#108 The beginnings of some cli tests.
Merged 7 years ago by mikem. Opened 7 years ago by ralph.
ralph/koji test-cli  into  master

file modified
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ 




+ cli/kojic

empty or binary file added
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+ Available commands:


+ admin commands:

+         add-external-repo         Create an external repo and/or add one to a tag

+         add-group                 Add a group to a tag

+         add-group-pkg             Add a package to a group's package listing

+         add-group-req             Add a group to a group's required list

+         add-host                  Add a host

+         add-host-to-channel       Add a host to a channel

+         add-pkg                   Add a package to the listing for tag

+         add-tag                   Add a new tag to the database

+         add-tag-inheritance       Add to a tag's inheritance

+         add-target                Create a new build target

+         add-user                  Add a user

+         add-volume                Add a new storage volume

+         block-group-pkg           Block a package from a group's package listing

+         block-group-req           Block a group's requirement listing

+         block-pkg                 Block a package in the listing for tag

+         clone-tag                 Duplicate the contents of one tag onto another tag

+         disable-host              Mark one or more hosts as disabled

+         disable-user              Disable logins by a user

+         edit-external-repo        Edit data for an external repo

+         edit-host                 Edit a host

+         edit-tag                  Alter tag information

+         edit-tag-inheritance      Edit tag inheritance

+         edit-target               Set the name, build_tag, and/or dest_tag of an existing build target to new values

+         enable-host               Mark one or more hosts as enabled

+         enable-user               Enable logins by a user

+         free-task                 Free a task

+         grant-cg-access           Add a user to a content generator

+         grant-permission          Grant a permission to a user

+         import                    Import externally built RPMs into the database

+         import-archive            Import an archive file and associate it with a build

+         import-cg                 Import external builds with rich metadata

+         import-in-place           Import RPMs that are already in place

+         import-sig                Import signatures into the database

+         list-permissions          List user permissions

+         list-signed               List signed copies of rpms

+         lock-tag                  Lock a tag

+         make-task                 Create an arbitrary task

+         prune-signed-copies       Prune signed copies

+         regen-repo                Force a repo to be regenerated

+         remove-channel            Remove a channel entirely

+         remove-external-repo      Remove an external repo from a tag or tags, or remove entirely

+         remove-host-from-channel  Remove a host from a channel

+         remove-pkg                Remove a package from the listing for tag

+         remove-tag                Remove a tag

+         remove-tag-inheritance    Remove a tag inheritance link

+         remove-target             Remove a build target

+         rename-channel            Rename a channel

+         restart-hosts             Restart enabled hosts

+         revoke-cg-access          Remove a user from a content generator

+         revoke-permission         Revoke a permission from a user

+         runroot                   Run a command in a buildroot

+         set-build-volume          Move a build to a different volume

+         set-pkg-arches            Set the list of extra arches for a package

+         set-pkg-owner             Set the owner for a package

+         set-pkg-owner-global      Set the owner for a package globally

+         set-task-priority         Set task priority

+         spin-livemedia            Create a livemedia image given a kickstart file

+         unblock-group-pkg         Unblock a package from a group's package listing

+         unblock-group-req         Unblock a group's requirement listing

+         unblock-pkg               Unblock a package in the listing for tag

+         unlock-tag                Unlock a tag

+         write-signed-rpm          Write signed RPMs to disk


+ Try "koji --help" for help about global options

+ Try "koji help" to get all available commands

+ Try "koji <command> --help" for help about the options of a particular command

+ Try "koji help <category>" to get commands under a particular category

+ Available categories are: admin, all, bind, build, download, info, misc, monitor, search

@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ 

+ Available commands:


+ admin commands:

+         add-external-repo         Create an external repo and/or add one to a tag

+         add-group                 Add a group to a tag

+         add-group-pkg             Add a package to a group's package listing

+         add-group-req             Add a group to a group's required list

+         add-host                  Add a host

+         add-host-to-channel       Add a host to a channel

+         add-pkg                   Add a package to the listing for tag

+         add-tag                   Add a new tag to the database

+         add-tag-inheritance       Add to a tag's inheritance

+         add-target                Create a new build target

+         add-user                  Add a user

+         add-volume                Add a new storage volume

+         block-group-pkg           Block a package from a group's package listing

+         block-group-req           Block a group's requirement listing

+         block-pkg                 Block a package in the listing for tag

+         clone-tag                 Duplicate the contents of one tag onto another tag

+         disable-host              Mark one or more hosts as disabled

+         disable-user              Disable logins by a user

+         edit-external-repo        Edit data for an external repo

+         edit-host                 Edit a host

+         edit-tag                  Alter tag information

+         edit-tag-inheritance      Edit tag inheritance

+         edit-target               Set the name, build_tag, and/or dest_tag of an existing build target to new values

