mockdir=/var/lib/mock

+       The directory root for mock.


+    mockhost=koji-linux-gnu

+       The _host string to use in mock.


+    mockuser=kojibuilder

+       The user to run as when doing builds. Note, that user must exist on

+       builder.


+    rpmbuild_timeout=86400

+       Timeout for build duration (24 hours). Propagated to mock, not

+       controlled by koji directly.


+    yum_proxy=None

+       Address of proxy server which will be passed via mock to yum.


+ Notifications

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

+ .. glossary::

+    admin_emails=''

+       Space-separated list of addresses for sending logs.


+    from_addr=Koji Build System <buildsys@example.com>

+       The From address used when sending email notifications.


+    smtphost=example.com

+       The mail host to use for sending email notifications.


+ User Authentication

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

+ Please use Kerberos or SSL authentication instead. It is more meant as a

+ development authentication mode, than for real-world setting.


+ .. glossary::

+    user=None

+        Username for authentication

+    password=None

+        Clear-text password (I've told you.)


+ Kerberos Authentication

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

+ .. glossary::

+    ccache=/var/tmp/kojid.ccache'

+       Credentials cache used for krbV login.


+    host_principal_format=compile/\%s\@EXAMPLE.COM

+       The format of the principal used by the build hosts

+       %s will be replaced by the FQDN of the host.


+    keytab=/etc/kojid/kojid.keytab

+       Location of the keytab.


+    krb_canon_host=False

+       Kerberos authentication needs correct hostname. If this option is

+       specified, dnf resolver is used to get correct hostname. Note, that in

+       such case you need additional package ``python-dns`` installed.


+    krb_principal=None

+       Explicit principal used for login. If it is not specified, it is

+       created via ``host_principal_format``.


+    krb_rdns=True

+       Kerberos authentication needs correct hostname. If this option is

+       specified, ``socket.getfqdn(host)`` is used to determine reverse DNS

+       records. Otherwise, ``host`` is used directly. Playing with this option

+       can help you in some firewalled setups.


+    krbservice=host

+       The service name of the principal being used by the hub.



+ SSL Authentication

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

+ .. glossary::

+    ca=''

+       noop, obsoleted, will be removed soon.


+    cert=/etc/kojid/client.crt

+       Client certificate.


+    serverca=/etc/kojid/serverca.crt

+       Certificate of the CA that issued the HTTP server certificate

@@ -940,6 +940,8 @@ 

  * ``/etc/kojid/kojid.conf`` - Koji Daemon Configuration

  * ``/etc/sysconfig/kojid`` - Koji Daemon Switches


+ All options for `kojid.conf` are described :doc:`here <kojid_conf>`.


  Install kojid
