#360 Improve the PAM login plugin
Merged 2 years ago by ngompa. Opened 2 years ago by abompard.
abompard/ipsilon otp-field  into  master

@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ 

      def POST(self, *args, **kwargs):

          username = kwargs.get("login_name")

          password = kwargs.get("login_password")

+         password += kwargs.get("login_otp", "")

          error = None


          if username and password:

file modified
+13 -29
@@ -6,49 +6,33 @@ 

  from ipsilon.util import config as pconfig

  import pam

  import subprocess

- if 'pam' in dir(pam):

-     # Try to use newer API

-     pam_authenticate = pam.pam().authenticate  # pylint: disable=no-member

- elif 'authenticate' in dir(pam):

-     # This is an older, but supported, version

-     pam_authenticate = pam.authenticate  # pylint: disable=no-member

- else:

-     # We have never seen this version, let's abort early

-     raise ImportError('Python-PAM API unsupported')



  class Pam(LoginFormBase):


-     def _authenticate(self, username, password):

-         if self.lm.service_name:

-             ok = pam_authenticate(username, password, self.lm.service_name)

-         else:

-             ok = pam_authenticate(username, password)


-         if ok:

-             self.log("User %s successfully authenticated." % username)

-             return username


-         self.log("User %s failed authentication." % username)

-         return None


      def POST(self, *args, **kwargs):

          username = kwargs.get("login_name")

          password = kwargs.get("login_password")

          password += kwargs.get("login_otp", "")

-         user = None

          error = None


          if username and password:

-             user = self._authenticate(username, password)

-             if user:

-                 return self.lm.auth_successful(self.trans, user, 'password')

+             pam_auth = pam.pam()

+             result = pam_auth.authenticate(

+                 username, password, service=self.lm.service_name

+             )

+             if result:

+                 self.log("User %s successfully authenticated." % username)

+                 return self.lm.auth_successful(

+                     self.trans, username, 'password'

+                 )


-                 error = "Authentication failed"

-                 self.error(error)

+                 error = pam_auth.reason

+                 self.error("Error %s: %s" % (pam_auth.code, error))

+                 return self.lm.auth_failed(self.trans, error)


              error = "Username or password is missing"

-             self.error("Error: " + error)

+             self.error("Error: %s" % error)


          context = self.create_tmpl_context(


With these changes, the PAM login module works again with python-pam in its latest version and with the next unreleased version that will support 2FA.

The error message on auth failure is also improved.

@simo Could you take a look at this please?

Well, then, I guess this is good enough to merge...

Pull-Request has been merged by ngompa

2 years ago