+         enable-host               Mark one or more hosts as enabled

+         enable-user               Enable logins by a user

+         free-task                 Free a task

+         grant-cg-access           Add a user to a content generator

+         grant-permission          Grant a permission to a user

+         import                    Import externally built RPMs into the database

+         import-archive            Import an archive file and associate it with a build

+         import-cg                 Import external builds with rich metadata

+         import-in-place           Import RPMs that are already in place

+         import-sig                Import signatures into the database

+         list-permissions          List user permissions

+         list-signed               List signed copies of rpms

+         lock-tag                  Lock a tag

+         make-task                 Create an arbitrary task

+         prune-signed-copies       Prune signed copies

+         regen-repo                Force a repo to be regenerated

+         remove-channel            Remove a channel entirely

+         remove-external-repo      Remove an external repo from a tag or tags, or remove entirely

+         remove-host-from-channel  Remove a host from a channel

+         remove-pkg                Remove a package from the listing for tag

+         remove-tag                Remove a tag

+         remove-tag-inheritance    Remove a tag inheritance link

+         remove-target             Remove a build target

+         rename-channel            Rename a channel

+         restart-hosts             Restart enabled hosts

+         revoke-cg-access          Remove a user from a content generator

+         revoke-permission         Revoke a permission from a user

+         runroot                   Run a command in a buildroot

+         set-build-volume          Move a build to a different volume

+         set-pkg-arches            Set the list of extra arches for a package

+         set-pkg-owner             Set the owner for a package

+         set-pkg-owner-global      Set the owner for a package globally

+         set-task-priority         Set task priority

+         spin-livemedia            Create a livemedia image given a kickstart file

+         unblock-group-pkg         Unblock a package from a group's package listing

+         unblock-group-req         Unblock a group's requirement listing

+         unblock-pkg               Unblock a package in the listing for tag

+         unlock-tag                Unlock a tag

+         write-signed-rpm          Write signed RPMs to disk


+ bind commands:

+         move-build                'Move' one or more builds between tags

+         tag-build                 Apply a tag to one or more builds

+         untag-build               Remove a tag from one or more builds


+ build commands:

+         build                     Build a package from source

+         cancel                    Cancel tasks and/or builds

+         chain-build               Build one or more packages from source

+         image-build               Create a disk image given an install tree

+         image-build-indirection   Create a disk image using other disk images via the Indirection plugin

+         maven-build               Build a Maven package from source

+         maven-chain               Run a set of Maven builds in dependency order

+         resubmit                  Retry a canceled or failed task, using the same parameter as the original task.

+         spin-appliance            Create an appliance given a kickstart file

+         spin-livecd               Create a live CD image given a kickstart file

+         win-build                 Build a Windows package from source

+         wrapper-rpm               Build wrapper rpms for any archives associated with a build.


+ download commands:

+         download-build            Download a built package

+         download-logs             Download a logs for package

+         download-task             Download the output of a build task 


+ info commands:

+         buildinfo                 Print basic information about a build

+         help                      List available commands

+         latest-build              Print the latest builds for a tag

+         list-api                  Print the list of XML-RPC APIs

+         list-buildroot            List the rpms used in or built in a buildroot

+         list-external-repos       List external repos

+         list-groups               Print the group listings

+         list-history              Display historical data

+         list-hosts                Print the host listing

+         list-pkgs                 Print the package listing for tag or for owner

+         list-tag-history          Print a history of tag operations

+         list-tag-inheritance      Print the inheritance information for a tag

+         list-tagged               List the builds or rpms in a tag

+         list-tags                 Print the list of tags

+         list-targets              List the build targets

+         list-tasks                Print the list of tasks

+         list-untagged             List untagged builds

+         list-volumes              List storage volumes

+         mock-config               Create a mock config

+         rpminfo                   Print basic information about an RPM

+         show-groups               Show groups data for a tag

+         taginfo                   Print basic information about a tag

+         taskinfo                  Show information about a task


+ miscellaneous commands:

+         call                      Execute an arbitrary XML-RPC call

+         import-comps              Import group/package information from a comps file

+         moshimoshi                Introduce yourself


+ monitor commands:

+         wait-repo                 Wait for a repo to be regenerated

+         watch-logs                Watch logs in realtime

+         watch-task                Track progress of particular tasks


+ search commands:

+         search                    Search the system


+ Try "koji --help" for help about global options

+ Try "koji help" to get all available commands

+ Try "koji <command> --help" for help about the options of a particular command

+ Try "koji help <category>" to get commands under a particular category

+ Available categories are: admin, all, bind, build, download, info, misc, monitor, search

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ 

+ import os

+ import sys

+ import unittest


+ import StringIO as stringio


+ import mock



+ # We have to do this craziness because 'import koji' is ambiguous.  Is it the

+ # koji module, or the koji cli module.  Jump through hoops accordingly.

+ # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/67631/how-to-import-a-module-given-the-full-path

+ CLI_FILENAME = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../cli/koji"

+ if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:

+     import importlib.util

+     spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("koji_cli", CLI_FILENAME)

+     cli = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)

+     spec.loader.exec_module(cli)

+ else:

+     import imp

+     cli = imp.load_source('koji_cli', CLI_FILENAME)



+ class TestListCommands(unittest.TestCase):

+     def setUp(self):

+         self.options = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.session = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.args = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.original_parser = cli.OptionParser

+         cli.OptionParser = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.parser = cli.OptionParser.return_value


+     def tearDown(self):

+         cli.OptionParser = self.original_parser


+     # Show long diffs in error output...

+     maxDiff = None


+     @mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=stringio.StringIO)

+     def test_list_commands(self, stdout):

+         cli.list_commands()

+         actual = stdout.getvalue()

+         actual = actual.replace('nosetests', 'koji')

+         filename = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/data/list-commands.txt'

+         with open(filename, 'rb') as f:

+             expected = f.read().decode('ascii')

+         self.assertMultiLineEqual(actual, expected)


+     @mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=stringio.StringIO)

+     def test_handle_admin_help(self, stdout):

+         options, arguments = mock.MagicMock(), mock.MagicMock()

+         options.admin = True

+         self.parser.parse_args.return_value = [options, arguments]

+         cli.handle_help(self.options, self.session, self.args)

+         actual = stdout.getvalue()

+         actual = actual.replace('nosetests', 'koji')

+         filename = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/data/list-commands-admin.txt'

+         with open(filename, 'rb') as f:

+             expected = f.read().decode('ascii')

+         self.assertMultiLineEqual(actual, expected)

@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ 

+ import os

+ import sys

+ import unittest


+ import StringIO as stringio


+ import mock



+ # We have to do this craziness because 'import koji' is ambiguous.  Is it the

+ # koji module, or the koji cli module.  Jump through hoops accordingly.

+ # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/67631/how-to-import-a-module-given-the-full-path

+ CLI_FILENAME = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../cli/koji"

+ if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:

+     import importlib.util

+     spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("koji_cli", CLI_FILENAME)

+     cli = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)

+     spec.loader.exec_module(cli)

+ else:

+     import imp

+     cli = imp.load_source('koji_cli', CLI_FILENAME)



+ class TestListCommands(unittest.TestCase):

+     def setUp(self):

+         self.options = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.session = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.args = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.original_parser = cli.OptionParser

+         cli.OptionParser = mock.MagicMock()

+         self.parser = cli.OptionParser.return_value

+         cli.options = self.options # globals!!!


+     def tearDown(self):

+         cli.OptionParser = self.original_parser


+     # Show long diffs in error output...

+     maxDiff = None


+     @mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=stringio.StringIO)

+     def test_handle_runroot(self, stdout):

+         tag = 'tag'

+         arch = 'arch'

+         command = 'command'

+         arguments = [tag, arch, command]

+         options = mock.MagicMock()

+         options.admin = True

+         self.parser.parse_args.return_value = [options, arguments]


+         # Mock out the xmlrpc server

+         self.session.getTaskInfo.return_value = {'state': 1}

+         self.session.downloadTaskOutput.return_value = 'task output'

+         self.session.listTaskOutput.return_value = ['runroot.log']

+         self.session.runroot.return_value = 1


+         # Run it and check immediate output

+         cli.handle_runroot(self.options, self.session, self.args)

+         actual = stdout.getvalue()

+         actual = actual.replace('nosetests', 'koji')

+         expected = 'successfully connected to hub\n1\ntask output'

+         self.assertMultiLineEqual(actual, expected)


+         # Finally, assert that things were called as we expected.

+         self.session.getTaskInfo.assert_called_once_with(1)

+         self.session.listTaskOutput.assert_called_once_with(1)

+         self.session.downloadTaskOutput.assert_called_once_with(1, 'runroot.log')

+         self.session.runroot.assert_called_once_with(

+             tag, arch, command, repo_id=mock.ANY, weight=mock.ANY,

+             mounts=mock.ANY, packages=mock.ANY, skip_setarch=mock.ANY,

+             channel=mock.ANY,

+         )

List commands, and runroot are done here.. providing some idea of how to write tests for all the other bits in the cli.

Commit e2a0885 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by mikem@redhat.com

7 years ago