#30 Detecting source code languages
Opened 6 years ago by athoscr. Modified 6 years ago

Maybe we could check the possibility of adding these checkers in anitya upstream (I believe it would make sense to have this kind of information there). But then, idk what we could do for other plugins.

Metadata Update from @davidcarlos:
- Issue tagged with: new ideia

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @davidcarlos:
- Issue set to the milestone: version 0.4

6 years ago

@davidcarlos pointed out that there is a python port of the ruby gem github uses to detect languages [1]. Using this lib could be a great improvement to kiskadee, since we would avoid empty analyses coming from anitya updates on non-C/C++ packages.

[1] https://github.com/douban/linguist

@athoscr This port is dead. It is not updated since 2016. My proposal is to use a minimal container, using as entrypoint the ruby gem (that is used by github https://github.com/github/linguist). In this way, we can find out if the source code that we are analyzing is implemented in one of the languages that we support (c/c++).

That would work for me. I am not even sure if it would need to be a container. It would be nice to have the lingust gem packaged in a few distros though...

The port use a dependency that is breaking when installed with python3. The upstream dependency (https://github.com/douban/PyCharlockHolmes) have added python 3 support, but not released a new version on pypi. I opened an issue (https://github.com/douban/PyCharlockHolmes/issues/8) on the repository, asking for a new release with python 3 support. I will install the dependency from the repository, and try to install the port again.

Metadata Update from @davidcarlos:
- Issue set to the milestone: version 0.5 (was: version 0.4)

6 years ago

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