| |
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
| |
+ import unittest
| |
+ import mock
| |
+ import os
| |
+ import shutil
| |
| |
+ import koji
| |
+ import kojihub
| |
+ from koji import GenericError
| |
| |
| |
+ class TestCGImporter(unittest.TestCase):
| |
+ TMP_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tmptest')
| |
| |
+ def setUp(self):
| |
+ if not os.path.exists(self.TMP_PATH):
| |
+ os.mkdir(self.TMP_PATH)
| |
| |
+ def tearDown(self):
| |
+ if os.path.exists(self.TMP_PATH):
| |
+ shutil.rmtree(self.TMP_PATH)
| |
| |
+ def test_basic_instantiation(self):
| |
+ kojihub.CG_Importer() # No exception!
| |
| |
+ def test_get_metadata_is_instance(self):
| |
+ mock_input_val = {'foo': 'bar'}
| |
+ x = kojihub.CG_Importer()
| |
+ x.get_metadata(mock_input_val, '')
| |
+ assert x.raw_metadata
| |
+ assert isinstance(x.raw_metadata, str)
| |
| |
+ def test_get_metadata_is_not_instance(self):
| |
+ x = kojihub.CG_Importer()
| |
+ with self.assertRaises(GenericError):
| |
+ x.get_metadata(42, '')
| |
| |
+ def test_get_metadata_is_none(self):
| |
+ x = kojihub.CG_Importer()
| |
+ with self.assertRaises(GenericError):
| |
+ x.get_metadata(None, '')
| |
| |
+ @mock.patch("koji.pathinfo.work")
| |
+ def test_get_metadata_missing_json_file(self, work):
| |
+ work.return_value = os.path.dirname(__file__)
| |
+ x = kojihub.CG_Importer()
| |
+ with self.assertRaises(GenericError):
| |
+ x.get_metadata('missing.json', 'cg_importer_json')
| |
| |
+ @mock.patch("koji.pathinfo.work")
| |
+ def test_get_metadata_is_json_file(self, work):
| |
+ work.return_value = os.path.dirname(__file__)
| |
+ x = kojihub.CG_Importer()
| |
+ x.get_metadata('default.json', 'cg_importer_json')
| |
+ assert x.raw_metadata
| |
+ assert isinstance(x.raw_metadata, str)
| |
| |
+ @mock.patch('kojihub.context')
| |
+ @mock.patch("koji.pathinfo.work")
| |
+ def test_assert_cg_access(self, work, context):
| |
+ work.return_value = os.path.dirname(__file__)
| |
+ cursor = mock.MagicMock()
| |
+ context.session.user_id = 42
| |
+ context.cnx.cursor.return_value = cursor
| |
+ cursor.fetchall.return_value = [(1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar')]
| |
+ x = kojihub.CG_Importer()
| |
+ x.get_metadata('default.json', 'cg_importer_json')
| |
+ x.assert_cg_access()
| |
+ assert x.cgs
| |
+ assert isinstance(x.cgs, set)
| |
| |
+ @mock.patch('kojihub.context')
| |
+ @mock.patch("koji.pathinfo.work")
| |
+ def test_prep_build(self, work, context):
| |
+ work.return_value = os.path.dirname(__file__)
| |
+ cursor = mock.MagicMock()
| |
+ context.cnx.cursor.return_value = cursor
| |
+ x = kojihub.CG_Importer()
| |
+ x.get_metadata('default.json', 'cg_importer_json')
| |
+ x.prep_build()
| |
+ assert x.buildinfo
| |
+ assert isinstance(x.buildinfo, dict)
| |
| |
+ @mock.patch('kojihub.get_build')
| |
+ @mock.patch("koji.pathinfo.work")
| |
+ def test_prep_build_exists(self, work, get_build):
| |
+ work.return_value = os.path.dirname(__file__)
| |
+ get_build.return_value = True
| |
+ x = kojihub.CG_Importer()
| |
+ x.get_metadata('default.json', 'cg_importer_json')
| |
+ with self.assertRaises(GenericError):
| |
+ x.prep_build()
| |
| |
+ @mock.patch('kojihub.get_build')
| |
+ @mock.patch('kojihub.new_build')
| |
+ @mock.patch('kojihub.context')
| |
+ @mock.patch("koji.pathinfo.work")
| |
+ def test_get_build(self, work, context, new_build_id, get_build):
| |
+ work.return_value = os.path.dirname(__file__)
| |
+ cursor = mock.MagicMock()
| |
+ context.cnx.cursor.return_value = cursor
| |
+ new_build_id.return_value = 42
| |
+ get_build.return_value = False
| |
+ x = kojihub.CG_Importer()
| |
+ x.get_metadata('default.json', 'cg_importer_json')
| |
+ x.prep_build()
| |
+ get_build.return_value = {'id': 43, 'package_id': 1,
| |
+ 'package_name': 'testpkg',
| |
+ 'name': 'testpkg', 'version': '1.0.1e',
| |
+ 'release': '42.el7', 'epoch': None,
| |
+ 'nvr': 'testpkg-1.0.1-1.fc24',
| |
+ 'state': 'complete', 'task_id': 1,
| |
+ 'owner_id': 1, 'owner_name': 'jvasallo',
| |
+ 'volume_id': 'id-1212', 'volume_name': 'testvolume',
| |
+ 'creation_event_id': '', 'creation_time': '',
| |
+ 'creation_ts': 424242424242,
| |
+ 'start_time': None, 'start_ts': None,
| |
+ 'completion_time': None, 'completion_ts': None,
| |
+ 'source': 'https://example.com', 'extra': {}
| |
+ }
| |
+ new_build_id.return_value = 43
| |
+ x.get_build()
| |
+ assert x.buildinfo
| |
+ assert isinstance(x.buildinfo, dict)
| |
| |
+ @mock.patch("koji.pathinfo.build")
| |
+ @mock.patch("koji.pathinfo.work")
| |
+ def test_import_metadata(self, work, build):
| |
+ work.return_value = os.path.dirname(__file__)
| |
+ build.return_value = self.TMP_PATH
| |
+ x = kojihub.CG_Importer()
| |
+ x.get_metadata('default.json', 'cg_importer_json')
| |
+ x.import_metadata()
| |
Working through test cases of CG_Importer, so far so good. Only change I did was adding unicode with @threebean to hub/kojihub.py for lookup_name. Might want to review this in the future for better serialization.