#2460 Better tracking of buildroot repo create time
Opened 3 years ago by tkopecek. Modified 3 years ago

Followup of #2424

Maybe we can add _ts fields to buildroot repo_create_event_time + retire_event_time

I think we should look into something like that, but not for this issue. I wouldn't simply add fields with those names though. For the repos, I think we need to track:

  • the event that the repo is generated from
  • the time the repo was created
  • the time the repo was retired

The first is decidedly an event reference, but the original field name of create_event is inaccurate.

The latter two are timestamps primarily, and could possibly not be events at all (though they could be).

So we could just add two timestamp field as you say, but the naming is confusing. We could rename things a bit to be more accurate, but we'd need to be careful about api_compatibility.

At any rate, this is way outside the scope of this issue. If we want to follow up on this, we should have a separate issue for it.

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