#377 Make the AWS mapping configurable
Merged 2 years ago by abompard. Opened 2 years ago by abompard.
abompard/ipsilon infofas-aws-conf  into  master

@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ 

    shell: 'echo "password" | kinit admin@{{ipa_realm}}'


  - name: install ipsilon

-   shell: "/usr/local/bin/ipsilon-server-install --ipa yes --openidc yes --form no --pam yes --admin-user admin"

+   shell: "/usr/local/bin/ipsilon-server-install --ipa yes --openidc yes --admin-user admin"


      creates: /etc/ipsilon/idp/ipsilon.conf


file modified
+12 -2
@@ -150,7 +150,17 @@ 

          opts['gssapi'] = 'yes'

          if 'gssapi' not in opts['lm_order']:

              opts['lm_order'].insert(0, 'gssapi')

-         opts['form'] = 'yes'

+         opts['pam'] = 'yes'

          opts['info_sssd'] = 'yes'

          if not any(lm in opts['lm_order'] for lm in ('form', 'pam')):

-             opts['lm_order'].append('form')

+             opts['lm_order'].append('pam')

+         if opts['openidc'] == 'yes':

+             opts['openidc_default_attribute_mapping'] = [

+                 ["*", "*"],

+                 ["_groups", "groups"],

+                 ["fullname", "name"],

+                 ["_username", "nickname"],

+                 ["_username", "preferred_username"],

+                 ["ipaSshPubKey", "ssh_key"],

+                 ["fullname", "human_name"]

+             ]

file modified
+26 -24
@@ -1,27 +1,8 @@ 

  from ipsilon.util import config as pconfig

+ from ipsilon.info.common import InfoProviderBase

  from ipsilon.info.infosssd import InfoProvider as SSSDInfoProvider



- AWS_IDP_ARN = "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:saml-provider/id.fedoraproject.org"


-     "aws-master": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-master",

-     "aws-iam": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-iam",

-     "aws-billing": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-billing",

-     "aws-atomic": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-atomic",

-     "aws-s3-readonly": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-s3-readonly",

-     "aws-fedoramirror": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-fedoramirror",

-     "aws-s3": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-s3",

-     "aws-cloud-poc": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-cloud-poc",

-     "aws-infra": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-infra",

-     "aws-docs": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-docs",

-     "aws-copr": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-copr",

-     "aws-centos": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-centos",

-     "aws-min": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-min",

-     "aws-fedora-ci": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-fedora-ci",

-     "aws-fcos-mgmt": "arn:aws:iam::125523088429:role/aws-fcos-mgmt",

- }



  class InfoProvider(SSSDInfoProvider):

      def __init__(self, *kwargs):

@@ -32,16 +13,37 @@ 




-                 "preconfigured", "SSSD can only be used when pre-configured", False

-             ),

+                 'preconfigured',

+                 'FAS can only be used when SSSd is pre-configured',

+                 False),

+             pconfig.String(

+                 'aws idp arn',

+                 'The AWS IDP ARN.',

+                 ''),

+             pconfig.MappingList(

+                 'aws groups',

+                 'AWS groups mapping',

+                 []),



      def get_user_attrs(self, user):

          reply = super().get_user_attrs(user)

          reply["_extras"]["awsroles"] = []

+         aws_idp_arn = self.get_config_value("aws idp arn")

+         if not aws_idp_arn:

+             return reply

+         aws_groups = dict(self.get_config_value("aws groups"))

          for group in reply["_groups"]:

-             if group in AWS_GROUPS:

+             if group in aws_groups:


-                     "%s,%s" % (AWS_IDP_ARN, AWS_GROUPS[group])

+                     "%s,%s" % (aws_idp_arn, aws_groups[group])


          return reply


+     # SSSD disables the admin UI, but we want it.


+     def get_config_obj(self):

+         return InfoProviderBase.get_config_obj(self)


+     def save_plugin_config(self, config=None):

+         return InfoProviderBase.save_plugin_config(self, config)

file modified
+6 -7
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ 

  import time

  import subprocess

  import SSSDConfig

- import logging

  import dbus


  SSSD_CONF = '/etc/sssd/sssd.conf'
@@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ 

          except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

              # Unable to read existing SSSD config so it is probably not

              # configured.

-             logging.info('Loading SSSD config failed: %s', e)

+             self.log('Loading SSSD config failed: %s', e)

              return False


          if not opts['info_sssd_domain']:
@@ -186,7 +185,7 @@ 


                  sssd_domain = sssdconfig.get_domain(domain)

              except SSSDConfig.NoDomainError:

-                 logging.info('No SSSD domain %s', domain)

+                 self.log('No SSSD domain %s', domain)



@@ -201,10 +200,10 @@ 



                  configured += 1

-                 logging.info("Configured SSSD domain %s", domain)

+                 self.log("Configured SSSD domain %s", domain)


          if configured == 0:

-             logging.info('No SSSD domains configured')

+             self.log('No SSSD domains configured')

              return False


          changes['ifp'] = {}
@@ -272,14 +271,14 @@ 

          except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

              # Unable to read existing SSSD config so it is probably not

              # configured.

-             logging.info('Loading SSSD config failed: %s', e)

+             self.log('Loading SSSD config failed: %s', e)

              return False


          for domain in changes['domains']:


                  sssd_domain = sssdconfig.get_domain(domain.encode('utf-8'))

              except SSSDConfig.NoDomainError:

-                 logging.info('No SSSD domain %s', domain)

+                 self.log('No SSSD domain %s', domain)



                  if 'ldap_user_extra_attrs' in changes['domains'][domain]:

@@ -315,6 +315,9 @@ 

                    'idp key file': keyfile,

                    'idp sig key id': '%s-sig' % keyid,

                    'idp subject salt': subject_salt}

+         opt_dam = opts.get('openidc_default_attribute_mapping')

+         if opt_dam:

+             config['default attribute mapping'] = opt_dam



          # Update global config to add login plugin