#1238 plugin: create target_multi_tag plugin
Opened 5 years ago by jcpunk. Modified 2 years ago
jcpunk/koji target-multi-dest  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ 

+ # Example config

+ #[koji_target_name1]

+ #extra_tags = tagname2, tagname3, tagname4

+ #

+ #[koji_target_name2]

+ #extra_tags = tagname6


@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ 

+ '''

+  This plugin will tag builds of a specific target into multiple tags.


+ Example Config File:

+ $ cat /etc/koji-hub/plugins/target_multi_tag.conf

+ [koji_target_name1]

+ extra_tags = tagname2, tagname3, tagname4


+ [koji_target_two]

+ extra_tags = tagname6

+ '''

+ #

+ # Authors:

+ #     Pat Riehecky <riehecky@fnal.gov>


+ from __future__ import absolute_import

+ import logging


+ import six.moves.configparser


+ from koji import BUILD_STATES

+ from koji.context import context

+ from koji.plugin import callback


+ CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/koji-hub/plugins/target_multi_tag.conf'

+ CONFIG = None


+ @callback('postBuildStateChange')

+ def tag_target_into_multiple(cbtype, *args, **kws):

+     """Tag a completed build into other non-default tags automatically"""


+     # If the build wasn't successful do nothing

+     if BUILD_STATES[kws['new']] != 'COMPLETE':

+         return True


+     log = logging.getLogger('koji.plugin.target_multi_tag')


+     # read in config once and store it

+     global CONFIG

+     if not CONFIG:

+         conf = six.moves.configparser.SafeConfigParser()

+         log.info('reading in config file: %s', CONFIG_FILE)

+         with open(CONFIG_FILE) as conffile:

+             conf.readfp(conffile)

+         CONFIG = conf


+     # get build information

+     task_id = kws['info']['task_id']

+     build_id = kws['info']['build_id']

+     task_info = context.handlers.call('getTaskInfo', task_id, request=True)

+     target = task_info['request'][1]

+     opts = task_info['request'][2]


+     #  scratch or skip-tag builds don't tag already

+     if 'skip_tag' in opts:

+         if opts['skip_tag']:

+             return True

+     if 'scratch' in opts:

+         if opts['scratch']:

+             return True


+     if target not in CONFIG.sections():

+         log.debug('target:%s not in config file:%s', target, CONFIG_FILE)

+         return True


+     if CONFIG.has_option(target, 'extra_tags'):

+         # csv with optional spaces

+         extra_tags = CONFIG.get(target, 'extra_tags').replace(' ', '').split(',')

+     else:

+         log.warning('target:%s in config file:%s has no "extra_tags"', target, CONFIG_FILE)

+         return True


+     log.debug("target:%s in config file:%s has extra_tags:%s", target, CONFIG_FILE, extra_tags)


+     current_tags = []

+     for tag in context.handlers.call('listTags', build=build_id):

+         current_tags.append(tag['name'])


+     target_info = context.handlers.call('getBuildTarget', info=target)

+     current_tags.append(target_info['dest_tag_name'])


+     for tagname in extra_tags:

+         if tagname not in current_tags:

+             log.debug("target:%s for %s adding tag %s", target, kws['info']['nvr'], tagname)

+             context.handlers.call('host.subtask',

+                                   method='tagBuild',

+                                   arglist=[tagname, kws['info']['nvr']],

+                                   parent=task_id)

+         else:

+             log.debug("target:%s for %s already in tag %s", target, kws['info']['nvr'], tagname)

This hub-plugin will perform additional tagging on completed builds as part of the build task.

For reasons I've been unable to determine, the subtask is calling 'host.tagBuild' rather than 'tagBuild'.

Any ideas?

@jcpunk host version tags build as a user, who spawned the original build task, non-host will tag it as a builder machine. It depends on your usecase, which one makes more sense here. Maybe it could be configurable?

Also I'm not sure if this plugin should be in base koji, or as part of koji-tools. But as koji-tools plugin packaging is not ready, I would probably stay here.

For my usage, I'd expect it to run as the user who spawned the task. That should help keep permissions/tasks/audit sane.

I noticed 'host.tagBuild' doesn't seem to check if package is in tag before tagging it in.


@tkopecek I'm happy to help with packaging koji-tools . Do you mean that it's simply not in Fedora, or something else?

@ktdreyer It is packages, but I wanted to create new subpackage with additional CLI/hub/builder plugins. There is already one candidate in https://pagure.io/koji-tools/pull-request/5 . Of course, it is now little complicated with all those py2/3 madness.

rebased onto bf73250

2 years ago