#373 Don't expire refreshable OIDC tokens
Merged 2 years ago by ngompa. Opened 2 years ago by abompard.
abompard/ipsilon refresh-expire  into  master

@@ -385,7 +385,14 @@ 

          tokens = self.get_unique_data('token')

          cleaned = 0

          for iden in tokens:

-             if int(tokens[iden]['expires_at']) <= int(time.time()):

+             token_props = tokens[iden]

+             # Values are stored as a JSON string

+             refreshable = json.loads(token_props.get("refreshable", "null"))

+             if refreshable:

+                 expires_at = token_props.get('refreshable_until')

+             else:

+                 expires_at = token_props['expires_at']

+             if expires_at is not None and int(expires_at) <= int(time.time()):

                  cleaned += 1


          return cleaned

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ 

              'providers/openidc/admin/client/%s' % reg_resp['client_id'],

              {'Client Name': 'Test suite client updated'})


-     with TC.case('Retrieving toke info'):

+     with TC.case('Retrieving token info'):

          # Testing token without client auth

          r = requests.post('',

                            data={'token': new_token['access_token']})

file modified
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ 

  from string import Template

  import time


+ from ipsilon.providers.openidc.store import OpenIDCStore, OpenIDCStaticStore


  idp_g = {'TEMPLATES': '${TESTDIR}/templates/install',

           'CONFDIR': '${TESTDIR}/etc',

           'DATADIR': '${TESTDIR}/lib',
@@ -156,3 +158,53 @@ 

          cur.execute('SELECT * FROM saml2_sessions;')

          if len(cur.fetchall()) != 0:

              raise ValueError('SAML2 sessions left behind: %s' % cur.fetchall())



+     with TC.case('Checking that refreshable OpenIDC tokens are not expired'):

+         static_db_path = os.path.join(os.environ['TESTDIR'], 'lib/idp1/openidc.static.sqlite')

+         db_path = os.path.join(os.environ['TESTDIR'], 'lib/idp1/openidc.sqlite')

+         static_store = OpenIDCStaticStore(database_url=f"sqlite:///{static_db_path}")

+         store = OpenIDCStore(

+             database_url=f"sqlite:///{db_path}", static_store=static_store

+         )


+         token_refreshable = store.issueToken(

+             client_id="client-id", username="username", scope=["openid"],

+             issue_refresh=True, userinfocode="userinfocode"

+         )


+         token_non_refreshable = store.issueToken(

+             client_id="client-id", username="username", scope=["openid"],

+             issue_refresh=False, userinfocode="userinfocode"

+         )


+         assert len(store.get_unique_data("token")) == 2


+         conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)

+         cur = conn.cursor()


+         expired_ts = int(time.time()) - 1


+         # Setting tokens to expire

+         cur.execute(

+             "UPDATE token SET value = ? WHERE name = 'expires_at'",

+             (expired_ts,)

+         )

+         conn.commit()

+         conn.close()


+         try:

+             cleanup_count = store._cleanupExpiredTokens()

+         except Exception as e:

+             print(e)

+             raise


+         if cleanup_count != 1:

+             raise Exception(

+                 f"Should only have cleaned up 1 token, cleaned {cleanup_count}"

+             )


+         tokens = store.get_unique_data("token")

+         assert len(tokens) == 1

+         if list(tokens.keys())[0] != token_refreshable["token_id"]:

+             raise Exception("The refreshable token has been cleaned up")

rebased onto 0b6d61a

2 years ago

rebased onto 4621ad8

2 years ago

rebased onto ecd70d8

2 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by ngompa

2 years ago